"I feel like every time a Trump employee quits, Oompa Loompas should appear & sing a song to teach us about the perils of gluttony & greed."
No wonder Trump wants this guy. He has done nothing but ball wash him since he began speaking.
still nothing at seans'$0n?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
Lol that is the takeaway hereQ: "Are you willing to commit to being transparent with the press?"
A: "I'll get back to you on that"
New dude kissing even more ass than Spicer and Sanders combined.
He legit said Trump has great karma
Trump better at basketball than NeoGAF user Jack the Nipper - confirmed!
His real name is Subierp EcnierReince is not a name. STOP this fake news
"President Trump finished a round of golf on his Bedminster course last week with a score of 18, and as he hit his final hole-in-one, a rainbow composed entirely of red, white, and blue bloomed across the sky and a flock of bald eagles swooped down and bowed their heads before him."
No wonder Trump wants this guy. He has done nothing but ball wash him since he began speaking.
This guy is your typical Wall Street bullshit artist, just tells people what they want to hear to get as much out of a situation for himself as possible.
Oh shit I'm dead lmao and they both don't care about their roommates shit. I bet trump went through spiceys shit and stole is anime figures
It's like the guy from the original karate kid grew up to be an evil asshole
Watching this press conference, Scaramucci, in appearance, reminds me of the 80's guy from Futurama.
113 million followers? WTF
113 million followers? WTF