Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Why do Japanese developers get treated like crap recently. For example the Kojima vs Konami situation.

Putting this in screencap form so it doesn't go unnoticed (source is a Persona Central writer)


Saddening news if this is true.


My problem is that MS sort of lost some trust with game announcements for me. If it's not Forza, Gears of Halo, how can I trust that it will come out? I'm sure when Scorpio is revealed they will have new announcements but can i trust that they will come out?

Shopped around before Microsoft canned it or before Microsoft agreed to publish it?

I believe it was before they agreed to publish it.
This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.


Edit: Well he's gone now... Not surprised posting something like that.


Wow. And here I thought it was like 80% done and launching this fall. Damn.

Wtf is going down at platinum games?
This seems to represent a shift in MS' strategy towards the games software business. They seem to be cutting a lot of the fat and getting lean in terms of how much internal 1st/2nd party software they are producing. We've seen it with Sony too, maybe just not as dramatically, but their output is definitely less than the PS2/3 days. I'm sure dev costs have a lot to do with it, but it just doesn't seem like these big companies want the risks associated with owning and operating/funding as much big 1st party software anymore. The market is changing and people who are so used to 1st party games leading the way are having trouble adapting.


I really hope nothing bad happens to Platinum after that.

A part of me would die with them if they ever go out of business. :(

Hopefully we'll get to know a Switch project on Friday...if not, well, we'll have Nier Automata and I guess they'll depend entirely on its success.


The game should have been a straight action game. The RPG elements never seemed to particularly gel and I bet they were having problems with the combination all development cycle.


Thats disappointing. The demos didnt give a great impression but I was still curious in the final product. Hopefully Platinum can get some other projects lined up.
This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

This is not how it works. Lots of people coud lose its jobs becuase of something like this. But you are happy becuase you are a sony fanboy? Also, who tells you they wouldnt try with Nintendo instead of Sony, or do a PC game.

Oh you are already banned.

Putting this in screencap form so it doesn't go unnoticed (source is a Persona Central writer)


Saddening news if this is true.

Man, I hope he is alright :(
If Spencer have that kind of budget, he won't cancel the game. Or shutdown Lionhead, or cancel Phatom dust....

Or shut down 2-3 other studios outside of lionhead in the same year.

To say things are in the middle of a transition within MS right now is an understatement.


Before people start crapping on Platinum, just remember that they were the ones Kojima called in to fix Metal Gear Rising.

In about a year or so the game went from being a disaster that was going nowhere to one of the best action games ever made.

So yeah, PG knows how to get shit done.


The best we can hope for is that it goes third party, but even that move wouldn't inspire much confidence with all the further delays and cross-platform porting.


That's not what I meant - I was questioning your statement that this is Platinum's fault, and not Microsoft's. Where is that info coming from - you gave no source?

Why would this be Microsoft's fault? We have multiple sources from Shinobi and Eurogamer saying that the development was a mess with Eurogamer saying specifically that Platinum really couldn't handle the development of the game. Why would this be Microsoft's fault other than keeping better control of the project?


Oh wow, I don't know how I missed the post about Kamiya taking the time for mental reasons (I saw the stress part from shinobi, didn't know it was *that* serious)

Get well, Kamiya :(


Wow, terrible. This game has had an interesting development. I heard it was shopped around and other publishers said no. I wonder if that's typical.
?? Is that doable? Doesn't MS own the IP? Or did they mean to keep the existing skeleton, re-package it as a different IP?


Man, I don't own an XBOX ONE. But, I feel really bad for Kamiya and his team. I hope they get on their two feet soon. Extremely sad to hear talk of Kamiya under mental stress. I'm feeling pretty scared for PG, so I hope Nier: Automata keeps them afloat until their next project.


Well that would be a huge blow. We've seen gameplay right so I thought it was pretty far along the development cycle. Must've been pretty bad if it's going to be cancelled.

Microsoft released ReCore so I don't think game quality matters too much
As I recall, they had pretty unreasonable demands on Phantom Dust as well which caused the Devs to get shuttered.

Definitely looking forward to any post-mortems in the future.
I never heard these claims of unreasonable demands. Do we know what they supposedly were?
I know MS wouldn't do this after sinking tons of money into it, but if they really cared about the relationship with platinum they once had they could at least give them the IP so they have a fighting chance.

Again, I know it won't happen, but in a perfect world..

Yeah, because they want to piss away all the money they spent for years and not even get the IP.

Ray Down

The game should have been a straight action game. The RPG elements never seemed to particularly gel and I bet they were having problems with the combination all development cycle.

This game was to big for Platinum, that and engine and deadline issues.


This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

People like you shouldn't be in this forum, Or any other gaming website.

Seek help is my advice to you.

Really hope all works out for Platinum and their teams.
You can't go from 0 to a production size on a new game. There must be cuts in any case.

And as Nirolak wrote earlier, with Activision not doing more shovelware license thrash this is very bleak news for Platinum as a whole.

Without a doubt. There will be staff cuts no matter what.

What I'm saying, is its entirely possible Platinum could loose as much as half of its staff over this. Only way they can avoid it is if somehow they land a massive contract immediately, and give how badly this is gonna reflect other pubs signing them it looks bleak.

Platinum need to hope and pray that Nier turns out to be a shocking success story.

Two Words

It looked like four different games and they never showed any of them in depth. It was an action game but we barely saw the combat, it was a coop monster hunter game but we only had a few minutes of that, it was an open world that we saw little of, and it was an RPG that we hardly saw any customization or stats from.

The thing seemed hugely ambitious but there wasn't anything shown to hook people. If any of those elements were done well I would have been on board, but they just showed features instead of showing why those features needed to be in the game.

The 4 player coop demo was especially bad. I feel like they thought the size of the monster they were fighting was going to sell the game. Giant monster battles are old-hat now, though. It's not that impressive, really. And I get that those kind of games involve relentless attacking in a way that can look pretty boring at times. But come on, don't show it at a press event like it's going to sell the game.
they were using MS's money, so it's not really having any impact on them financially..other than a little stain on their resumee

Doesn't mean they have cash on hand to continue paying the devs that were working on the project.

They will need to scramble for work to keep capacity, or go through huge layoffs - This comes at a bad time, especially with Nier wrapping development now.


Before people start crapping on Platinum, just remember that they were the ones Kojima called in to fix Metal Gear Rising.

In about a year or so the game went from being a disaster that was going nowhere to one of the best action games ever made.

So yeah, PG knows how to get shit done.

Agreed, I don't think Platinum will go under as a studio. They're successful enough to stay afloat, at least I hope so.

Either way Nier Automata will be fantastic so at least we all have that.
Before people start crapping on Platinum, just remember that they were the ones Kojima called in to fix Metal Gear Rising.

In about a year or so the game went from being a disaster that was going nowhere to one of the best action games ever made.

So yeah, PG knows how to get shit done.
I mean OK. They didn't this time, but OK.
This game was suppose to be Platinum's next big venture outside of the Bayonetta formula they've been stuck on for 7 years.



Sometimes a publisher can be convinced that the work is not for naught and can be made cheaper than the equivalent game funded from the ground.

See Sleeping Dogs which was a great success, despite Activision not believing in it.

The work after that release was mismanaged again and now the developer is out of a job.

Of course realistically Platinum will skip the release under a different publisher and will have to cut.

Righttt, Sleeping Dogs is a good example. Like, boy I do wish someone could make Scalebound into an interesting game but Sleeping Dogs is a rare success story in a sea of hellish development failures.

Like it's so odd that a Platinum game develops an action game that just looked slowwwww
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