Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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D i Z

Would PS4 owners even want it?

Because, speaking as a PS4 owner, I still think the game looks like shit.

Exactly. Tears are being shed out of desperation. The last game to look forward to on a box without any promise. But the game itself looked bad from day one.
This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

You may be banned, but we will see this post in many forms in the future. You will live on in perpetuity, young one.


Wow, terrible. This game has had an interesting development. I heard it was shopped around and other publishers said no. I wonder if that's typical.

Shopped around before Microsoft canned it or before Microsoft agreed to publish it?



This is a huge's always a downer for the gaming industry to have games cancelled that cost jobs and crush ideas...hope everyone lands on their feet...

I was really looking forward to a new AAA Platinum game.
It sucks that this game won't be coming out. I was super excited for it and believed that it had the potential to perform well commercially. Microsoft Games Studios' record has been crap this generation. How do you let four games get on to the E3 stage only to cancel them later?

That's a huge problem.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I haven't turned my xb1 on in like a year now

Please stop quoting the same post over and over.
And also the fake tweet.

Back to topic, do we have any inside information about the health of the company? I'm a little worried for them. They made some games that flopped lately and now they sure won't look good to big publishers... we can blame MS as much as we want, but a cancelled game is a cancelled game if you know what I mean.

omg it's a back seat mod watch out guys!!
Lets be honest people, was it really looking like a game you wanted to play? I think the presentation demos were showing a game most people were not expecting it to be from it's announcement.

It looked like four different games and they never showed any of them in depth. It was an action game but we barely saw the combat, it was a coop monster hunter game but we only had a few minutes of that, it was an open world that we saw little of, and it was an RPG that we hardly saw any customization or stats from.

The thing seemed hugely ambitious but there wasn't anything shown to hook people. If any of those elements were done well I would have been on board, but they just showed features instead of showing why those features needed to be in the game.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Wow, terrible. This game has had an interesting development. I heard it was shopped around and other publishers said no. I wonder if that's typical.
He had been trying to get the game off the ground for 7 years before a studio finally said yes.


One of my most anticipated games even if the demos didn't look great. Kamiya's track record speaks for itself. But this was ambitious on a whole other level and if it wasn't working out, not much you can do.
This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

This is exactly what the gaming industry doesn't need.


Spencer you better grab that giant wallet and write some checks. Go studio shopping.. something.. anything!

Just give me something besides ForzaHaloGears

If Spencer have that kind of budget, he won't cancel the game. Or shutdown Lionhead, or cancel Phatom dust....


This is also the type of failure that is going to make other publishers less eager to work with Platinum. Hopefully Nier is a huge success.

Their track record speaks for itself in most other work for hire scenarios.
They get it done on time, on spec and on budget.
They're a reliable studio to come in and get something to release.

Whatever break down they have had with MS is entirely speculative, but they still have, you know, every other game they've managed to get out on time with other publishers as their track record.
I know MS wouldn't do this after sinking tons of money into it, but if they really cared about the relationship with platinum they once had they could at least give them the IP so they have a fighting chance.

Again, I know it won't happen, but in a perfect world..
Also to note good luck to Kamiya and the other developers under immense pressure.
I only hope they manage to find another partner for a project to keep the studio from going bankrupt.
This game looked pretty lame all along tbh. The main character was the same type of cheeseball people hated in DmC Dante. It didn't run well. The gameplay looked stilted and awkward.

I really think the Kamiya/Platinum names were the only reasons people got their hopes up over it at all. MS clearly aren't in a position like Nintendo where they need to push something like Devil's Third out the door just to recoup some of the cost.
MS contracted Plat to make them game for them, so I imagine they not only own the IP, but any of the work done with their funding. I guess they could sell the IP and whatever the game is at the current state if another publisher wants to foot the bill (isn't that what happened with the original Psychonauts?), but that seems messy. Big corporations seem content to just sit on IPs rather than sell them when their value is impossibly low.

