The agenda OP is outraged over...are reviews and nothing more. A polygon review of all things.
Picture this, a fully grown man watched a movie aimed at young girls, hated it (no specifics) and was triggered it has a high score. So this entire thread is a moderate misdirected frustration after coming to the realization OP paid for an extra subscription to see a movie he had no fun watching? (the humanity)
Whether we like it or not, movie reviews still have a significant impact on ticket sales/streaming subscriptions.
A movie being praised despite all of it's flaws simply because of a 'diverse' cast could create an incentive for hollywood
to solely rely on woke activism instead of proper movie making. It's not like we haven't seen this kind of nonsense
before with CGI. Otherwise mediocre movies being praised for their fx work gave hollywood executives the idiotic idea
that a movie that isn't a CGI clusterfuck is not going to sell.
It's perfectly understandable that cinema enthusiasts are less than pleased with these types of reviews - even if the
movie in question is a kids movie. The concern is not a falsely inflated review for one movie but rather the implications
for the entire business on a whole. Surely you can see that as well.
At any rate. This is a discussion board...bemoaning the fact that someone wants to discuss a hobby/interest of his on this
site is rather pointless. Maybe you don't share his view, but many others might.