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Sarah Palin: The Official PoliGAF Thread of Controversy and Media Vetting

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Giganticus said:
The very fact that these potential controversies exist are enough to justify questioning the validity of the pick and the wisdom of McCain. If there was thorough vetting beforehand, maybe McCain (or whoever handles him) would've made a pick that the media wouldn't've torn apart.

Either Sarah Palin was vetted, and McCain made a really bad decision, or she wasn't vetted, and McCain made a really bad decision.

Let's not forget that if even a quarter of these allegations prove true, the GOP ticket is screwed because of it.

HAHAHA! ... Riiiiiiiiiight. Because that's what American voters use when they vote: Facts and brains.
Giganticus said:
EDIT: a new one!

In a fit of corruption and self serving desires, Palin mangles up the entire Board of Agriculture and Conservation to put taxpayer money in the pockets of her friends.

Wow . . . it sounds like she really milked the system.


I am Korean.
SnakeswithLasers said:
HAHAHA! ... Riiiiiiiiiight. Because that's what American voters use when they vote: Facts and brains.
You're right. It doesn't matter if it's true. It feels true. :lol
Remember The Bridge To Nowhere, Ted Stevens’ favorite project that “Alaskan Maverick Reformer” said she opposed during her introductory speech with John McCain in Dayton, Ohio? Well she was, how they like to say, ‘for it before she was against it,’ not just for it, really, really for it. She even had a t-shirt made:


“Palin said Alaska’s congressional delegation worked hard to obtain funding for the bridge as part of a package deal and that she ‘would not stand in the way of the progress toward that bridge.”
Ketchikan Daily News 9/2006

Man . . . the more I click, the weirder it gets.

The right-wing immediately jumped on the "Well, Wooten abused her and her kids!" meme. Hmm . . . well if true, that doesn't absolve having the governor get involved, but it makes it kinda understandable.

But . . .

In 2005, Palin and her sister Molly went to the Palmer Courthouse while Mike Wooten was in Portland with his stepson. They convinced a judge to grant Molly a domestic violence restraining order against Wooten. This was done so Molly could retain full custody of the children.

When Wooten returned from Portland, he realized that there was a order prohibiting him from seeing his kids. Three weeks later, Wooten was granted an appearance in front of the couple's divorce judge.

In front of Judge Suddock, Molly testified that Wooten never hit her or never physically abused her or ever touched the children. She told the judge she was feeling pressure from her family to file the order.

Suddock immediately dissolved the order because there was no proof of any domestic violence and called the order an abuse of the legal system.
He then scolded Palin's sister for keeping Wooten's kids away from him.

So the allegations of abuse are bullshit? Well, there should be court records of all this, so it will come out. Man, things may get even more ugly.

Here is one not in the OP

eBay-Jet-gate - In her big speech Sarah Palin proudly said that she didn't think the Alaska governor needed a private jet . . . so she put it on eBay. In a later stump speech, McCain said she "sold it on eBay . . . for a profit!" Woah there. She did put the jet on eBay, but it was not sold on eBay. And the jet was not sold at a profit. But wait . . . it continues . . . . it was sold to an Alaska businessman . . . that had donated to Palin and John Harris that brokered the (sweetheart?) deal. So was this really saving the tax-payers lots of money? . . . or perhaps it was a sweetheart deal to a crony?

Like the 'bridge to nowhere' story, this story starts as something she brags about but when the real facts come out, the story is more of something to be ashamed of.


Rodent Whores
ZealousD said:
I won't stop you.
My question was more of a criticism of political anklebiting than a desire to see the other three with their own negative threads.

I fail to see how this is the raising of discourse that both Obama and McCain stress so much.


Palin never said the jet was sold at a profit, McCain was the one who said it was sold at a profit. This could probably spun as McCain not outright lying, but not doing enough research on Palin's background, which was a consistent theme for the past week.


Hsieh said:
Palin never said the jet was sold at a profit, McCain was the one who said it was sold at a profit. This could probably spun as McCain not outright lying, but not doing enough research on Palin's background, which was a consistent theme for the past week.
No, she just sold it at a loss to a strong supporter. Nope, nothing wrong with that...


*drowns in jizz*
Hsieh said:
Palin never said the jet was sold at a profit, McCain was the one who said it was sold at a profit. This could probably spun as McCain not outright lying, but not doing enough research on Palin's background, which was a consistent theme for the past week.

