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Sarah Palin calls out Trump: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism'

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Of course the sell-out is coming you ridiculous bint. The ability to sell-out consistently and cowardly is one of the man's defining traits. You're talking about a man who literally sells his family name to people, did you think for an instant he had some principles where the price was too high?


Sounds like the big sell-out is coming. Oh well. The voters did what we could. If Trump sells out, it's not our fault.

Yes it is. You chose to vote for a demagogue. You get what you deserve.

The only sympathy is for people who didnt vote for him and still suffer.
Oh yes it is, you complete morons.

Voters who overwhelmingly believe in "personal responsibility" aren't willing to take responsibility for their actions.

Always someone else's fault: Liberals, Obama, Political Correctness. I won't be surprised if they throw Trump under the bus too when it's all said and done, but it's never their fault.


Impeachment is coming, folks. It's not a matter of if but when, and don't be surprised to see mass protests for a snap election under the undoubtedly horrible rule of Mike Pence
Coulter and Palin are like broken clocks. I think earlier in the week Coulter also spoke about not touching Medicare because that wasn't what the election was about. When Ryan was talking about it.
"Oh shit! We can't attack every single thing Obama does now! What do we do!?! Hmm, we can call liberals whiners and attack them for going at Trump... nah played out. Let's bait Trumpites! $$$"
Maybe Trump winning was a blessing in disguise just so everything immediately falls apart before he even gets inaugurated?

But then we'd most likely be stuck with a Pence presidency, so maybe not...
Also Anne Coulter tweeted a few hours ago:
And behold, this is how Trump voters will rationalize their mistake. "We only voted for him; how is it our fault he did [x] after being elected?!" And then they will happily vote whoever has an R next to their name in 18, 20 and so on.


"In fact, it's really YOUR fault for not ever once telling us Trump would be no good as president!"


Clothed, sober, cooperative



Fuck you Coulter, you idiots voted for a guy that was on every side of every issue. If there was anything he was remotely consistent on it was selling out. You get what you voted for.


Im pretty sure he only did it because Obama made fun of him specifically on the carrier promise, and he got his feelings hurt. Ill be surprised if Carrier isnt the last company to benefit from this policy.

And Im not entirely sure I agree with palin. Alot of countries do the same thing to keep companies home, it can be an issue of sovereignty sometimes. Some might call it... socialist.


Coulter is in complain mode because Romney probably will get Secretary of State. Romney is suddenly the devil.
lmao @ that Coulter tweet. Voters did what they could? Like vote an obvious con-man and bumbling idiot into the highest office in the country?
What the fuck? Is this what is causing Republicans to turn on him? Don't most people see this as a win for Trump, and by extension, the GOP?

"Most people" as in uninformed people who just see '1,000 jobs saved' without any context maybe, but now that the nature of the deal is being revealed it's not a win for anyone outside Trump's PR. Liberals and conservatives both see this kind of deal as horrible and a bad trend to set, though their reasoning may be different as to why. It's also the kind of stuff Putin does in Russia, and has contributed in no small part to their economy being in a freefall.


No Scrubs
Wait a second, Sarah Palin is talking sense? What kind of bizarro-ass timeline are we in right now? Is there a way to get back to the good timeline?


This is good in a bad way. The people who voted him wanted destruction of the system. They got what they wished for but in reverse, the destruction of their system
Trump backed himself into a corner there. If he does it again Republicans like these ones will turn on him, if he doesn't Democrats will expose him like a con man that never cares about the working class (Bernie getting ready) and just exploited their fears.

This is a good thing.

Idunno, we talked a whole lot about how Trump saying the election is rigged would be great for us because it would discourage his own base from voting and look how that turned out. He ran a godawful campaign and is by every measure unfit to hold the office and still won, so I'm hesitant to use anything resembling logic when assessing the political fallout of any given event.
If Sarah Palin wrote that herself I'll eat my copy of the Constitution.

It's easy to paint Palin as a total idiot, because she is, but if you actually go back to a lot of her material from '04 as the VP nominee, it's not that unbelievable she'd write/say something like that. It was always clear she was a loon, but she could form those ideas. Even if she, herself, didn't write them, she delivered them, so she clearly agrees with it
Idunno, we talked a whole lot about how Trump saying the election is rigged would be great for us because it would discourage his own base from voting and look how that turned out. He ran a godawful campaign and is by every measure unfit to hold the office and still won, so I'm hesitant to use anything resembling logic when assessing the political fallout of any given event.
I kind of agree. But I guess it can be political ammo and see how it works with the voters.
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