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Screen shots, and AA/AF faking...




nothing against MGS, I've already ordered 2 copies, and I'm a fan of the series

I see alot of companies using this approach to hype games, but I thought only 'cheap' ones do, to try to fool the casual gamer of how the game will look like.

no wonder I get some "PS2 is more powerfull than GC" replies from some casual gamers when I talk about graphics.

whats your stance ?


Whats new?

EDIT: Is it just me or do some games look uglier in high res "supersized" pics? I think Jak 3 didnt look all that hot in its large pictures, but now when Im playing it, Im blown away. Same with GT4 etc.
Forsete said:
Whats new?

EDIT: Is it just me or do some games look uglier in high res "supersized" pics? I think Jak 3 didnt look all that hot in its large pictures, but now when Im playing it, Im blown away. Same with GT4 etc.

igh res = more details
more details + low polygons(sp?) = ugly

so you're right, but thats for some games not all


Console Market Analyst
I think screenshots in general are a horrible way to represent the impact of a game's visuals. So, I don't care if they clean up stills.

I reserve judgement until I can see it in motion. And for me, this game passes that test.


I think its bullshit, but they all do it.

I remember in the SNES days when the Playstation was annouced and they were showing the FMV intro of Wipeout as the graphics for the Playstation.

Then when the Xbox was announced we had this demo:

There was two versions of it, the one that was mostly showed was like an Nvidia tech demo, then they like recreated it on the Xbox and it did'nt look half as good:


Actual Xbox

Remember the Amped screens that got touched up in Photoshop with the lens flare?

I think its false advertising and it should stop!!



The Inside Track
Screenboy said:
Remember the Amped screens that got touched up in Photoshop with the lens flare?
Ho come on, not this again. These where concept shots, the actual game actually looked better than these.
Screenboy said:

Actual Xbox
To be fair, that demo was running on a NV15, which is older hardware compared to the actual Xbox.

On topic: It's nothing new, and it doesn't bother me at all, but I can understand that some people have a problem with it as it's not representative of the actual product.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I was very disappointed with how Amped2 looked versus the screenshots.

But yeah, it's a widespread problem. I don't know how they can get around it though. Even if they just took honest captures from the framebuffer without any touching up, it'd still look a lot better/cleaner than it does when it actually ends up on screen. I prefer to wait to see a game running on my own setup before casting judgement.

I can say one thing for sure, though - we need higher resolution and good AA/AF as standard next gen. 720p as a minimum standard should be possible.


Nothing will ever stop marketers from releasing screens at a high resolution with full AA.
The 'cheap ones' don't do it, pretty much all of them do it.
Whats the point in releasing indistinct screens with jaggies(from a developer standpoint)?
There's also the point that, nowdays, if you release a normal resolution screenshot with all its imperfections such as aliasing and shimmering, most people will compare it directly with the hi-res framebuffer shots other companies use, ignoring or downplaying the fact that they are altered shots.

A lot of people on this forum always voice their concern about how the companies are using these BS shots, but then when they see shots of say Ninja Gaiden at its actual resolution they are shocked. "It looks much better in motion" they say, and it does, just like the rest of the games whose screenshots look average just because they're at the actual resolution the game it's running and/or poorly captured..
gofreak said:
I was very disappointed with how Amped2 looked versus the screenshots.

I never payed much attention to Amped 2's screenshots or Amped 2 in general but when I borrowed it from a friend and played in on my HDTV in 720p, I was floored. I never thought I'd say this (or even think it) but I happen to believe that Amped 2 is one of the prettier console games out there when it's played in 720p. The graphics are razor sharp on my tv.


not an idiot
it sucks, i hate it, but almost all of them do it. next gen this should no longer be a problem (hopefully). but i agree, it's a huge misrepresentation of a game. imo it's unfair to those games that truely use FSAA (i remember Inside Drive did) that lower their graphics in order to use FSAA.

The biggest games that this makes a big difference on by far and away are racing games. It has always been this way. FSAA makes an ENORMOUS difference in racing games... and all racing games turn FSAA and AF on in their released screenshots but don't have it in the actual game.

oh well, at least you have to admitt that since most all of them do it, it kinda makes it easier to swallow... except for those few devs who actually did use it at the cost of better graphics.

P.S. Amped lived up to the screenshots and then some. Especially if you had an HDTV... it actually surpassed them in that case.

The biggest offender so far IMO is Gran Turismo 4, hands down.




^that^ realtime version of the Robot+Girl demo was not made on Xbox, it was made on GeForce2 GTS aka NV15. whereas Xbox uses a GPU that's conciderably more powerful.
although not powerful enough to rival the original CGI version of that demo. but your main point is correct

Uh, that's acutally fairly representative of Halo 2. Sure it's not completely accurate, but it's close enough.


This, imo, is a better example of a Halo 2 screenshot that looks nothing like the final game.


wow that last Halo2 shot looks incredibly clean. much to clean for Xbox to do. I want that quality plus more complexity in any Xbox2 edition of Halo 2, or Halo3. :)
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