It's pretty sad to see a 3-4 years work down the drain.Scalebound is a new IP, so I think it won't worth anything.

I hope Platinum or MS could use the remnant of the game on a new one.


This cancelation is a huge blow to Platinum as a whole. You should pray that they have enough money from other projects to keep the company afloat.

they were using MS's money, so it's not really having any impact on them financially..other than a little stain on their resumee
I mean technically there's none because all their games come to PC now too. People who still care just want to make lists and score points on forums. Everyone else just wants to play fun games.

technically yeah, but of course not everyone owns a PC. they're still titles that are not on sony or Nintendo consoles so they could certainly affect someone's choice to buy an xbone.
Even the claim of platinum's biggest boss fight yet was a laughable joke at E3 2016 last year. It's like Kamiya knew nothing about any of the other games they've ever made. Something always kinda seemed off, but seeing this news now it suddenly makes sense.
Lets be honest people, was it really looking like a game you wanted to play? I think the presentation demos were showing a game most people were not expecting it to be from it's announcement.
Conceptually, it sounded great. Like if you simply read the dragon-based description to me I probably would have been very excited. Nothing about its public showings ever did anything for me though.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Man i feel so bad for Kamiya and the team...depressing shit for everyone involved.

Hope its just a setback before a mayor comeback.
Lets be honest people, was it really looking like a game you wanted to play? I think the presentation demos were showing a game most people were not expecting it to be from it's announcement.

Agreed. The demos that were shown just weren't interesting enough and the game didn't look all that fun to me. It was one of those games that if it went on sale for like $25.99 or something, I would probably get it however it just looked, meh.
Maybe MS was too eager to get a ton of games announced, after that horrible launch messaging, to really push Phil's new message? It seems like a lot is falling through the cracks (Phantom Dust drama, Fable Legends, now maybe SB). I hope PG ends up okay. Bayonetta is at the top of its genre imo. I'd hate to see PG run into trouble.

Edit: to be a little more on-topic. I personally have little to no interest in SB. I cannot stand the protagonist's design, and the game-play we've seen looks pretty boring to me. Still sad and hoping for the best though.


Man some of the info on the Eurogamer article is quite worriesome... when the top brass needs to take time off an already (apparently) overdue project... the "little guys" in the company likely had it even worse.

First and foremost hope those folks get back in top shape and secondly I hope this doesn't "kill" Platinum. They've made too many great games in their short-ish existance to die out now :S


Well that would be a huge blow. We've seen gameplay right so I thought it was pretty far along the development cycle. Must've been pretty bad if it's going to be cancelled.


I know MS wouldn't do this after sinking tons of money into it, but if they really cared about the relationship with platinum they once had they could at least give them the IP so they have a fighting chance.

Again, I know it won't happen, but in a perfect world..

Sounds like deadlines kept being missed and just increasing so MS probably saw no light at the end of the tunnel and cut the loss :3
It really does suck that this was his dream project and it died because the tech they had to use just couldn't hack it for what they wanted.

I hope those effected by the layoffs are able to land on their feet.
People should have bought Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break more then.
Its not that they arent coming it new IP's Xbox people just dont buy them. And seem fine with those games and every year a new FIFA and Madden.


See this all time, yes MS can take more risk but when they do and it just keep falling flat...anyone would be reluctant to continue doing so.

This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

I hope you realize how stupid you sound, no offense.

Anywho, sucks the game got cancelled but I don't think MS should be taking all the flak for this as some people are quick to jump on that bandwagon. They had their reasons and they took enough to spend time to show it multiple times. Something must of happened, I don't think they took joy cancelling a game that they probably put a good bit of money into.

Hopefully Plat recovers and MS revisits the IP at some point.

Also - funny seeing so much people wanting this game to get saved and picked up by another publisher such as sony or nintendo when tons of people were shitting on the game not too long ago.
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