That must be an incredibly realistic looking strap on.
According to the article it was in the dark and the girl was virgin.
That must be an incredibly realistic looking strap on.
Is it really voluntary if you have intercourse with someone who is not who they say they are? I don't think this is all that different as posing as a woman's husband in a dark room to have intercourse with her. There has to be a line somewhere in legal integrity surrounding sex, and I'm fine with placing gender deceit more toward the side of the above case. Ideally, giving someone an STD without their knowledge should be prosecutable, too.
Surely there must be some sort of detail missing from this report, because on the face of it, it doesn't seem like any crime was committed...
That's really fucked up and manipulative, and sure as hell not consensual.
apparently it had been used already, they had sex in a dark room, and justine kept the clothes on.
looks like it, thing is, is that illegal? Can it be considered assault?
what law is that?
She consented to have sex with a boy, not a girl.What's the justification for charging her with sexual assault?
Not even slightly equatable, legally or use an example guy goes out drinking, a girl comes overand starts chatting him up she tells him she's a model he thinks 'nice one i wanna bang her', they go off and have sex, the next morning turns out she works as at mcdonalds and he thinks 'eurgh why did i fuck some skanky burger flipper' so would that be a crime now?
to use an example guy goes out drinking, a girl comes overand starts chatting him up she tells him she's a model he thinks 'nice one i wanna bang her', they go off and have sex, the next morning turns out she works as at mcdonalds and he thinks 'eurgh why did i fuck some skanky burger flipper' so would that be a crime now?
I've heard as much, but I don't know if that's federal, by-state, or what. I recall a case where a particularly sick SOB went around giving women HIV because he wanted to. I just did a Google search, and 15 years for giving someone HIV seems pretty typical.I think with AIDS it can be a murder charge, cant it?
That's the fine line; is that impersonation? Maybe. I would say it hinges on one factors:to use an example guy goes out drinking, a girl comes overand starts chatting him up she tells him she's a model he thinks 'nice one i wanna bang her', they go off and have sex, the next morning turns out she works as at mcdonalds and he thinks 'eurgh why did i fuck some skanky burger flipper' so would that be a crime now?
Why is she in jail? The sex was consensual no?
She consented to have sex with a boy, not a girl.
Thus, no consent was given for the sexual activity.
Well, was she really impersonating someone known to the defendant?
I mean, she was impersonating... herself, as a boy.
You're right, lying about your work totally equals lying about your fucking gender.
Well, was she really impersonating someone known to the defendant?
I mean, she was impersonating... herself, as a boy.
Would this mean that a transgendered individual has an obligation to reveal their birthsex, on the basis that someone they have sex with might not want to have sex with them if they knew they were transgendered?
Because I don't think that sounds right.
No.What about lying about your age, your name, your job, etc, etc? Would those fall under the same law?
Well, was she really impersonating someone known to the defendant?
I mean, she was impersonating... herself, as a boy.
Would this mean that a transgendered individual has an obligation to reveal their birthsex, on the basis that someone they have sex with might not want to have sex with them if they knew they were transgendered?
What was that award winning movie about a girl pretending to be a guy who dies at the end?
Think it was based off something real.
Is it wrong if I say I don't wish to have a transsexual female? I would feel very abused and betrayed if someone made up stories to make it seem they were born as female.Well, was she really impersonating someone known to the defendant?
I mean, she was impersonating... herself, as a boy.
Would this mean that a transgendered individual has an obligation to reveal their birthsex, on the basis that someone they have sex with might not want to have sex with them if they knew they were transgendered?
Because I don't think that sounds right.
I'd say yeah, a transgendered individual has an obligation to reveal their situation. Legally? Not sure. If the partner involved is into the person they probably won't care but to not say anything isn't right IMO.
Related to the story: Section 76 of the Act introduces a number of conclusive presumptions.These are where the defendant deceives the victim to the nature or purpose of relevant act. Sounds pretty legit to me.
What was that award winning movie about a girl pretending to be a guy who dies at the end?
Think it was based off something real.
What was that award winning movie about a girl pretending to be a guy who dies at the end?
Think it was based off something real.
I don't really see the problem. She didn't force the other girl to have sex with her, did she? If it was voluntary I don't quiye see why that's worth such a long jail sentence...
Sure, she lied, but is that really a crime? What's next? Following that logic you could also sentence a transgender for the same thing... Or am I missing something here?
Who's Aguirre?Paging Aguirre!
Who's Aguirre?
Who's Aguirre?
I mean, sure, it should be a moral obligation.
But legal?
I don't think that should be a crime tbh, the implication just doesn't sit well with me.
It's the same reason pretending to be someone else's SO and having sex with them under those false pretenses is sexual assault.
If she'd told her she was a girl - Fine
If she'd told her she was a girl who would be seeking sex reassignment surgery and they had sex (and this was true) - Fine
If she had actually already been in the process of having her sex changed - Probably fine.
How did GAF happen to discover that?Gaf guy pretending to be gaf girl.
Sometimes.You don't visit the funny pictures thread often do you?
It's definitely different, but I think it's good to ask whether the difference is essential, and if so, whether that essential difference is acceptably large.You guys serious? You can't see anything possibly illegal with fraudulently manipulating someone into sex with you when you're pretending to be a different sex?
Pretending to be a different sex is different than "Oh, he's not really an airline pilot."
She wasn't being herself, though. She was pretending to be male.Pretending to be someone else's SO is impersonation though.
How can it be impersonation of you're still yourself?
She's basically lied about her sex, one of many facets of her being - not the major one. That being illegal is a bit iffy.
She consented to have sex with a boy, not a girl.
Thus, no consent was given for the sexual activity.
Thus, rape.
Not even slightly equatable, legally or logically.
It's the same reason pretending to be someone else's SO and having sex with them under those false pretenses is sexual assault.
If she'd told her she was a girl - Fine
If she'd told her she was a girl who would be seeking sex reassignment surgery and they had sex (and this was true) - Fine
If she had actually already been in the process of having her sex changed - Probably fine.
So if I get a blowjob from a "woman" that is actually a crossdresser or transgendered, I have been raped?
Pretending to be someone else's SO is impersonation though.
How can it be impersonation of you're still yourself?
She's basically lied about her sex, one of many facets of her being - not the major one. That being illegal is a bit iffy.
You guys serious? You can't see anything possibly illegal with fraudulently manipulating someone into sex with you when you're pretending to be a different sex?
Pretending to be a different sex is different than "Oh, he's not really an airline pilot."
Pretending to be someone else's SO is impersonation though.
How can it be impersonation of you're still yourself?
She's basically lied about her sex, one of many facets of her being - not the major one. That being illegal is a bit iffy.