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Sandra Day O'Connor Retiring from the Supreme Court

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border said:
I think Bush will probably go with moderates (or at least I hope so).
Right. :( I remember a time when people thought his presidency would be total middle-of-the-road due to the closeness and unsureness of the 2000 election.
PotatoeMasher said:
I guess that would make me anti-choice, then? I don't consider myself anti-choice... I just see the responsible choice as the one that leads to the pregnancy in the first place...

Let me call it what I want to, and I'll let you. It works that way.

You're free to call things whatever you want. No one's implying you're anti-choice any more than, as someone else pointed out, I'm anti-life. I was simply pointing out your incorrect use of terminology.
gigapower said:
So you'd rather have an unwanted child possibly living off of welfare all their life, possibly turning to a life of crime over a woman making a personal choice that no one but her has a right to make.

You probably also don't think gays should be allowed to be married because it would destroy the moral fiber of America and bring down the US. Instead of letting two people show their love of each other and live happily together, you'd rather see them unhappy and oppressed.

I'll not assume a child will automatically be bad if it is an accident. I have three little cousins that could have been aborted by their unmarried mother, and I'm certainly glad that they weren't. I don't mind if someone lives off of welfare, he/she still has the right to live.

I think gay marriage is fine, that has nothing to do with abortion, don't make assumptions as I have never voiced my opinions on gay marriage here.
I've seen a plethora of anti-Bush/REP hating threads on this board and I'm really curious as to why this thread isn't 38 pages long yet.

Y'all DEMs need to be afraid. Very afraid. This is gonna be Bush's freebie. Rhenquist isn't gonna make it past 2008 and there's also one dude on the SC who's 85. Those two will be getting replacements in Bush's term. Count on it. Getting a freebie with SDO retiring is just icing on the cake.

It'll be a choice that is slightly tempered by the fact that Rove will not want to rumple too many feathers in moderate land with the 2006 midterms coming up. However, don't be jaded enough to think that he's going to cower just because Frist grew a pussy with the nuclear option.

Bush I had two appointees. Bush II will likely get three. Just think, over half of the SCJs will be appointed by one family. Fuck the Kennedy's. That's a dadgum dynasty.

Thank God All Mighty that bleeding heart communist Kerry isn't getting this chance.


Bush's job approval rating is at or around 45% right now. A Congress coming up for election next year should keep that in mind when they consider how blindly they want to approve anything he wants for policy, and anyone he wants for SCOTUS.

If the trend continues, and there's no reason why it shouldn't: Logical or not, people blame the President when it starts to cost more to fill their SUV's tank; people are starting to take harder looks at what we're doing in Iraq and wonder if it's worth it.

Maybe we can all start singing the Lame Duck song by the middle of next year.
siamesedreamer said:
Thank God All Mighty that bleeding heart communist Kerry isn't getting this chance.

I'm almost afraid to ask whether you're serious with this line, what with the use of "y'all" and "dadgum."
siamesedreamer said:
I've seen a plethora of anti-Bush/REP hating threads on this board and I'm really curious as to why this thread isn't 38 pages long yet.

Y'all DEMs need to be afraid. Very afraid. This is gonna be Bush's freebie. Rhenquist isn't gonna make it past 2008 and there's also one dude on the SC who's 85. Those two will be getting replacements in Bush's term. Count on it. Getting a freebie with SDO retiring is just icing on the cake.

It'll be a choice that is slightly tempered by the fact that Rove will not want to rumple too many feathers in moderate land with the 2006 midterms coming up. However, don't be jaded enough to think that he's going to cower just because Frist grew a pussy with the nuclear option.

Bush I had two appointees. Bush II will likely get three. Just think, over half of the SCJs will be appointed by one family. Fuck the Kennedy's. That's a dadgum dynasty.

Thank God All Mighty that bleeding heart communist Kerry isn't getting this chance.
Joke character?
xsarien said:
Bush's job approval rating is at or around 45% right now. A Congress coming up for election next year should keep that in mind when they consider how blindly they want to approve anything he wants for policy, and anyone he wants for SCOTUS.

