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Say goodbye to cashiers in 2,500 U.S. McDonalds by the end of 2017.


Link: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/20/mcdo...eers-replacement-of-cashiers-with-kiosks.html

McDonald's hits all-time high as Wall Street cheers replacement of cashiers with kiosks
June 20, 2017

McDonald's shares hit an all-time high on Tuesday as Wall Street expects sales to increase from new digital ordering kiosks that will replace cashiers in 2,500 restaurants.

Cowen raised its rating on McDonald's shares to outperform from market perform because of the technology upgrades, which are slated for the fast-food chain's restaurants this year.

Andrew Charles from Cowen cited plans for the restaurant chain to roll out mobile ordering across 14,000 U.S. locations by the end of 2017. The technology upgrades, part of what McDonald's calls "Experience of the Future," includes digital ordering kiosks that will be offered in 2,500 restaurants by the end of the year and table delivery.

"MCD is cultivating a digital platform through mobile ordering and Experience of the Future (EOTF), an in-store technological overhaul most conspicuous through kiosk ordering and table delivery," Charles wrote in a note to clients Tuesday. "Our analysis suggests efforts should bear fruit in 2018 with a combined 130 bps [basis points] contribution to U.S. comps [comparable sales]."


Automation is coming and yet no one in government seems to give a fuck. How many retail jobs have been lost just this year alone?

This is why the world needs basic income. But the USA will watch it burn before looking ahead.

To be fair, even the Swiss voted overwhelmingly against it.
Hmmm, I'm sure we already have these in the UK. You use a touch screen to order and make adjustments and then make a contactless payment with your phone or card. You then get a ticket and wait for your food, which (in some restaurants) is then delivered to your table.
This is increasingly going to be the future we will live in folks. Human beings wont have any need eventually for anything. Humanoid robots coupled with advance AI will make the idea of humans needing to work obsolete.


I can already see an automated dystopia where there are underground "resistance" groups who do sabotage strikes on automaton factories etc. to try to make it impossible to manufacture the automatons.


Hope this comes to Sweden and other companies as well! Anything to avoid the awkward conversation with the cashier.


Hmmm, I'm sure we already have these in the UK. You use a touch screen to order and make adjustments and then make a contactless payment with your phone or card. You then get a ticket and wait for your food, which (in some restaurants) is then delivered to your table.

It's like this in New Zealand too. You still have the option to order at a cash register if you wish,the kiosks just help with the crowds. I suspect they'll still have cashiers, because those kiosks don't accept cash payments
Considering this doesn't seem to affect drive-thru, and employees still have to make and deliver the food, I doubt that many jobs will be cut at this stage.

But, as the poster above says, it is going to suck for employees. Especially since the floor plans aren't designed for this.


I'm curious what teenagers do for work experience when all the jobs like this are automated away. When I was growing up something like McDonald's was what you did for some pocket money and a first job.

I know there are still jobs for humans in McDonald's, but for how long?
there are already quite a few McDonalds around here that don't really have cashiers anymore. you order on a screen and the counter is just for collecting. you still can buy with cash if you want but it's heavily discouraged, nobody is waiting for customers anymore.
Automation is coming and yet no one in government seems to give a fuck. How many retail jobs have been lost just this year alone?

To be fair, even the Swiss voted overwhelmingly against it.

America has a long history of not giving a fuck about the poor. The country will gladly sit on its ass until people are rioting in the streets.


They had these in other chains in NY and it just increased the throughput they could serve and reduced wait time. Still had a bunch of cashiers.
Hope this comes to Sweden and other companies as well! Anything to avoid the awkward conversation with the cashier.

How is it awkward? Just pick your number, your size, what drink, and thats it. The cashier isn't there to make small talk and they know it.


They already have basically this in KFC and McDonald's in cities like shanghai and Hong Kong.

