Advocatus Diaboli
As believable as this is, and as despicable as Hannity is, there's basically nothing here. This isn't going to affect Hannity in any way, and he can use any number of reasons as to why she no longer gets invited to the show.
Once there are some actual lawsuits we might see some traction, but as far as this goes, meh.
Yes and no.
The useful thing is, this woman's allegations could possibly support other women's claims that Hannity created a hostile work environment. As in, this is just what he does, the culture is terrible, and he does this with every intern/writer/guest.
The even more interesting thing is, even if Hannity only propositioned guests with no employment relationship with Fox, I still think a hostile work environment claim could exist. Granted, it'd have to be an employee that files it. The argument would go, basically, that Hannity (human garbage) was creepy as fuck and it pervasively affected their ability to do their job.
Hell, even most interesting is a possible hostile work environment claim involving everyone, meaning that even if Hannity was the low fuckboi on the totem pole staring up at the shriveled scrotums of O'Reilly and Ailes, his conduct could STILL be persuasive.