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Scariest Games: The List.


The games I'd recommend are already on the list looks like. The Penumbra series is pretty good as well. Made by the Amnesia guys.

After hearing so much about it and now seeing it in this thread I picked up Condemned today. I may also get Cryostasis, but I hear it's got some issues I'll have to look into.
(Both of these games are around $3 now on GetGames, DRM free too I believe).

Oh, and for the Lone Survivor/Silent Hill 2 fans, perhaps check out Soundless Mountain II. It's a SH2 'demake' by the guy who made Lone Survivor.
Guys, Resident Evil 5 was really scary, guys! Like really!

Seriously though, the last games that creeped me out was Dead Space and the Maria part of Gears of War 2 and I don't think they were going for scary at all on that one.


I vote for SCP Containment Breach.

Totally agree. Not only that, but everything about the environment is so unsettling.


Oh, and it's completely free too.

Oh god, what have you done

The SCP foundation stories are like crack to me, I cant get enough of them, if someone were to make an Open world horror game of the SCP Headquarters it would be so fucken amazing it would probably make alot of people shit their pants.


Ok. The hype about SCP Containment Breach being scary. Yup. It's true. Very true.

Just played around with it for a while there. Love it. I'll be keeping an eye on this one.


I'm really surprised that no one mentioned Shalebridge Cradle level from Thief 3. It's maybe the most frightening level in any game ever.


Well, there are a lot of competent games including Dead Space or Silent Hill.

On top of everything is Amnesia though. There is jsut nothing like it.
By all means, please do. But, valid explanations/reasons would be appreciated. "Not, ### is good, it should be on the list, you don't know shit." I'd love to learn more about games I've never played and maybe why they should be played.

For me, the most un-nerving thing about Undying was the howling of those damn dog like creatures.

I used to play the game with headphones on..and there would only be the sound of you moving. Then you would hear the faint sounds of howling. Soon the sound would get louder. Next thing you know, you have several of those damn things just run down the corridor in front of you.

You would turn to run, only to find more behind you.

One other part that made me almost have a heart attack was when you would be walking around, looking at things like paintings. You would use the magic stone you had to see things that the normal eye wouldn't see. Suddenly right in front of you was one of the dead family members staring at you.

Cold Fear was pretty good as well. It may be seen as a RE4 clone, but the setting was unique. Having the ship sway side to side, and seeing things move, not knowing if it was the swaying of the boat causing it, or if it was something walking around the corner.

The camera at times did get a little annoying, but I liked the game for what it was and tried to achieve.

EDIT: Playing Corpse Party atm. The game (for me) isn't scary, as so much as it is creepy and messed up as hell. The end of Chapter 1 was seriously fucked up :D


What makes The Calling scary? I've seen it around for about $7 and have considered buying it.

Well large parts of it are rather bad but theres some interplay between the wii remote speaker and the game that's pretty unnerving. The school level has a particularly intense sequence.


The games I'd recommend are already on the list looks like. The Penumbra series is pretty good as well. Made by the Amnesia guys.

After hearing so much about it and now seeing it in this thread I picked up Condemned today. I may also get Cryostasis, but I hear it's got some issues I'll have to look into.
(Both of these games are around $3 now on GetGames, DRM free too I believe).

Oh, and for the Lone Survivor/Silent Hill 2 fans, perhaps check out Soundless Mountain II. It's a SH2 'demake' by the guy who made Lone Survivor.

Cryostasis has the most brilliant story ever put in a video game. Not necessarily the best written, but without a doubt there is nothing else like it.


Nice list, bookmarking and copying to a notepad file for a nice list of must play games.


loved Siren and The Thing. The Thing is probably one of the best movie to game projects ever made.
The Fatal Frame is the only series that freaks me out. Ghosts popping out of nowhere bother the hell out of me, that I didn't want to touch the game for days or weeks. I was kinda forced to beat Fatal Frame. I still want to beat the second one...

