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Screens from the upcoming Legend of Zelda trailer


Junior Member


Don't think this has been posted yet...


Older than old.

Like...5 months old.

The VIDEO of those two pictures was available. It was in the Press conference feed.

They ARE in the Extended Trailer. This is, however, no sign of it being released.


I don't know why IGN was saying they hadn't been shown yet. Didn't everyone see them in the E3 trailer (non-extended)? I seem to remember them...


Drakken said:
I don't know why IGN was saying they hadn't been shown yet. Didn't everyone see them in the E3 trailer (non-extended)? I seem to remember them...

I definitley saw these at E3.
Drakken said:
This is always fun to watch:

Zelda & Miyamoto 2.2 MB Quicktime

Sure, the quality is bad, but the reaction from everyone is awesome.

I was watching that yesterday and maybe it's just the cynic in me but I found the reaction quite sad and pathetic. At least some of them. I'm not sure if it's the one you've posted there's one guy who's jumping up and down like a five year old who needs to pee. There's being excited and then there's standing up, jumping around like a loon and hugging people all because of a friggin' videogame trailer.


Queen of Denmark
Die Squirrel Die said:
I was watching that yesterday and maybe it's just the cynic in me but I found the reaction quite sad and pathetic. At least some of them. I'm not sure if it's the one you've posted there's one guy who's jumping up and down like a five year old who needs to pee. There's being excited and then there's standing up, jumping around like a loon and hugging people all because of a friggin' videogame trailer.
Yeah, it's too bad they're really excited over something they like. They should play it cool and give a stoic, badass look that's like, "Yeah, this MIGHT be cool, whatever."


Die Squirrel Die said:
I was watching that yesterday and maybe it's just the cynic in me but I found the reaction quite sad and pathetic. At least some of them. I'm not sure if it's the one you've posted there's one guy who's jumping up and down like a five year old who needs to pee. There's being excited and then there's standing up, jumping around like a loon and hugging people all because of a friggin' videogame trailer.

That is the effect that the Legend of Zelda has on many of its fans.

That is how awesome the franchise is.

Don't let it bother you.
human5892 said:
Yeah, it's too bad they're really excited over something they like. They should play it cool and give a stoic, badass look that's like, "Yeah, this MIGHT be cool, whatever."

I knew someone would understand. There's all this fucking sharing your feelings and expressing yourself shit floating around nowadays. What's wrong with a bit of good old fashion supressing all your emotions tighter and tighter until they explode in an eruption of psychotic rage? That way never hurt anybody but apparantly it isn't good enough for some people.


Queen of Denmark
Die Squirrel Die said:
I knew someone would understand. There's all this fucking sharing your feelings and expressing yourself shit floating around nowadays. What's wrong with a bit of good old fashion supressing all your emotions tighter and tighter until they explode in an eruption of psychotic rage? That way never hurt anybody but apparantly it isn't good enough for some people.


human5892 said:
Yeah, it's too bad they're really excited over something they like. They should play it cool and give a stoic, badass look that's like, "Yeah, this MIGHT be cool, whatever."

You we're that bloke at the front of the Halo 2 trailer that pissed himself wern't ya?

ge-man said:
That IGNCube pic never gets old. No one will ever forget E3 2003--the Pac-man megaton.


It's a GREAT pic. Everyone in the photo is really funny and unique in their expression. What the hell is with Matt though? He looks like he is totally wasted and depressed :lol
FINALLY, Zelda the way it was meant to be.

This would be the game that made me buy a Gamecube (if I didn't already get them for free). If this game manages to start a Gamecube selling frenzy, the Ninbots can add one more fan to the cheering section.


Someone with access needs to release the extended trailer...if any copies exist..

The majority of us have not seen it.
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