Sorry, I find it difficult to believe that McCain would just make that up on his own. She must have definitely stated that it was sold at a profit to him at one time or another.

1. I think the jet thing is definitely worth adding to the OP, as it suggests a case for chronic lying for no particularly compelling reason, and a certain ease and comfort in doing so.

2. What I think is even more worth adding to the OP is the fact that she's cut special needs funding in her state by a massive amount. This is significant due to how much she's been pushing her special needs child politically, and how she claims she will be a 'friend' for special needs people as President. This particular issue suggests a blatant and indisputable case of hypocrisy and opportunism.




Slurpy said:
Sorry, I find it difficult to believe that McCain would just make that up on his own. She must have definitely stated that it was sold at a profit to him at one time or another.

1. I think the jet thing is definitely worth adding to the OP, as it suggests a case for chronic lying for no particularly compelling reason, and a certain ease and comfort in doing so.

2. What I think is even more worth adding to the OP is the fact that she's cut special needs funding in her state by a massive amount. This is significant due to how much she's been pushing her special needs child politically, and how she claims she will be a 'friend' for special needs people as President. This particular issue suggests a blatant and indisputable case of hypocrisy and opportunism.

The special needs funding cut has already been disproven.

"In FY 07, before Palin worked on the budget, the state of Alaska had four distinct programs funded under it’s special education management budget: something called SESA, a psychiatric program, a school for the deaf, and the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy. In FY 08, the first Palin year, the first three programs - SESA, the psychiatric program, and the school for the deaf - were still in the special education management budget and their funding was approximately the same as it was in FY 07. But the Alaska Challenge Youth Program isn’t listed and it’s omission accounts for what appears to be a huge drop in funding for special education services.

I wondered why the program was dropped and googled the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy. Guess what? In FY 08 the academy was moved out of special education management and became it’s own program. And it’s funding was increased by about $2.8 million (to $8,234,000 in FY 08from $5,449,300 in FY07). Here’s a link to the program’s FY 08 budget http://gov.state.ak.us/omb/08_OMB/bu…D/comp2837.pdf"

from http://michellemalkin.com/2008/09/0...other-childrens-programby-increasing-funding/


*drowns in jizz*
Rentahamster said:
So is there going to be a "lame controversies" thread for the other three candidates as well?

Oh give me a break. What new info about any other candidates past has been revealed lately? The Obama well dried up several months ago, and everything about him has been discussed to hell and back. This woman literally came out of nowhere, people literally know nothing about her, and it's genuinely difficult to keep up with all the developments. This thread is very appropriate.

And to the above poster- that's Michelle fucking Malkin, the equivalent of Anne coulter, but even trashier. I'm not even going to consider that defense until I see it from another source.
SetUhatU said:
:lol @ thread

It will bring me great joy to return to this thread in 2 months and see your reaction to your new vice president sarah palin. bwahhahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahaha

If McCain wins then America is retarded and the world is completely fucked. But hey, as long as you get to laugh at GAF that's all that matters.


ZealousD said:
All information must come from reliable sources, such as national newspapers or high-profile blogs like Politico, TPM, or The Huffington Post.

We will not be engaging in baseless smearing or conjecture. That being said, let's begin.

Half of what is churned out by The Huffington Post is baseless smearing and conjecture. Liberal, conservative, otherwise or anywhere in between, if you think The Huffington Post is an example of good journalism, you are part of the problem. It's the opposite side of Drudge Report drivel.
How many politico threads do we need?

Besides, it's not like she's even interesting or likable, she's just a stupid bitch with a librarian milf persona...

Move along folks.


Gold Member
Napoleonthechimp said:
If McCain wins then America is retarded and the world is completely fucked. But hey, as long as you get to laugh at GAF that's all that matters.

Oh Jesus, the drama is ridiculous. America is doomed if Obama doesn't win! DOOMED, I TELL YOU! AND SO IS THE WORLD!


Chiggs said:
Oh Jesus, the drama is ridiculous. America is doomed if Obama doesn't win! DOOMED, I TELL YOU! AND SO IS THE WORLD!

i imagine in some other time, you may have thrown this same sarcastic jab after Bush was elected a second time.

In case the generalization is too much for you: Yes, McCain's election does have a pretty good chance of substantially impacting people negatively. Not the same as the sky is falling, but a perfectly legitimate viewpoint.
We know these stories are out there, but after the media was chastised for 3 days by the RNC, and after her well-delivered and provocative speech, will these things be brought up in the mainstream media? Hard to say.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Dun dun dun, another one bites the dust?.

