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San Andreas, it's got a 2 player mode!!!

Dunno if any of you guys have heard of a game called GTA: San Andreas, but there are sections of the game that offer 2-player co-op missions. :D

Yes, that's right. 2 player. GTA. Co-op. :D


And now I'm going to try and lick my own balls out of sheer awestruck delight. I want this game NOW. :D


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I predict posts ranging from:

wait til here it from other sources
still don't want the game GTA series is overrated.


Tag of Excellence
Ugggh I wish this was a confirmed story from Rockstar themselves. GTA:SA doesn't need two-player but it would be SO FREAKING AWESOME if it did have it. I know I'm being a stubborn fool but I want to hear confirmation from another site before I beleive it.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I guess this could work...

Provided each player neer leaves the same screen, car etc.


Unconfirmed Member
TekunoRobby said:
Ugggh I wish this was a confirmed story from Rockstar themselves. GTA:SA doesn't need two-player but it would be SO FREAKING AWESOME if it did have it. I know I'm being a stubborn fool but I want to hear confirmation from another site before I beleive it.
If you know anyone at any mag that's handling it, ask them :)
These news are from gamesTM

Oct 10 2004, 19:43

"There's so much more to be revealed - There's even talk of a top-secret two-player mode." - GamesTM Issue 24


Unconfirmed Member
solarplexus said:
These news are from gamesTM

Oct 10 2004, 19:43

"There's so much more to be revealed - There's even talk of a top-secret two-player mode." - GamesTM Issue 24
Please. Read the piece, it's very specific. To say that the piece came from that GamesTM quote is bullshit and you know it.
Mr Mike said:
Check Folder's profile - he IS Spong, so of course he'd say it was legit. ;)

LOL. Folder. At least be up front about it.

It's so freakin difficult to take anything you guys say seriously with the amout of pure BS you've thrown out over the years. Maybe if you didn't print absolutely every rumor that gets posted on message boards as absolute fact, based on "an inside source", you wouldn't be given such a hard time.

You reap what you sow.


Tag of Excellence
Awww I was kinda hoping you'd know if any other magazines confirmed this. I already knew you worked at Spong (though I didn't know you were the editor!). Don't take it like I don't trust Spong, I'm usually the same with all major news outlets that are the first with breaking news.


Unconfirmed Member
sonycowboy said:
LOL. Folder. At least be up front about it.

It's so freakin difficult to take anything you guys say seriously with the amout of pure BS you've thrown out over the years. Maybe if you didn't print absolutely every rumor that gets posted on message boards as absolute fact, based on "an inside source", you wouldn't be given such a hard time.

You reap what you sow.


Unconfirmed Member
snapty00 said:
Getting used to it now?
You know it.
I love GAF, though fuck knows why. :)
Anyway, about this news, if it doesn't prove true I'll never darken your board again.
DaCocoBrova said:
How would that even work?

Basically, I reckon it goes a little summin like this...

There are loads of missions in the main game that involve an incidental character other than CJ, racing games (not split-screen but where you have to drive really close together), driving-shooting combos, that type of thing. In these, a second player can pick up a controller and join in.

There will also be places to go to where you can play 2 player mini-games. Nothing's been confirmed yet, but all fingers are pointing at Las Venturas (the third city in the game) which is obviously Las Vegas. That also fits in with what Spong says about the 'parlour games'.

It's still basically a single player game, but there are options for someone to join in.... which would work brillinatly for a game like GTA. In those post-pub sessions where you've got people round and GTA on in the background, and everyone's just larking around the streets, punching hookers etc.... now there's something a bit more substantial.

It's gonna be a massive toybox of a game and I want it so bad I can hardly bear it.


I guess it will be like Starsky and Hutch - someone drives the car, the other person shoots or something similar.

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
I reckon it's two player in that the map is so HOOGE that one person needs to give directions using the map with the manual while the other one drives.


