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San Andreas, it's got a 2 player mode!!!

Well I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out true, we all know how publishers can use "creative thinking" (lies) when needed. But all the same the story just doesn't sit right. But anyway, we should know everything in just over a week :)


Unconfirmed Member
Folder, what are you trying to prove here.

You tell everybody to read the piece, but one of the very first lines in the article is a DIRECT ANSWER to the question of whether or not there is multiplayer.

"There is no multiplayer in San Andreas. GTA has always been a single-player game."

It doesn't get much clearer than that. And yet you ASSUME that there IS a multiplayer mode and run with it as a full story?

I don't get it.
I am backing Folder here. Like him I am so fucking bored of people whining like bitches about Spong "making up news" - find a recent story that turned out to be total bullshit - or STFU. (Not saying you won't, but at least offer a fucking link or something - it's almost all legit these days). Numerous stories that turned out to be TRUE are all conveniently "FORGOTTEN" by the Spong bashers. I am not saying it has never posted a story that has been BS - but not really more so than sites like IGN, GS in the last year or two. As for this story, it is true. End of story. It is not "old", end of story. If so point out where it has been before. As for why nobody else can run a story that "confirms" it right now - that is because everyone who knows it is true cannot say anything about it (yet) under NDA. Which is why it will probably not make GS Rumor Control for example. You should be grateful Spong does not care about this and is prepared to risk relationships with publishers to bring you news like this. No there is no online. And yes, Rockstar is pissed off, and yes, the game will be awesome.
KyotoMecca said:
I am backing Folder here. Like him I am so fucking bored of people whining like bitches about Spong "making up news" - find a recent story that turned out to be total bullshit - or STFU. (Not saying you won't, but at least offer a fucking link or something - it's almost all legit these days). Numerous stories that turned out to be TRUE are all conveniently "FORGOTTEN" by the Spong bashers. I am not saying it has never posted a story that has been BS - but not really more so than sites like IGN, GS in the last year or two. As for this story, it is true. End of story. It is not "old", end of story. If so point out where it has been before. No there is no online. And yes, Rockstar is pissed off, and yes, the game will be awesome.

Yeah. They just get a bad rap [rolleyes]. How the hell are we supposed to provide a link, when they delete the crap they "screwed the pooch" on? It's not like we have the old GAF archives to look back on.

Spong = crap. Not saying he's not right this time, but you know the story about the boy who cried wolf right?
sonycowboy said:
Yeah. They just get a bad rap [rolleyes]. How the hell are we supposed to provide a link, when they delete the crap they "screwed the pooch" on? It's not like we have the old GAF archives to look back on.

Spong = crap. Not saying he's not right this time, but you know the story about the boy who cried wolf right?

They hardly ever delete stories. Only when threatened by a publisher because the story is true and potentially harmful. If there is SO MUCH bs on there, it should not be hard to find examples or at least cite examples you remember (RECENT ONES - not wanking on about a Daytona Live story from from 2001 which was written by fuck knows who, it's a newer team now). Their search engine is not much use for searching their news archive - but just use google (search = "keyword site:spong.com")

evil ways

KyotoMecca said:
I am backing Folder here. Like him I am so fucking bored of people whining like bitches about Spong "making up news" - find a recent story that turned out to be total bullshit - or STFU. (Not saying you won't, but at least offer a fucking link or something - it's almost all legit these days). Numerous stories that turned out to be TRUE are all conveniently "FORGOTTEN" by the Spong bashers. I am not saying it has never posted a story that has been BS - but not really more so than sites like IGN, GS in the last year or two. As for this story, it is true. End of story. It is not "old", end of story. If so point out where it has been before. As for why nobody else can run a story that "confirms" it right now - that is because everyone who knows it is true cannot say anything about it (yet) under NDA. Which is why it will probably not make GS Rumor Control for example. You should be grateful Spong does not care about this and is prepared to risk relationships with publishers to bring you news like this. No there is no online. And yes, Rockstar is pissed off, and yes, the game will be awesome.

Pee all over the toilet seat and floor 47 out of 50 times, and people will remember you for being a pisshead, regardless of whether you improved your aim or not. It's that simple.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Pronunciation: "one hundred percent"
Function: adjective
: allegedly true but provably false
synonym see "for real", "no, really, I mean it", "WE CAN EXCLUSIVELY REVEAL"

Har har! Just ribbing you guys.

Actually I don't care if Spong told me that the sky was hot pink and the earth is made out of chocolate cake. The writing style is my issue.
evil ways said:
Pee all over the toilet seat and floor 47 out of 50 times, and people will remember you for being a pisshead, regardless of whether you improved your aim or not. It's that simple.

