S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Legends of the Zone Trilogy Available Today - $40 Together, $20 Individual (Games are BC on PS5/Series, no Native Release)


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It's better than them cutting content, at least.
While true, if the age rating for the game - which was renewed for the re-release, I might add - isn't sufficient coverage for the content of the game, then what's the point of that rating? When beloved fifteen year old sci-fi euro-jank shooters need a "modern standards" disclaimer to fend off the social media bloodhounds, I gotta wonder: why don't Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation just show a mandatory "modern standards" disclaimer whenever you launch any game on their platform if it's this ubiqious?
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Nice to see another console game that is going to get some mod support (albeit in the future).

Will be interesting to see what kind of mods the Mod.io integration allows them to support.


How. . .is this not available on the PC? Count me as another person with every game somehow in my library, but little or no playtime because there's no controller support (or updated UI/UX).

. . .like, this seems like a no-brainer to put on PC (perhaps at a discount for owners of the original).


I've never been able to get into stalker and from what I've played, I didn't get the impression it'd be very controller friendly. Very interesting release anbd looking forward to the DF breakdown.


Gold Member
How. . .is this not available on the PC? Count me as another person with every game somehow in my library, but little or no playtime because there's no controller support (or updated UI/UX).

. . .like, this seems like a no-brainer to put on PC (perhaps at a discount for owners of the original).
Agreed. I'd love to tackle the trilogy on my Steam Deck with proper controller input and the UI... ain't great.

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
These were all great, but I just know they wont have aged well at all. I'm happy to leave them in the past and my memories.
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MASTERPIECE trilogy, Call of Pripyat is probably my favourite shooter of all time

Now, I am actually thinking about dusting my 5 years unused PS4 Pro and buying it there for the controller support

Really hoping they will patch it into the PC versions too, I have wanted to play these on TV for ages.


Controller support for these games on PC would be nice. The whole basement-desk thing that PC gaming had back then feels archaic.
Agreed and I preferred Sleeping Dogs with a keyboard and mouse, but there's no reason to not have controller support these days it's literally a few hours of work.


These were all great, but I just know they wont have aged well at all. I'm happy to leave them in the past and my memories.
I play them almost every year. I think it just depends on your tolerance of dated gunplay and janky movement. It doesn’t bother me personally as all the other positives outweigh that, but I could understand how others may not want to deal with it.
Bought with the pricing error, hopefully the PS5 patch comes soon, also apparently there will be mod support? Nice if true.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Just played the 1st game on the Series X. Works perfect. It's Stalker, exactly as you remember, well, it looks better than it did on my old 5900. Works really well with a pad too

Couldn't be happier to be honest. A nice surprise for a boring Wednesday.


Would you mind taking a picture or two and share it here?


Gold Member
too how does the play and look on PS5 vs Series X framerate etc? Deciding which console to get it on!
Immediate buy on PS5.

These are some of my favorite games of all time on PC, and this gives me an excuse to play them again (and with trophies).


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Its actually amazing and way that I would expect it to be. Game is very playable on gamepad and so far I am enjoying it, despite being here well over midnight


Will wait for opinions. When playing on PC it’s usually recommended you mod at least with community made bug fixes


Gold Member
Gah, fine! My best side too


Some Series X footage and FPS readings.

Kinda looks like it has one of those camera bugs that has become common of late. But that might just be the recording.

Nice one bud, was just about to stick a video up. What camera bug do you mean though?

In my opinion, Call of Pripyat.

If memory serves too, even unmodded, it had the better weather system.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
If any console gamer here played the game please let me know of the "quality" of this game

I heard this franchise is very buggy and require mod to actually have fun


I think they fixed the price in the psn store..
But on UK Xbox is cheaper to buy the games separate than the trilogy 29£ vs 32£ something

Edit: nevermind they changed since yesterday.....I'm regretting not buying yesterday
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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Do these three games build upon each other in terms of story or mechanics? Would it make sense to play them in order is what i'm interested in.
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