Red Liquorice
Jackie Brown is a great movie, but it does feel very similar in tone to Pulp Fiction. So it's not a sequel, but it's got that same feel.
I wonder if Gary Whitta will post
based on that bit the interviewer is terrible. "Signs was OK", "I thought it was OK", "People liked X", what the fuck. There was a multi-page thread about the After Earth trailer and all he posted were pr posts with links to youtube.
Signs is my favorite M. Night movie. Also what thing in the cornfield?
Signs is my favorite M. Night movie. Also what thing in the cornfield?
I never bought the idea that the slow lumbering naked green things were ever a global threat. I think the NRA can probably deal with them by themselves.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.Once Gary Whitta revives M Night's career Jackson will be begging to be back in his films.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
Wow. Really?Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
What? He worked with Jaiquin Phoenix twice too.Sounds like he already thought he wasn't. Shymalan doesn't seem to do sequels or work with his actors again. Bruce Willis worked with him twice, and that's all I know. I think that's the rub of what Sam was getting at.
Contrast that with Tarantino, who seems to have some actor loyalty, and frequently recasts from movie to movie.
He's right.
Jackie Brown is a wonderful fucking movie.
that's racist.gifConsidering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
wasn't the policewoman from signs in the village as well?What? He worked with Jaiquin Phoenix twice too.
I pretty much agree with Jackson here only I liked Signs more. Refreshingly honest interview.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
He's right when he says Unbreakable 2 announcement would make news. People saying BS just dont know what they're talking about.
There is no room for ANOTHER superhero movie. And there is already enough spoof/realistic comics too.
What studio would do it? Warner/Fox/Sony/Disney all got their franchises.
"Unbreakable" also didn't have the numbers of "I see dead people."
I thought Signs was great too. The Happening was okay. But Unbreakable was the best movie Shyamalan has directed/written.
If Sam Jackson thinks Killing Them Softly was trying to be Pulp, then he's an idiot.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
Unbreakable sequels would be HORRIBLE. It needs to stand alone
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
I think M. Night gets too caught up on having to have a twist.
Am I the only one who figured out "I see dead people" in the first 10 minutes? I never knew what the big deal about that film was.
Considering Sam Jackson starred in Whitta's Book of Eli, he may be in an M Night film sooner rather than later if a Whitta-Night partnership develops.
Which movie is this?
"Killing Them Softly." It didn't quite happen. And going nowhere! You can do that, but you've got to go somewhere. That's the marvelous thing about Quentin: his movies are talky as all hell, but it's shit you want to hear.