I said: EXAMPLES (with links)
Provide then then I will STFU
Sick of TALK
fennec fox said:
although to be honest Spong is much better with facts nowadays.

so how many times does Folder have to talk about "new staff" before it makes sense to you? Damn, videogame journalists on GA scare the shit out of me.
fennec fox said:
Like they said, you can't because they get deleted.

- Nintendo buys Capcom
- GoldenEye/TimeSplitters 3 cancelled

are two recent examples, although to be honest Spong is much better with facts nowadays.

We went through all of this before in threads like these

Excuse me, but as that link discusses at length, it was MARK CALE who was revealed (or defined "bogus" by GS's RC column) - NOT that Spong misreported anything. In fact it was Spong that was EXPOSING Mark Cale as the sheister.

Never saw Nintendo buys Capcom but I'd like Folder to explain.
Don't recall a report that GE/TS3 was cancelled, if it was removed, then, er, let me get back to you


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
We should be grateful? Should we kiss your ass too? Congrats on the scoop if true, but even still, excuse my language, fuck you and your podium. I think I can safely say that NO ONE in this forum gives a shit whether spong loses any relationships it has with publishers.. NO ONE.
Am I the only one who really isnt impressed with the idea of a alleged not even split screen multiplayer? Dont get me wrong, my antisipation is through the roof for this game, but it just seems that if it does indeed have a multiplayer and it wasnt split screen, it would kinda defete the purpose, and not give the freedom I would want to see from it. All in all though, that article, while I wont say is BS, seems to really assume a lot. Ok, so R* says that there is no multiplayer, and than they skip a in game video, and than are asked what to expect. And R* saying...

"Everything you would like to see in San Andreas should be there"

To me, I would take that as, everything that we have not JUST told you ISNT in the game will be there. that's a really big assumption Spong. Sounds more like you heard what you wanted to hear.

~Black Deatha

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
KyotoMecca said:
Excuse me, but as that link discusses at length, it was MARK CALE who was revealed (or defined "bogus" by GS's RC column) - NOT that Spong misreported anything. In fact it was Spong that was EXPOSING Mark Cale as the sheister.
Gee, Cale wasn't involved with either of the stories I posted.


Chili Con Carnage!
:lol You are all gonna be so 0wned....i cant wait.

Seriously though why cant you people just get over it? They used to post anything they could find, now they dont. Simple as that.
Ghost said:
:lol You are all gonna be so 0wned....i cant wait.

Seriously though why cant you people just get over it? They used to post anything they could find, now they dont. Simple as that.

I don't think anyone is saying that they're lying. There will be no ownage, unless there was someone who declared the original "rumor" complete bs and called him a liar.

I don't think it's completely out of the question to be circumspect about their news stories.


Chili Con Carnage!
I guess it is completely out of the question to stop dwelling on past mistakes that have been acknowledged by the spong guys in several previous threads though eh?


Ghost said:
:lol You are all gonna be so 0wned....i cant wait.


Having doubts about a rumor will lead to 0wnership? Nearly everyone in the thread has stated that its very possible what Sp0ng is saying is accurate, they just have their doubts. The people who believe sp0ng right off the bat are the only ones getting owned. They may have had a recent upsurge of integrity, but they have a WHOLE LOT of bogus shit to make up for before they'll be considered reputable.
DarienA said:
We should be grateful? Should we kiss your ass too? Congrats on the scoop if true, but even still, excuse my language, fuck you and your podium. I think I can safely say that NO ONE in this forum gives a shit whether spong loses any relationships it has with publishers.. NO ONE.

Which is why I was suggesting it is the news they should be grateful for.

It is not my scoop and nothing to do with me as several users here could testify.

Note to all: this gentleman was needlessly offensive to me directly! Shame!
Black Deatha said:
Am I the only one who really isnt impressed with the idea of a alleged not even split screen multiplayer? Dont get me wrong, my antisipation is through the roof for this game, but it just seems that if it does indeed have a multiplayer and it wasnt split screen, it would kinda defete the purpose, and not give the freedom I would want to see from it. All in all though, that article, while I wont say is BS, seems to really assume a lot. Ok, so R* says that there is no multiplayer, and than they skip a in game video, and than are asked what to expect. And R* saying...

To me, I would take that as, everything that we have not JUST told you ISNT in the game will be there. that's a really big assumption Spong. Sounds more like you heard what you wanted to hear.

~Black Deatha

I think the other, specific 2p details are probably based on a different source, don't you??!!

In fairness it would be nice if we knew what this source was!! ;-)


Unconfirmed Member
Everybody is getting so worked up on the "Spong sucks"/"no they're better now" debate that it seems nobody is reading the article.


As I said before, I don't even get what Folder's point is. The article shows Rockstar saying one thing very clearly and flat out, and then the Spong guys decided that what they must have meant was the exact opposite. Sorry, Folder, but I don't see any reason to believe what you guys are saying. Do I believe Spong's speculation or do I take the very specific word of the developer? I think the answer should be pretty self-evident.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
KyotoMecca said:
Note to all: this gentleman was needlessly offensive to me directly! Shame!