If the trend continues, and there's no reason why it shouldn't: Logical or not, people blame the President when it starts to cost more to fill their SUV's tank; people are starting to take harder looks at what we're doing in Iraq and wonder if it's worth it.

Maybe we can all start singing the Lame Duck song by the middle of next year.

It doesn't matter anymore those that will take over in 2008 want to keep the same regime going. Bush isn't some anomoly he is the way Americans want to go. So I have no hope for SCOTUS appointment or anything else that comes from that administration.

That's my optimistic view.
Father_Brain said:
On O'Connor, we should also remember some of the more... unpleasant aspects of her almost quarter-century on the Court:


What's your problem with, of all things, that? She wanted to retire while a Republican was in office so that a Republican would nominate her successor. A Gore win meant that she was "stuck" in Washington at least another four years if she wanted to keep to that desire. At least she had the decency to stick around for Bush to "legitimatize" his position.
teiresias said:
So can someone explain to me Canada's apparently painful immigration process?
Will you actually leave if we do? I'm so tired of these hollow promises, although the fact that my wife makes them too surely makes my patience for them shorter. Put up or shut up time, you know...


I really think the congress election next year is more important than the 04 presidential campaign. I sure hope we get rid of the extreme republicans.
Squirrel Killer said:
Will you actually leave if we do? I'm so tired of these hollow promises, although the fact that my wife makes them too surely makes my patience for them shorter. Put up or shut up time, you know...

See, but you're assuming your wife does based on politics.

(just kidding around)


AssMan said:
I really think the congress election next year is more important than the 04 presidential campaign. I sure hope we get rid of the extreme republicans.

The doom is clear. All hope renounce, ye lost, who enter here.
Squirrel Killer said:
Will you actually leave if we do? I'm so tired of these hollow promises, although the fact that my wife makes them too surely makes my patience for them shorter. Put up or shut up time, you know...
There's a difference between finding information on immigration and actually moving. For instance, I've done some reading on immigration to Canada, but my academic situation prevents me from going anywhere for about 4-5 years. Then, I can travel. Of course, Canada can't be the only possibility. Who knows what Canada may become in a couple of years.

Teiresias: From what I recall, if you have a needed profession, it's not super hard to become Canadain. You are young and educated, so some doors might open (this comes back to the Canadian immigration quiz that was posted a while back).
Dead serious. But, I wouldn't expect GAF to accept someone who's different from them (even though y'all liberal fucks support AA and such - hey, go ask Bush about a diverse cabinet and then compare it to your lily white queen Howard Dean's).

I am disappointed though. It only took six replies to call me stupid. What's wrong with you people? I kinda miss the days of the election.


Setec Astronomer
siamesedreamer said:
Dead serious. But, I wouldn't expect GAF to accept someone who's different from them (even though y'all liberal fucks support AA and such - hey, go ask Bush about a diverse cabinet and then compare it to your lily white queen Howard Dean's).
I just have this mild aversion to people looking to dismantle liberty in the name of family values.
siamesedreamer said:
Dead serious. But, I wouldn't expect GAF to accept someone who's different from them (even though y'all liberal fucks support AA and such - hey, go ask Bush about a diverse cabinet and then compare it to your lily white queen Howard Dean's).
Was that like some kind of racial epithet?
siamesedreamer said:
Dead serious. But, I wouldn't expect GAF to accept someone who's different from them (even though y'all liberal fucks support AA and such - hey, go ask Bush about a diverse cabinet and then compare it to your lily white queen Howard Dean's).

I am disappointed though. It only took six replies to call me stupid. What's wrong with you people? I kinda miss the days of the election.

Oh my.
siamesedreamer polishing off his victimization routine...just in time for the supreme court fight. :lol

cry some more about your 11 seat majority in the senate, 35+ in the house, and conservative dominated courts. remember, friend, 7 of the 9 justices on the court have been selected by republican presidents. also, be sure not to forget bush v. gore 2000!


