I enjoyed Unbreakable.
So is that hard to maintain?
I'm not conscious of it. I try not to be conscious of it. And I don't choose roles because of it. And, sometimes, people will just attribute stuff to it. It's like Elijah [Price, Jackson's character] in "Unbreakable." You know, people say he's "cool." He's a fucking breakable nerd. And they go, "That fucking coat and your hair -- he's just cool." And I'm like, "Really?"
We're never going to see a sequel to that movie, are we?
There were supposed to be three. I don't know.
People liked "Unbreakable."
You'll have to ask the brilliant director who wrote it and didn't do the rest of them.
He moved on to "The Last Airbender."
I mean, he hasn't made a really good movie since then.
"Signs" was OK.
There's some issues. I didn't like that thing in the cornfield.
I thought it was OK.
I didn't see the Wahlberg one.
"The Happening?
I haven't either. But wouldn't "Unbreakable 2" be a good career movie for him?
Yeah! Well, he suffered from what happened to Quentin when he made "Jackie Brown. He didn't make "Pulp Fiction 2," he made "Jackie Brown" -- which is a wonderful fucking movie.
People love "Jackie Brown."
But it wasn't "Pulp Fiction 2." "Unbreakable" also didn't have the numbers of "I see dead people." That was a problem for him ... for his ego and the studio, also.
I don't remember Tarantino taking a critical hit for "Jackie Brown."
He felt like he did. He was hurt by the fact that people didn't love it. "Pulp Fiction" was loved.
But "Pulp Fiction" is a once-in-a-lifetime-type movie.
It's a standalone film.
It's hard to top.
People have been trying to do it and trying to do it. I saw some people try to do it just a week ago and failed miserably.
Which movie is this?
"Killing Them Softly." It didn't quite happen. And going nowhere! You can do that, but you've got to go somewhere. That's the marvelous thing about Quentin: his movies are talky as all hell, but it's shit you want to hear.
If M. Night announced tomorrow that "Unbreakable 2" is going to happen, it would be all over the Internet.
Everybody would be waiting for it, yeah. It would be crazy for it. It would trend through the roof now on Twitter. But, yeah, they would. But Quentin makes movies that Quentin wants to see. I don't think M. Night makes movies for the same reason. Quentin makes movies that are genres that he wants to see. "I like Spaghetti Westerns -- I'm going to write a Spaghetti Western. I like blaxploitation movies, too - so I'm going to make the protagonist black." So, he's got a blaxploitation western with Hong Kong undertones. The "Bullet Ballet" undertones. He wants to see it and I want to see it. I want to be in that kind of movie.
I think M. Night gets too caught up on having to have a twist.
Yeah, there's that. And there's, you know, "I'm smarter than everybody coming to watch my movie." Quentin's not that. He's just, "I want you to love my movie. I want you to love it and enjoy it because this is fucking cool."