Resident Evil series, including REmake, never sacred me nor did the first Silent Hill. However, I still want to play the second one but Konami messed up with the HD ports.

I really would like to play Amnesia since I heard good things about it. However, my laptop doesn't really run games well...


If you consider yourself a true fan of horror, you owe it to yourself to play the wealth of Half Life and Half Life 2 mods. Notably Afraid of Monsters for Half-Life and Nightmare House 2 for Half Life 2. In NH2's case, don't worry about playing the first one, because the first level of NH2 is a remake of the original and it's better than the original in every way.

Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut (make SURE you play the Director's Cut) is bar none the scariest game I've ever played. It puts every single other game to goddamn shame. And the craziest thing? It was made by a teenager with no money, on an engine that was over a decade old. Some of you may not understand the significance of this, so allow me to repeat it in context for emphasis: EA, Capcom, Konami, and several other studios spend millions of dollars on tech, full staffs of professional writers, coders, artists, engineers, designers, etc., and develop specific tech and games with the sole intent of scaring people. Some teenager in Europe with no money, the basic ability to create assets on tech that was over a decade old made something that was scarier.

What the bloody fuck? All of you babies that think Dead Space and Resident Evil are scary would do well to play Afraid of Monsters.

That said, the game does break some of the things I hold dear in horror games- it gives you a decent amount of ammo and throws monsters at you, so it can feel VERY actiony at times, but somehow that doesn't remove the dense atmosphere and constant threat of angry, malicious danger. Additionally, the game is loaded with monster closets and jump scares, but it paces them intelligently, and fucks with you on several occasions by using, or not using them, so it somehow works.

I could go on and on about AoM, but goddammit, just go play it. I've yet to play Cry of Fear by the same guy yet.

Some other great mods to check out:
Mistake -1 (prequel to the above)
They Hunger (three episodes long, huge game, well made, scary, fun, will last you for some time)
Underhell: Prologue (Very original, very atmospheric and horrifying in parts)

Can I play that HL1 game with Half Life Source?
Just tried SCP-173.

What the fuck. Goddamn, this is sort of what I've always been looking for in a horror game. And at the same time it's far too terrifying.

Yeah.... just watched this video of a couple guys playing it for the first time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7zTH_LUfls

FUCK THAT. Shit's way too claustrophobic for my tastes :/

Think I'm finally gonna DL Corpse Party off PSN later on. Been meaning to get that forever now


Gold Member
played this back in the day. well my brother did I watched. but god damn. not too too scary per se, if i remember correctly but a great thriller ghost story.



The original Clock Tower(aka The First Fear) has got to be the pinnacle of scary for me.

I find most horror games that are actually scary tend not to stay that way for the duration of the game. The original Silent Hill worked marvelously for me but at some point, after playing long enough the mechanics/gameplay become so ingrained into me that how I play starts to come from me playing the 'system' and not the 'game'. After a while the "ohmygodohmygod"s just stop as both combat and evasion become easier.

Clock Tower, on the other hand, avoids this by strictly limiting what you can do and being pretty short per playthrough, negating the ability to become comfortable within the gamespace. The control you have over pixelated Jennifer Connelly allows just the right amount of space between your commands over what she does and her actual implementation of those commands, it ends up feeling like you are just pointing things out to her and she'll get to it when she pleases. It helps create tension and a feeling not unlike the slight voyeurism that comes from a good slasher flick.





All the good stuff has been mentioned already. Pretty awesome list actually. Minecraft can be pretty terrifying. Took a very long break from the game and recently came back to it. Had a run in with endermen for the first time and nearly had a heart attack.


Fear Effect definitely has some unsettling moments, but it's not quite horror.

Sure has some stomach-turning gore though.

Like one of your characters walking through a door only to have his arm chopped off by a machete.
Cryostasis has the most brilliant story ever put in a video game. Not necessarily the best written, but without a doubt there is nothing else like it.

