Should I be lashing out with sensationalized anger and vitriol at this news? Why? The guy looked like he was on perpetual suicide watch without having slept in months while he was press sec, appearing overwhelmed with guilt, grief, and the burdens of the impossible-foolish task he set out for each morning.
His apparent conscience made him impressively terrible at his job of bullshit peddling for the world's preeminent narcissist-sociopath bullshitter, too, which performed a public service in its own way, so I'm reluctant to throw him too far under the bus for his time served. AFAIK Reince put him up to it, framed as a Greater Good sort of thing for him to be in there rather than someone like SS Huckabee-Sanders, and I concur.
As probably the one person in that entourage who placed legitimate spiritual importance on the Francis meet, it was pretty fucked up to single him out with the snub. So, yeah, good for him to have a second chance at it. That kind of experience can be humbling and transformative for the better.