Mr Mike said:
I reckon it's two player in that the map is so HOOGE that one person needs to give directions using the map with the manual while the other one drives.

Actually it would be funny if in the game you could pull over and ask someone for directions


it would be awesome if 2 players could cause chaos and flee from the police at the same time.

it would eliminate the 'pass the controller after death' multiplay of previous GTA games. :)


Unconfirmed Member
bishoptl said:

Anyways, nothing personal there Folder, but I'll wait for additional confirmation.
Of course. :) Official PlayStation Magazine, whenever it comes out in the US.


Unconfirmed Member
Wyzdom said:
same rumors as other sites nothing new
Bullshit. It's 100% specific. Grow up. Did you read the piece? Which part has been reported elsewhere?


Hates quality gaming
DaCocoBrova said:
How would that even work?
i'm not saying I'm doubting you or believing you, I just want to know why after everything you say is "confirmed" you always say 100%. Is that just your way of making us think better of whatever it is, or you saying you feel the source is 100% confirmed? Because I think most people would say, for something to be "100% confirmed" it would have to come from an official source. Such as in this case, Rockstar or the like. An not someone who says they heard from the offical source that it is true. But it't not just you, nearly everyone who actually does have true insider info say the same thing. It's just those who really don't, also say they do. I think its kinda like a *president or some other offical*ahem saying "Don't worry, we're telling the truth this time. You know we aren't lying because we're saying that its true!". meh
Folder said:
Please. Read the piece, it's very specific. To say that the piece came from that GamesTM quote is bullshit and you know it.

Sorry Folder, but I don't believe anything on Spong. It's nothing personal but there were so many fake news in the past. Also Spong never gives credit to anyone and some news I've read earlier on the web appears as "exclusive" on Spong without source.

Maybe there's a 2 Player mode, maybe not. But I'll believe it when I see it with my own eyes. Most people on GTA forums don't believe it.

Oct 14 2004, 15:31 Group: Members Joined: Sep 5, 2004
I read the spong article but I did not see where they actually had it confirmed by R* or actually played it themselves, I find it hard to believe not being confirmed, it looked more like a guess to me.

Brutal_Impact Posted: Oct 14 2004, 16:00 Group: Members Joined: Aug 17, 2004
SPoNG says alot of BS.... I really doubt that this is true.

Posted: Oct 14 2004, 16:11 Group: Members Joined: May 3, 2004
I don't believe a word of this.

PHOENIXZERO Posted: Oct 14 2004, 16:44 Group: Members Joined: Jul 3, 2004

Only one problem with this... It's source, SPOnG is the online equivalent of a supermarket tabloid... While they're not always wrong and it would be cool for there to be some multi-player elements, it sounds a little stupid how it's set up not the 2 player part but the how they describe it starting with saving some girl from a fire and then they become your girlfriend. And the reason the cut scene was skipped was to not give story spoilers. Just like they've done with the "mystery woman".. Which if this is true, is probably who it is...

Yeah this is pretty much already been said but I beg you guys! At least be responsible enough to put up a disclaimer! Because if it turns out to not be true, it's going to cause problems.

mattymcs Group: Members Joined: May 13, 2004
Hmmmmmmmm... I'm extremely sceptical about this. It just stinks a bit. The way they've described the 2 player bits doesn't seem to make much sense. We'll see, but personally I'm not getting my hopes up.

brown_thunder_masta Posted: Oct 14 2004, 17:56 Group: Members Joined: Aug 25, 2004


Read the article and pay close attention to key words such as, "Naturally, none of this has been confirmed by Rockstar".
bishoptl said:
I missed that bit.

It was merely a flippant remark, a light-hearted figure-of-speech, sometimes known as a 'joke' to represent how pleased I was upon hearing the news which the rest of my post consisted of. :D

It's not the significant bit in this thread. Sorry if I confused you.

San Andreas has 2 player bits in it and that's all that matters.


