Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Something bad is potentially happening. Someone has to be blamed. I think the blame is on the developer. I don't doubt for a second Microsoft provided them with the necessary resources.

it just seems silly to me to try and assign blame in a situation where we will likely never know the full story. It's a business decision. It sucks for the people that were anticipating this game but I doubt there was any malice from any party involved. If MS cancelled the game, they probably felt they had good reason to.


I'm now under the impression that not most if not all dragon related games are cursed to some extent. Minus maybe Skyrim.


Platinum, king of bad business decisions, gets their big project cancelled.

I'm just shocked it's the only one.


Well, at least NieR Automata will be Platinum's swan song.

I imagine Kamiya will pull another Clover and create yet another studio out of Platinum's ashes (he's such a successful director, right?). Won't change his shitty relationships with Capcom, Konami, SEGA, Activision, and now Microsoft though.

He has bad relationships with sega and konami?


That E3 2014 conference may as well have just not even happened for Microsoft.

Fable Legends, Phantom Dust, Scalebound, and Crackdown 3 all shown off that year and haven't come out yet or got cancelled.

Seeing them all listed in a single post like this...Jesus.


I had a feeling MS only greenlit this game because for some reason everyone was going crazy about Platinum. But most of their games seem to bomb.

They don't sell as well as other games, but I always assume they make up their development costs? If not, I have no idea why anyone would fund them, but bless them for doing so.


The game always looked rough, rougher than what you'd expect from Kamiya, but I was always holding out hope that it'd look a lot better when it reemerged. Really sad news. But hey, at least we've got NieR coming out in two months. So everyone go fucking buy that game. Twice.


Work on the game took a serious knock last autumn, Eurogamer sources say, when several senior members of the development team were forced to take a month away from the pressure of the project's heavy workload.
I don't understand. Why were they forced to take a month away? Did they work on another project in the meantime?


II'd like to see Nintendo resurrect this and perhaps offer some guiding input. This was supposed to be Zelda like in terms of exploring and dungeons right?


Damn, I can't say I was particularly excited for the game based on what I had seen of it, but... Kamiyaaaaaaa!!!!!!! ;_;


I do think it's kind of sad that Microsoft isn't able to fund/secure new/exciting IP's anymore. Remember when they used to offer stuff like Panzer Dragoon Orta, Shenmue II, Ninja Gaiden Black, JSRF, Gears of War, Kameo, Perfect Dark, etc.

J 0 E

Sad but expected

If the development was going well, we would've heard something about it by now, specially considering XBO's poor status in 2017


From all the cancelled games/closed studios the only one that didn't make sense to me was Press Play and Twisted pixel.

And of course, if this is real Scalebound. No matter what they should have funded it to the end.

Great mindset to adopt. Unless of course you're a business that exists to make money.
Oh shit!!
Breaking NEWS!!!

Oh honey.


You say that like it's a good thing?

It is because we want this game, regardless on what console its on. And we know that if it's at least on Sony's it will at least sell somewhat in Japan, more than at least xbox would.

Add in how Japanese games have been growing on PS4, they can find a audience. Either one Sony or Nintendo would be a great fit for this game.


Platinum has really killed the value of their reputation in an incredibly short time. They're like Techland where you hope you're getting the good Techland and not bad Techland.

There is more to Platinum than the critical reception and sales of their games. Platinum also has a reputation for consistently delivering (mostly) quality titles fast and efficiently. Only hardcore gamers will take any note of this. Most people don't know who made any of the games developed by Platinum.
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