Fox Mulder
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Running theories:
He's been told he's gone but they'll ride out his contract, so he's acting a fool to get bounced...
Running theories:
He's been told he's gone but they'll ride out his contract, so he's acting a fool to get bounced early
He's part of the Russia thing
Hannity strikes me as the type of guy who is gonna end up in a Straitjacket when the Trump administration collapses on itself.
When's his contract till/when's it up?
He knows they won't renew his contract so he's going HAM to build more cred with Trump and the alt right. Guessing he'll move to Info Wars or do his own thing (YouTube, podcast).
When he's let go he'll claim it's due to Fox trying to silence the truth.
The hardcore conservatives at the network are in panic mode. Their ratings are in decline and its obvious their Dear Leader is in deep shit.
FoxNews will likely moderate quite a bit with the Murdoch kids in charge but its going to be a gradual process they better hope can work because right now Foxnews is poison pill
That's great, I'm sure T_D will take this news in a great way lol.
Gotta question how much you really care about journalistic integrity if you work at Fox News
Yes and no. They were always propaganda. But pre-Trump they weren't THIS bad. PreTrump they would only dogwhistle the conspiracy theories instead of outright suggesting them.
Fox just posted this. I wonder what that waste of skin will think of it.
Wow, when even a class-A shithead like Jonah Goldberg thinks you've gone too far, it's time to pack it up.
For reference, Goldberg's the same asshole who wrote this:
We're witnessing the actual Fall of Fox News
It took a Trump presidency. Think how much it'd be thriving with Clinton in office.
Minuscule favors, I know.
We're witnessing the actual Fall of Fox News
It took a Trump presidency. Think how much it'd be thriving with Clinton in office.
Minuscule favors, I know.
Running theories:
He's been told he's gone but they'll ride out his contract, so he's acting a fool to get bounced early
He's part of the Russia thing
I dunno. They had Glenn Beck on there for quite a while, suggesting conspiracy theories was his main thing.
C. He backed Trump and looks stupid AF and is in denial
He's in touch with his audience, then.
The average age of their viewers is 68. They need to adapt or die.
Y'all work at Fox News tho
He really has lost it, huh?
Wait....what's the Panda thing?
They can't go against Trump, though. Have we all forgotten? They tried way back in the primaries, and learned fast that their viewers wouldn't stand for it.
I don't know if he ever wasn't, but it's damn certain that he's legitimately fucking insane now.
I dunno. They had Glenn Beck on there for quite a while, suggesting conspiracy theories was his main thing.
Brad Bauman, spokesman for the Rich family, told CNN last week that "anyone who continues to push this fake news story after it was so thoroughly debunked is proving to the world they have a transparent political agenda or are a sociopath."
Gonna go with sociopath.
Yes, but that was basically ONLY a Glenn Beck thing back then. And even back then eventually they kicked Beck because it wasn't winning many viewers.
A lot of advertisers pulled from his show I think because of some insane Nazi analogy he made.
It was specifically the "i think Obama is a racist that hated white people." That sunk him.A lot of advertisers pulled from his show I think because of some insane Nazi analogy he made.
A lot of advertisers pulled from his show I think because of some insane Nazi analogy he made.