Was in KFC the other day and besides the touchscreen kiosks they've had for awhile, they also had a lady just holding a QR code to scan that would bring up menu options on your phone... just click what you want and pay via wechat and pick up your food when the number shows on the screen. The only shit thing was I couldn't figure out how to get no ice in my drink.

I'm sure once people get accustomed to qr codes posted around the shop entrance they can get rid of the lady holding the qr code and asking people to scan to order. There goes that job too.


Eh most of them are aware of how replaceable they are. Really if they are getting rid of those people that'll probably just be 2.500 less people that eat at McDonalds.

That's 2,500 restaurants in the title, so it'd be more than 2,500 cashiers losing their jobs.
I've honestly stopped going to Panera as much since they started pushing the touch screens. They take so long and are just a pain in the ass to use.


Here's how this will go: They lose the cashier, but machines are finicky and people are stupid so the lines will go out the door. Then they'll need someone to help people with the machines and nothing is solved. This exact scenario happened at my movie theatre and happens at self checkouts in my town.
Automation is coming and yet no one in government seems to give a fuck. How many retail jobs have been lost just this year alone?

To be fair, even the Swiss voted overwhelmingly against it.

To be even fairer, that was a very misjudged proposal, where it was not clear where the money would come from, what would change, ànd with a ridiculously low actual monthly income.

Not sure what one would be voting for if he said "yes" in that referendum.


This sucks. I protest this by refusing to using robo cashiers. I don't care if thier is a huge line for the human. i will wait.


We have this at our local McDonalds, and it's a godsend. Plenty of time to pick and select what you want, while you can you see what the total price is. It just works.


Here's how this will go: They lose the cashier, but machines are finicky and people are stupid so the lines will go out the door. Then they'll need someone to help people with the machines and nothing is solved. This exact scenario happened at my movie theatre and happens at self checkouts in my town.

Phones. The kiosk is a temporary thing. See my post just before.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Considering this doesn't seem to affect drive-thru, and employees still have to make and deliver the food, I doubt that many jobs will be cut at this stage.

But, as the poster above says, it is going to suck for employees. Especially since the floor plans aren't designed for this.
It does.

Andrew Charles from Cowen cited plans for the restaurant chain to roll out mobile ordering across 14,000 U.S. locations by the end of 2017.

I guess teens will just have to mooch off their parents yill they get a college degree. Then they will be fine as a college degree guarantees youna job


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Hmmm, I'm sure we already have these in the UK. You use a touch screen to order and make adjustments and then make a contactless payment with your phone or card. You then get a ticket and wait for your food, which (in some restaurants) is then delivered to your table.
We have these in some places in Brazil too. There are still cashiers though, and usually there's a line for the human cashier while the panel is free (which is the reason why I always use it).


America has a long history of not giving a fuck about the poor. The country will gladly sit on its ass until people are rioting in the streets.

This is the ultimate truth, prime recent example of America not giving a fuck about the poor until riots broke out was the riots that occurred in Baltimore City after the death of Freddie Gray, Baltimore for decades have had problems with poverty and crime and the federal government didn't do shit until suddenly the riots occurred after Freddie Gray's death and Obama started a special Presidential commission to study Baltimore and the problems facing Baltimore that released a report on what the federal government should to to try to eliminate the long-standing, deep, persistent problems that Baltimore has been facing.


Hope this comes to Sweden and other companies as well! Anything to avoid the awkward conversation with the cashier.

Maybe you are the awkward person?

I never had any problem with any cashier at McDonalds at all. They all seem friendly and encouraging.
I am definitely part of the problem. Those kiosks are great. It did look like they were utilising more people in prep to get the order to the customers faster.

I guess they don't need them all.
Here's how this will go: They lose the cashier, but machines are finicky and people are stupid so the lines will go out the door. Then they'll need someone to help people with the machines and nothing is solved. This exact scenario happened at my movie theatre and happens at self checkouts in my town.

Sadly this is true. I'll use automated cashier systems if they are quick and efficient. Otherwise, I'll go to the flesh and blood employee.
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