So, I spontaneously bought a plane ticket to your city yesterday for October...
I really don't know much about Seattle, what can I do in 5 days?
Pacific Northwest area really has fascinated me for a long time because of the topography. Seattle in particular because it seems like a "hey this is a big city but there is nature outside!"
You can see a good amount of stuff here in that amount of time, it's more of just picking and choosing what you want to see. Even better if you have a car, since places like Mt. Rainer are only a couple hours drive from Seattle itself. I ended up going there this last weekend with friends, and it was great drive up to Paradise, there's a few good spots along the road up there where you can take pictures of Mt. Rainer.
I remember you from another Seattle related thread. It's weird because a lot of areas outside of Seattle remained exactly the same, but the city feels so different. I still like it though, a lot... outside of the traffic being here is pretty great. I imagine I'll stay planted for a while

Getting reacquainted with the area is pretty exciting.
The area has changed a lot as someone who has grown up in the area (in terms of the metro area of Seattle). Yeah, Seattle has seen the largest change I won't deny that, but I've seen other area change significantly, like Tacoma. Not to the degree of Seattle, but still a large noticeable change from what it was a long time ago.
They're building trains to the East Side but that's going to take many many years. Rolling out transit plans is sooooo slow.
Don't remind me, I can't legally drive due my vision. So I have to rely on transit to get anywhere in the area. Which isn't great if you live in Tacoma like I do since Pierce Transit essientally stops all service like around 9 pm. I'm hoping to move up into the general Seattle area within the next couple of years, so I can be closer to friends in the area.
Is there a good map of the rail expansion plans?
Googled around and couldn't find crap; last time I saw anything it was up in the air where the stations were going up here North of Northgate.
Sound Transit has documents of their plans on their website of the Northgate Expansion,
like this one. Includes maps and some other details of the project.