So things have been rough after Bill Shine was fired this morning. Pull the trigger Sean. Burn that bridge and the whole village along with it. Please proceed.
Sean Hannity is looking to leave Fox News, according to sources, following the resignation of Fox News co-president Bill Shine officially on Monday.
Shine was Hannitys his long-time ally whom he personally recommended the network hire two decades ago to produce Hannity & Colmes. In recent days, Hannity warned it would be the total end of Fox News should Shine leave, and he rallied conservative activists to back him up.
Initially, insiders said, Hannitys army of lawyers had hoped to discuss with Fox ways of protecting his 8-year-old primetime show, amid fears that Lachlan and James Murdochfresh off the ousting of Bill OReillywere looking to push the network away from hard-right politics.
However, with Shines departure on Monday, one source told The Daily Beast, theres no reason for Hannity to stay. The network now belongs to the Murdoch sons, another Fox insider said after learning that Shine was gone.
So things have been rough after Bill Shine was fired this morning. Pull the trigger Sean. Burn that bridge and the whole village along with it. Please proceed.
Gabriel Sherman (@gabrielsherman)
According to 3 Fox sources, Hannity has a "key man clause" in his contract that would allow him to quit anytime. He's v. loyal to Shine.