Was Sarah Palin named as the other woman in a messy divorce action? Well, since Richter's September 3 motion, a copy of which you'll find below, was denied yesterday, his divorce filings remain open to the public. And a TSG review of the 98-page file shows that the Palins are only mentioned in Richter's sealing request. According to the filing, Richter wanted the documents deemed confidential in a bid to cloak details about his home, workplace, and phone numbers because "reporters and news agencies" were using that information to contact him. Richter, a 39-year-old contractor, noted that he is "friends and land owners in a remote cabin" with the Palins and, as a result, journalists were intruding on the "cabin life and private life" of him and his 11-year-old son. The petition to dissolve the marriage was filed jointly last July by Richter and his ex-wife, who were not represented by lawyers. A judge granted the dissolution less than two months after the couple filed to end their marriage.


I'm not really a fan of the media digging into the trash like this. How about we focus on getting her opinion on issues? Well that'll be hard since she holed herself up in Alaska, but this garbage digging is unnecessary.


kevm3 said:
I'm not really a fan of the media digging into the trash like this. How about we focus on getting her opinion on issues? Well that'll be hard since she holed herself up in Alaska, but this garbage digging is unnecessary.

It's the media's job to dig through this candidate's past and try to extrapolate what type of person she is and how she'd do the job of Vice President or President "in worst case."

Some of the stuff should have clearly been off limits - the Bristol baby bullshit - and some of it is clearly false and they should not report it. But dig, dig away... stuff like her Bridge to Nowhere support, her lust for earmarks, her posting $20,000,000 debt to Wasilla, her troopergate and more... all are relevant to the person she is trying to present herself as.

I don't think we need this thread, but some the actual content should be viewed as relevant


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
She even had a t-shirt made

I don't believe there's any proof of that. Other than it obviously being a campaign stop in Ketchikan, nothing else is known about the pic. Correct me if I'm wrong.


140.85 said:
I don't believe there's any proof of that. Other than it obviously being a campaign stop in Ketchikan, nothing else is known about the pic. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Like I've always said, it's obviously a shirt from the tourist board of Nowhere, Alaska. She was just promoting it, "Visit Nowhere Alaska! The moose is delicious!"

You democrats with your smears and photographic proof. When will you stop hating America?
You guys are eating up exactly what McCain wanted. The oldest trick in the political book is to get all your terrible acts done in a single swoop at the beginning of your political career, that way you don't gain a prolonged reputation for being terrible. That was this past labor day.

Replace acts with background, and you've got our current situation. McCain has successfully stolen the limelight from Obama by introducing a VP with a horrendous background. Once the media and society cut her slack for all her mistakes, which they inevitably will because we're a society of over-sympathetic idiots, the general public will change opinions, the political playing ground will have changed, and polls will be closer.

This is Obama's downward motion on the political teeter-totter. It's all going to come down to the debates, and it's going to be close again, despite the last 8 years.
nerbo said:
Half of what is churned out by The Huffington Post is baseless smearing and conjecture. Liberal, conservative, otherwise or anywhere in between, if you think The Huffington Post is an example of good journalism, you are part of the problem. It's the opposite side of Drudge Report drivel.

If you want to bash something like that, you might come off with some credibility if you can at least provide a few examples. Otherwise, it is you that comes off as the bogus source.
140.85 said:
I don't believe there's any proof of that. Other than it obviously being a campaign stop in Ketchikan, nothing else is known about the pic. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Whether or not she had a T-shirt made is irrelevant. The fact is that she complete supported the bridge to nowhere until it was exposed nationally for the massive example of wasteful spending that it is. Then she flipped-flopped and lied about saying 'no thanks'. The facts are completely clear on that. Who gives a crap about whether she made a T-shirt? That is irrelevant. Tried to focus on the relevant issue, not the bullshit.

(Unless you don't like the relevant facts then go ahead and nitpick about pointless things and call people 'sexist' if they want to do some vetting.)


Rape Kit-gate?

While Sarah Palin was serving as the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the city charged victims of sexual assault between $300 and $1200 for their own rape kits. A rape kit is a sexual assault forensic evidence kit, used to collect DNA that can be used in criminal proceedings to assist in the conviction of those who commit sex crimes. The kit is performed as soon as possible after a sexual assault or attack has been committed. It is usually humiliating and uncomfortable for the victim–imagine enduring that and then paying $1200 just so that the criminal who assaulted you might be caught.


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