Reuters has set up a live stream of Spicer's house (???)$0n?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
Reuters has set up a live stream of Spicer's house (???)$0n?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
He's the closest thing this administration has to a Kif-type character.I kind of liked spicer because he was a kind of harmless stooge.
Reuters has set up a live stream of Spicer's house (???)$0n?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
very strangeReuters has set up a live stream of Spicer's house (???)$0n
Please clap.SHS is the new Press Sec. SIGH
SHS is the new Press Sec. SIGH
SHS is the new Press Sec. SIGH
Reuters has set up a live stream of Spicer's house (???)$0n?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
Reince is not a name. STOP this fake news
Look at her father. She never stood a chance.Huckabee Sanders is utterly hateful and obnoxious.
Reuters has set up a live stream of Spicer's house (???)$0n?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
Let's take bets on how long she lasts. She is awful and reporters will eviscerate her any chance they get.
Reuters has set up a live stream of Spicer's house (???)$0n?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
Scaramucci seems like competent speaker. Uses good sentence structures and actual English language words without stuttering.
Watching this press conference, Scaramucci, in appearance, reminds me of the 80's guy from Futurama.
What the shit, this just feels all kinds of wrong.
Reince is not a name. STOP this fake news
HOLY FUCK. This guy is fucking worse than Spicey and SHS.
Lmao this guys so full of shit he's gonna fit right in.
I wonder what his career ending scandal will be.
HOLY FUCK. This guy is fucking worse than Spicey and SHS.
Lmao this guys so full of shit he's gonna fit right in.
I wonder what his career ending scandal will be.
This guy looks and talks like an Italian mobster.
Dead prostitutes.
Dead prostitutes.
Has sex with a pizza in the Oval Office, calling it now.
Let's take bets on how long she lasts. She is awful and reporters will eviscerate her any chance they get.
This is very likely. His hair scream "don't look in the trunk!"
There it is! But will there be pineapple??
Reminder that Spicer's last job at the white house was to take pictures of Trump playing in a fire truck.