I think Sam Jackson needs to rewatch Deathproof.
That's the best part of Deathproof.
I think Sam Jackson needs to rewatch Deathproof.
Am I the only one who figured out "I see dead people" in the first 10 minutes? I never knew what the big deal about that film was.
Sam Jackson is a unique flower. Hollywood needs him because he can fill certain roles that no one else can.
Only the movies starring are goodI pretty much agree with Jackson here only I liked Signs more. Refreshingly honest interview.
That's the best part of Deathproof.
Shame that Jackie Brown bombed. It's Tarantino's best movie. Wish he'd make more like it.
Nope. He worked with Joaquin Phoenix on Signs and The Village, and Bryce Dallas Howard on The Village and Lady in the Water.Sounds like he already thought he wasn't. Shymalan doesn't seem to do sequels or work with his actors again. Bruce Willis worked with him twice, and that's all I know. I think that's the rub of what Sam was getting at.
Contrast that with Tarantino, who seems to have some actor loyalty, and frequently recasts from movie to movie.
In my opinion M. night is the biggest and worst example of failed potential. Early on, the guy was slated to be the next Spielberg, then it all came crashing down, and now I don't think he has it in him to meet anything but his failed expectations.
Too bad too, as for a time, I believed in him completely. Unbreakable was on another level. If not the best superhero film, close to it.
Nah, the best part of Deathproof is whenbecause of Girl Power or something.the first group of super annoying girls dies horribly in a car crash. Too bad there wasn't the same payoff for the second group, and Kurt Russel's character has to go out like a bitch
That was Lawrence Fishburne.
then who was the matrix???
lol, Russelwas the point of the movie and the best part.dying like a bitch
Well yeah, it's true that was the point of the movie. The problem is that it was a bad point, and the second group of girls was just as unlikeable as the first.
He's right.
Jackie Brown is a wonderful fucking movie.
Jackie Brown is a good film, but I think a good 15 - 20 minutes could've been removed and it would've been a lot better. Also, the colour palette is really drab... for some reason, most of my memories of it centre around the department store's depressing greys.
Only the movies starring are good
Samuel L. Jackson Tuesday hit back at Spike Lee's attack on Jackie Brown (1997), the Quentin Tarantino movie in which Jackson costars, claiming that Lee continues to behave as if he were the elected voice of black people. "I didn't get a chance to vote in that election, " Jackson remarked. Responding To Lee's criticism of the use of the word "nigger" in the Tarantino film, Jackson said, "I don't think the word is offensive in the context of this film. ... Black artists think they are the only ones allowed to use the word. Well, that's bull. Jackie Brown is a wonderful homage to black exploitation films. This is a good film, and Spike hasn't made one of those in a few years."