[A]t an election-night party on Nov. 7, surrounded for the most part by friends and familiar acquaintances, [Justice O'Connor] let her guard drop for a moment when she heard the first critical returns shortly before 8 p.m. Sitting in her hostess's den, staring at a small black-and-white television set, she visibly started when CBS anchor Dan Rather called Florida for Al Gore. "This is terrible," she exclaimed. She explained to another partygoer that Gore's reported victory in Florida meant that the election was "over," since Gore had already carried two other swing states, Michigan and Illinois.

Moments later, with an air of obvious disgust, she rose to get a plate of food, leaving it to her husband to explain her somewhat uncharacteristic outburst. John O'Connor said his wife was upset because they wanted to retire to Arizona, and a Gore win meant they'd have to wait another four years. O'Connor, the former Republican majority leader of the Arizona State Senate and a 1981 Ronald Reagan appointee, did not want a Democrat to name her successor. Two witnesses described this extraordinary scene to Newsweek. Responding through a spokesman at the high court, O'Connor had no comment.

On . . . the day of the Supreme Court's first opinion on the election, O'Connor and her husband had attended a party for about thirty people at the home of a wealthy couple named Lee and Julie Folger. When the subject of the election controversy came up, Justice O'Connor was livid. "You just don't know what those Gore people have been doing," she said. "They went into a nursing home and registered people that they shouldn't have. It was outrageous." It was unclear where the justice had picked up this unproved accusation, which had circulated only in the more eccentric right-wing outlets, but O'Connor recounted the story with fervor.

Oh no!!!!!!!

I was insulted by a guy who's avatar is a person who got his ass whooped by 4 million votes. Please quit. You're scaring me! :lol

Just like I said, nobody here has any intelligent prose to share. No wonder y'all are DEMs.

*shruggs shoulders*
siamesedreamer said:
Oh no!!!!!!!

I was insulted by a guy who's avatar is a person who got his ass whooped by 4 million votes. Please quit. You're scaring me! :lol

Just like I said, nobody here has any intelligent prose to share. No wonder y'all are DEMs.

*shruggs shoulders*

Like him or not you just have to love the balls on this guy. Just have fun with it....

I would love to see the world from a perspective like his just for a day or two, eye opening I am sure.
Fight for Freeform said:
Hmm...what's the best thing to happen to Bush?

9/11...or this?
When I heard the little Bush speech snippet on the radio, I thought about how he must be suppressing all that kid-at-the-candy-store glee.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
i think it's funny how freaked some of you get

plus supreme court justices tend to show their true colors after being accepted, many of the supposed "conservative" judges flip flopped after getting into the court since it's a life time appointment.
Alcibiades said:
isn't he pro-life....

honestly I could care less about any issue but I'd definitely want someone that would be againt the Roe V. Wade decision...

"Graham scores 0% by NARAL on pro-choice voting record"

what beef would conservatives have with Graham?

Conservatives with a clue or NeoCons? After his on the record opinions on the filibusters a couple months back, most NeoCons probably rather have him be ignored.


siamesedreamer said:
Oh no!!!!!!!

I was insulted by a guy who's avatar is a person who got his ass whooped by 4 million votes. Please quit. You're scaring me! :lol

Just like I said, nobody here has any intelligent prose to share. No wonder y'all are DEMs.

*shruggs shoulders*

I knew this kid was going to be gold with his initial anti-Corgan thread. He hasn't disappointed yet. Where art thou -jinx-?

This should be a fun month for politics. Now we have the Supreme Court vacancy, which will inevitably resurrect the filibuster issue and reopen the fantastic divisions this administration loves pouring salt into, alongside Bolton's pending nomination status, rising violence in Afghanistan, our grandstanding parade in Iraq, a new hardliner in Iran which I'm sure Bush will be more than happy to infuriate with passing ignorance, and escalating Israel/Palenstine situation as always. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
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