S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 Final Previews are coming up

The Fartist

Gold Member
Ready to take delivery of the Ultimate Edition!

I'm gonna get so much pussy with that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 backpack, it's not even funny.


Can't wait for this. Its been what since 2009, 15 years since the last stalker. I can't wait.

You know what makes stalker so great, the unknow, the exploration, abandoned buildings, the knowing that this is fantasy but based on a real event.
Also the whole setup for the zone is amazing. The factions, and open world, they were doing it well before it was mainstream.

They also had things that were not in fps games of that time and rarely now. Non hit-scanned guns where ballistics, velocity and bullet drop matter and are real things.
Accuracy is also something that increases with better guns.
Enemies and npcs that react to the world around you.
Stats and lots of loot that makes sense, but not in a diablo/borderlands way.

I haven't been following this, please tell me they kept all that and the loot system, didn't dumb it down to appease cod bros and fortnite teens?

I really hope the faction system is improved, and that this is still a Single player story adventure and not some multiplayer shooter (something stalker is not and shouldn't be. We have enough of those games and not enough single player fps games).
Been playing Chernobyte , is not at the level of Stalker but has some elements about what You comment.



I hope you can explore the factory in full detail this time. Looking like those creepy Youtube explorer videos.


Gold Member
Laughed hard at "full potential".

You can buy gamepass games.
no point, I’ve never bought or felt inclined to buy a game on xbox, the series X mostly gathers dust, gets used a few times a year for select games, buying it to languish in there instead of the ps5 library wouldn’t make sense.

I’ll have the pro next month too, and I buy otherwise “included on gamespass” games on ps5 just for the dual sense games. 🤷‍♂️

Think the last game I used the X for was atomic heart, as I wanted to play it, but didn’t want to directly give money to a Russian studio.

Honestly I don’t know why I keep my subscription, I definitely don’t get my moneys worth 🤣
You can tell this one hurts them because currently there is no alternative on the platform to this style of game. Exodus is the closest but that's old now.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R trilogy is on PlayStation, I own it. I also own all the Metro games and I recently platinum'd Chernobylite. But yes, it was a lame post even if it's objectively true (the game *will* be better on Pro vs Series X and obviously base PS5 too).


Excited! I still remember the incredible atmosphere in the first one as I cautiously explored, trying to survive with crappy guns that barely worked and marveling at the early iteration of an open world. Hope this game brings that feeling back.


I really really want this to be good.

again... I don't know if it's going to live up to expectations of what a sequel should be.

here's to hoping they are able to realise some features they always wanted to with the originals.


Already preordered the limited edition despite having gamepass. It is a god damn dream game after all, one which survived not only a motherfucking cancellation and entire closure of its studio, but pandemic, office fire and a god damn war.

Read the gamepressure preview and it sounds perfect. He praises how polished it is, too, only issue were few crashes to desktop, so hopefully that will be taken care of by launch.
Yeah I went with Ultimate and have Gamepass, they deserve the money if they can release something after going through REAL development hell.


Is it fair to say this will be much more inspired by Metro than the prior entries in the series?
Doesnt look like it...and thats a good thing. It looks exactly like the old stalker games just with pretty graphics....and thats how it should be imho.
I played Metro Exodus this year again...and it was really nice. But its not really open world and very linear....and I found it way too short for my taste.


Gold Member
I had concerns about this game, considering a whole range of factors, including the ruzzian invasion. I didn't really want another Metro either so-to-speak. But it appears this game is turning out better than (I) expected. So, good times.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I had concerns about this game, considering a whole range of factors, including the ruzzian invasion. I didn't really want another Metro either so-to-speak. But it appears this game is turning out better than (I) expected. So, good times.

This year's gamescom impressions were pretty positive, even the console build seemed fairly good per DF. Looks like they made good use of the extra time.

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
I loved the original ones back in the day. And I'm looking forward to this and will be day one on XSX. But why am I so damn nervous its going to be buggy as fuck and run like shit...
I was lucky enough to play the game at the latest gamescom and also talk with the team. My playtroug was pretty in line with the old three Stalker but more refined and of course good to watch.
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