You haven't seen needless or offensive yet.... suffice to say Spong will continue to fight an uphill battle against credibility. To act anyway surprised by this is idiocy. Sins of the past baby, sins of the past, a few good scoops don't wipe away a host of shit.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Mecha Gandhi said:
SPOnG said:

"The game will contain no on-line functionality whatsoever. Rumour claiming online multiplayer is false, at least for this version of the game.

When the co-op mode is opened, icons will display the missions available to two player on the game's map.

Expect to see a plethora of two-player minigames for players to enjoy in GTA: San Andreas."

Unless you knew these things, I would say that they are new. Which means you're blind, which means I'll PM you a braile version :D

Wow. A rare moment in that someone on GAF can actually read. ;)

Some of these Spong haters really need a logic check sometimes.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
fennec fox said:
Like they said, you can't because they get deleted.

- Nintendo buys Capcom
- GoldenEye/TimeSplitters 3 cancelled

are two recent examples, although to be honest Spong is much better with facts nowadays.

We went through all of this before in threads like these

1 - Nintendo buying Capcom was looking to be legit. Capcom was offering stern no comments and off the record said this looks like it was going through. I remember this because we were chasing it on CVG at the time.

2 - Yeah, that was retarded. Spong dropped the ball on that one. God knows where they got that.
MetatronM said:
Everybody is getting so worked up on the "Spong sucks"/"no they're better now" debate that it seems nobody is reading the article.


As I said before, I don't even get what Folder's point is. The article shows Rockstar saying one thing very clearly and flat out, and then the Spong guys decided that what they must have meant was the exact opposite. Sorry, Folder, but I don't see any reason to believe what you guys are saying. Do I believe Spong's speculation or do I take the very specific word of the developer? I think the answer should be pretty self-evident.

I think you're being a bit naive there. Prior to GTA's official release, games journalists will want to find out as much as possible about the game. Rockstar's PR people, however, will be trying to keep it all quiet. Journalists get enormous amounts of shit for lying, PR people are actually paid to do it.

Spong is saying that there is a multiplayer mode, and that Rockstar denies its existence. Official confirmations rarely come straight from the lips of developers, and yes, you probably should believe the speculation of independent/professional games journalists over PR talk. Just like if you want to know about politics, you read a newspaper and don't just ring up a political party's press/spin-office for the supposed 'truth'.


Spong is saying that there is a multiplayer mode, and that Rockstar denies its existence. Official confirmations rarely come straight from the lips of developers, and yes, you probably should believe the speculation of independent/professional games journalists over PR talk. Just like if you want to know about politics, you read a newspaper and don't just ring up a political party's press/spin-office for the supposed 'truth'.
We trust newspaper information because it is empirical. But Spong? Hearsay rumours and poorly developed suspicion. Yeah, I suppose we should trust Spong over mere "PR talk".

I'm not even about to say that Spong is wrong. I just think that those people defending them are clinically retarded.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Well I know this is 100% fact. Ask your journo friends if you do not believe.

The fact you guys continually make this a 'Spong' issue just seems amusing.
boutrosinit said:
Well I know this is 100% fact. Ask your journo friends if you do not believe.

The fact you guys continually make this a 'Spong' issue just seems amusing.

It wouldn't be an issue if they:

-Would stop posting bullshit (although they've toned it down a little)
-Claim news as exclusive when it's stole it from somewhere else (not always, but sometimes)
-Have a writing style that isn't so sensationalistic.

True or not in this case, although the chances of it being false are admittedly low all things considered, isn't really the full issue. The article itself doesn't make much sense.
ManDudeChild said:
True or not in this case, although the chances of it being false are admittedly low all things considered, isn't really the full issue. The article itself doesn't make much sense.

I think it's now been completely re-written. I suspect the orginal article had to be altered due to pressure coming from Rockstar, meaning that it didn't necessarily read properly afterwards.

It all seems fairly matter-of-fact now.
DarienA said:
Was a followup article dispelling this rumor ever published?

That first article was subtitled 'Hot Gossip from sunny LA', so it was hardly untrue to start with. That was a rumour and was addressed as such, just like GS rumour-control.

And yes, they followed it up the very next day with the official word from Nintendo.



Unconfirmed Member
Hey guess what? San Andreas has multiplayer co-op mode.
Cool huh?
Anyone want to see a couple of pics of my wife to be? I'm *so* in love.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Mecha Gandhi said:
That first article was subtitled 'Hot Gossip from sunny LA', so it was hardly untrue to start with. That was a rumour and was addressed as such, just like GS rumour-control.