Tag of Excellence
ManDudeChild said:
Maybe I'm blind or something, but I see nothing in that "article" that confirms (or say ANYTHING new) two-player mode.
Am I crazy or did they change the writing of the article? They speficially said that it was shown by Rockstar earlier today.
Hm. I think you're right.

Goreomedy said:
This two-player info wouldn't stem from pirated copy play impressions, would it?

Unless this article is just more "classic Spong" it wouldn't surprise me given the contradictory nature of that piece.
ManDudeChild said:
Maybe I'm blind or something, but I see nothing in that "article" that confirms (or say ANYTHING new) two-player mode.

SPOnG said:

"The game will contain no on-line functionality whatsoever. Rumour claiming online multiplayer is false, at least for this version of the game.

When the co-op mode is opened, icons will display the missions available to two player on the game's map.

Expect to see a plethora of two-player minigames for players to enjoy in GTA: San Andreas."

Unless you knew these things, I would say that they are new. Which means you're blind, which means I'll PM you a braile version :D
Mecha Gandhi said:
SPOnG said:

"The game will contain no on-line functionality whatsoever. Rumour claiming online multiplayer is false, at least for this version of the game.

When the co-op mode is opened, icons will display the missions available to two player on the game's map.

Expect to see a plethora of two-player minigames for players to enjoy in GTA: San Andreas."

Unless you knew these things, I would say that they are new. Which means you're blind, which means I'll PM you a braile version :D

I noticed that, but who really believed the online rumors. Plus, the other bit seems a bit odd given the fact they also give a supposed quote from Rockstar stating differently.


Tag of Excellence
I managed to find a bit of text from the original unaltered article:
Spong.com said:
There will, however, be a dedicated co-operative mode for two players. During the game, a scene ensues when the player rescues a girl from a burning building. After this act of gallantry, she becomes your in-game girlfriend and also, a playable second character. Most of the co-op action takes place inside vehicles, with player one driving and player 2 shooting. When the co-op mode is opened, icons will display the missions available to two player on the game's map.

Essentially the same paragraph but the first sentence was changed. Odd.
ManDudeChild said:
I noticed that, but who really believed the online rumors. Plus, the other bit seems a bit odd given the fact they also give a supposed quote from Rockstar stating differently.

I understand what you're driving at ManDudeChild, but I think the contradiciton is made by Rockstar rather than spong. Rockstar said that it wouldn't have multiplayer but then said that everything you want to be in it, is, having already been asked that question. That's a back-handed admittance.

People who write about games just want to find out what's going on about games, it's not in their interests to make stuff up. However, PR people are instructed to keep things secret for various reasons thought to affect the impact of the launch, and in the process, they will tell fibs.

Look no further than the Xbox Pro Evo 4 Live thing. Is it Live compatible? No, absolutely not. Is it Live compatible? No, absolutely not. Is it Live compatible? Yes it is, it's amazing isn't it!! It's a process of trying to exceed expectations.

Like the almighty Bill Hicks once said, "If you're involved in the advertising industry in any way shape or form, go kill yourself!". Journalists are scum, but compared to PR/marketing/advertising they are shining bastions of truth.

GTA is released in the US next week, I think, and so you'd imagine all the big international print magazines would already have the full detailed lowdown. I suspect this 2-player information will just be ffloating round in certain circles, with PR people trying to contain the gossip as best they can. Spong seems to have got wind of it. That's that.

I, for one, definitely believe this to be true and am looking forward to trying it out immensely.


Console Market Analyst
Damn it, where's Folder when you need clarification?

Can Spong confirm that this is split-screen multiplay? Or is there room for this to just be "choose which character you want to be" missions. Like, say, Enter the Matrix, where you could either drive or fire depending on your character.


From the way it sounds, I'm almost willing to bet you'll never leave the car. There's enough lack of ram on the PS2 that they had to do tricks with reusing car models in since GTA3. I'd imagine there's some hit on gameplay with a second player.
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