It really is, if you don't believe us just read the wikipedia page. I really liked it, the presentation, the graphics are really interesting at 2560 1440 maxed out too, the ice itself is really scary and it has some really good water horror sections.

Our list has been added to and updated. Don't know how many more "quality" horror titles are left.

I think you should add the Penumbra Series, Overture, Black Plague, Requiem.
Made by the Amnesia dudes and have equally good audio and atmosphere, again touching on ice themes.
I think you should add the Penumbra Series, Overture, Black Plague, Requiem.
Made by the Amnesia dudes and have equally good audio and atmosphere, again touching on ice themes.
Added. I still have yet to play this series, but I've been told that as a fan of Amnesia, i'd love it. Hope it hits the Steam Summer Sale.

I'd be scared to part money on a game with such a sucky cover.

I agree, the cover does suck, but the game is fantastic regardless.


Resident Evil: Revelaitons is the scariest the series has been in a while.

Not that it's actually scary, but it has great atmosphere when it comes to the ship areas.


I wouldn't really consider L4D a horror game much more than I would with Plants vs Zombies. Ok, the witch is a little creepy admittedly. But any sort of co-op game where you have massive amounts of ammo (unlimited in some situations), a steady stream of action, and highly predictable swarm events is hard to consider scary.

Well, I'd say L4D1 was pretty scary at first (and by that, I mean the first days the game was out). People were screaming for help when caught by a hunter or a smoker, and didn't know when to expect a horde of zombies or a tank. It recreated some good horror scenes, like a survivor being left behind while the others get on the helicopter and are unable to help him. The game is built on replayability, though, so the more you play it the less scary it becomes, and after a few days people were already running around like crazy, knew all the safe spots and the game turned into a fragfest. Not saying it's a bad thing, but it's interesting to notice how quickly the game changed.

Jay Sosa

Horror games I played:

Resident Evil 1 PS1: nice shock moments, really scared me when I played it back then.
Resident Evil 2: See above, though a bit more action orientated
Resident Evil 4: the fuck? more a fairytale than a horror game.
Silent Hill: More weird than horrifying
Silent Hill 2: Even weirder, not very scary.
Eternal Darkness: Amazing game, loved the sanity stuff..scary? lol
Fatal Frame: Awesome atmosphere, stopped playing it for some odd reason.
Dead Space: as scary as the muppets

my biggest hope now lies in Amnesia


shhheit thank's for reminding me to buy that game.

edit: bought it, thanks again.


For those who are fans of Lone Survivor, there is another new indie 2D retro-aesthetic horror game that's been doing pretty well called Home.


Home is pretty short and it's only 2 dollars. You walk through some pretty creepy areas, read some well written dialogue from the narrator/main character of the game, and discover the secrets of what happened to you and the people around you. I wouldn't say it's a purely horror game, I definitely got more of a mystery vibe from it, but it's definitely worth checking out, especially at that price point.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
For those who are fans of Lone Survivor, there is another new indie 2D retro-aesthetic horror game that's been doing pretty well called Home.


Home is pretty short and it's only 2 dollars. You walk through some pretty creepy areas, read some well written dialogue from the narrator/main character of the game, and discover the secrets of what happened to you and the people around you. I wouldn't say it's a purely horror game, I definitely got more of a mystery vibe from it, but it's definitely worth checking out, especially at that price point.

Home is a good narrative mystery 'game', but I wouldn't say it was that scary. Interesting, had some good atmosphere and a few good hidden creepy things and loved the way the game let you make multiple choices... But it wasn't a lot like Lone Survivor beside the 2D perspective and it wasn't scary really, as much as unnerving at times. I had pre-ordered this and played it right before E3.

I would still say pick it up if you like horror or psychological mysteries. but not if you're looking for something particularly scary.


No love for the point and click game "Scratches"? This game is was pretty terrifying and dripping with atmosphere. That basement...
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