And yes, they followed it up the very next day with the official word from Nintendo.


Well there ya go then, they posted a rumor, then the posted a followup.


Console Market Analyst
Through reputable sources

Folder, can you confirm or deny if these sources are giving you this information after having played the leaked code? I mean, if Rockstar is being this hush-hush about it, so as not to get hopes up about a dedicated co-op mode, you would think anyone in a position to know about the feature would also suggest some caution in the way you guys report it.

The story has been revised three or more times by now, which is a bit suspect...


Unconfirmed Member
Goreomedy said:
Folder, can you confirm or deny if these sources are giving you this information after having played the leaked code? I mean, if Rockstar is being this hush-hush about it, so as not to get hopes up about a dedicated co-op mode, you would think anyone in a position to know about the feature would also suggest some caution in the way you guys report it.

The story has been revised three or more times by now, which is a bit suspect...
Of course.

The code isn't leaked, it was officially shown by Rockstar to our source and at great length. (Around a week of supervised play) Remember, I have to be careful about this, but reviews are slated to hit alongside the game. So all print outlets have just completed tying it all up now. Two + two and all that...

The rewrites were a fuck up between editorial staff here. A fuck up that made my blood boil this morning.

About Rockstar, they went fucking bananas yesterday as this was supposed to be OPM2 exclusive in the US and the UK. They lied, threatened, lied again, threatened again, then became really cynical. For example one guy, who I'd never spoken to before, who started a conversation by lying to me, said, "This is no way to conduct a trusting relationship. We'll withdraw support from you and right now, we see you as one of our premium media partners. Please just take it down as a personal favour to me?"

This went on and on all day - We were contacted by THREE different Rockstar staffers yesterday.

SPOnG - Everybody hates us and we don't care :)


Unconfirmed Member
For the record:

Rockstar pulled all its advertising with us for San Andreas today. The reason was for not complying with its wishes to remove the news yesterday. Although it was pointed out that the piece was in no way negative, it was actually quite celebratory, as will the preview and review be, they pulled it anyway. It’s not a big client and doesn’t harm us in any way, though it’s always nice to run big game ads, know what I mean?

“If you’d have done what we asked, and taken the piece down, we wouldn’t have pulled the ads. If you make a mess of the Official PlayStation 2 Magazine’s exclusive, what do you expect?”

The rep on the phone explained that breaking a magazine’s exclusive is in some way a massively dishonourable thing to do. I don’t know how you all feel about it on here, but, well, balls to them was my thought. If they’d have kept their mouths shut, the info leak wouldn’t have happened.

So I’m not here to complain really, just offer an insight, if you all needed it, you’re a pretty clued up bunch, into what it can be like on the shitty end on the publisher stick. Was the piece incorrect? No. Was it libellous? Again no. So why should we pull it help what is essentially a competitor have an exclusive that literally just fell into its lap?

It’s all a bit of a shame really. Like I say, it’s not the spend, that’s negligible given the firm’s online budget and small schedule. It’s a publisher trying control one media outlet in favour on another. I understand, obviously, that OPM is a much bigger and more important outlet that SPOnG, but that’s hardly my concern. My concern is to break the news. If you knew the truth of the matter, the way publishers control the press with their budgets, you’d be shocked I think. I know it’s obvious that it goes on to an extent, but I have literally seen men who work on magazines (up to but not including level of publisher) in near tears with frustration at what they have been forced to do with their magazine that, they love and have invested so much time and dedication into.

Oh well, c’est la vie.

Still not a super fan of your site, but sorry to hear that happened. I know how publishers can be, pulling any line they can when THEY make a mistake and let information out. My view on the subject is the same as yours, they shouldn't cry foul since they let it happen. Recent examples of publisher stupidoty as of late include: Microsoft Xbox 2 job listing, Eidos posting the Blood Money press release early and so forth. It's THEIR MISTAKE.

Folder said:
It’s all a bit of a shame really. Like I say, it’s not the spend, that’s negligible given the firm’s online budget and small schedule. It’s a publisher trying control one media outlet in favour on another. I understand, obviously, that OPM is a much bigger and more important outlet that SPOnG, but that’s hardly my concern. My concern is to break the news. If you knew the truth of the matter, the way publishers control the press with their budgets, you’d be shocked I think. I know it’s obvious that it goes on to an extent, but I have literally seen men who work on magazines (up to but not including level of publisher) in near tears with frustration at what they have been forced to do with their magazine that, they love and have invested so much time and dedication into.

Oh well, c’est la vie.


Totally agree. Especially with the hoops some publishers make publications jump through to get code, particularly on large games *cough*Rockstar.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm guessing the two player mode has to do with drivebys. Eh? Zuh? Tuah? I imagine it is two player for driving sections only, but maybe they can also help you with robberies. Wuah? huh!?
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