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Seattle Seahawks consider team-wide national anthem protest at NFL opener

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I expect the union rep for the thugs(police) will be out decrying this as something bad and threatening to have officers stop protecting the games. I remember something like that happening last time a team dared do something a police union didn't like.


I expect the union rep for the thugs(police) will be out decrying this as something bad and threatening to have officers stop protecting the games. I remember something like that happening last time a team dared do something a police union didn't like.
Let them. SPD is already shit.


Really hope they go through with this. Send the message loud and clear guys. Go Hawks.

Good luck getting Russell Wilson to participate

Lmao, had the same thought.

Good. Hopefully they give up their tickets. Then maybe I can go to a game without camping out overnight or paying $300 for tickets.

Exactly, they can fuck off for all I care. I'll gladly take a cheaper ticket.

I expect the union rep for the thugs(police) will be out decrying this as something bad and threatening to have officers stop protecting the games. I remember something like that happening last time a team dared do something a police union didn't like.

Fuck the Seattle PD.


Sherman is unlikely to be a problem, there were false rumors spread about him:


I don't get caught up in that kind of stuff. I was worried because he said Kap should have picked a better platform.

Call me crazy but I think this is something that may have been far more impactful had it not been announced beforehand.

Still, good for them.

I dunno. The threat alone will make waves.
There goes any police presence at Seahwks games. Oh darn.

Good for my team though. Proud of them.

I obviously haven't been to games of all the teams in the NFL but from what I hear our games are pretty damn peaceful anyways. Maybe a little banter but that's about it. It's not like we go full Raiders on opposing fans.


I obviously haven't been to games of all the teams in the NFL but from what I hear our games are pretty damn peaceful anyways. Maybe a little banter but that's about it. It's not like we go full Raiders on opposing fans.

Actually the opposite was true as of 2-3 years ago; they even now have a special task force of undercover officers wearing opposing team uniforms to bait people into harassing them.
I obviously haven't been to games of all the teams in the NFL but from what I hear our games are pretty damn peaceful anyways. Maybe a little banter but that's about it. It's not like we go full Raiders on opposing fans.

Yeah, I haven't been to a Seahawks game since the year before Russ was drafted. It was the most chill, laid-back NFL experience I've ever had both inside and out of the stadium.


Since the Seahawks have been a contender since 2012, nobody can claim that this is a publicity stunt by a "washed up has-been" anymore.


This might turn into an all lives matter shit show.
If you read Baldwin's timeline for his tweets about Kaepernick I would think it wouldn't. What it will actually be, we'll have to see, but I would be surprised/disappointed if that were the case.


That's my boys.

We really need to talk about the decline of copy editors in American media though. "they might be prepared to take a team-wide stand". Literally they are considering a team-wide sit. The whole point is to NOT stand.


If you read Baldwin's timeline for his tweets about Kaepernick I would think it wouldn't. What it will actually be, we'll have to see, but I would be surprised/disappointed if that were the case.
I mean, I feel the Seahawks are the team to do it, since they're already kind of the heels with the LoB. But I also know that the white owners will be thinking about ad buys and fan reactions, and the league sure as fuck doesn't want this shit to keep growing. At this rate, at least one starter is going to sit during the super bowl anthem. I hope they all sit though, just the unity thing has me wary.



I hope they go through with it and reconsider backing down.

It would be really amazing and powerful if this can ultimately be mobilized into a league wide protest as the season goes on. Maybe even spin off into the NBA season.

Also while I still hate the Seahawks team as a Saints fan, as people and citizens they have earned a ton of respect.


I mean, I feel the Seahawks are the team to do it, since they're already kind of the heels with the LoB. But I also know that the white owners will be thinking about ad buys and fan reactions, and the league sure as fuck doesn't want this shit to keep growing. At this rate, at least one starter is going to sit during the super bowl anthem. I hope they all sit though, just the unity thing has me wary.
This will get a ton of eyeballs. Owners are probably fine with it.

Not like angry rednecks are going to stop watching football over this.


Good for them.

Seattle police have been found a while ago to be pretty awful.


Based on a randomized, stratified and statistically valid sample of SPD’s use of force reports from Jan. 1, 2009, to April 4, 2011, factual findings include:
When SPD officers use force, they do so in an unconstitutional manner nearly 20 percent of the time;

SPD officers too quickly resort to the use of impact weapons, such as batons and flashlights. When SPD officers use batons, 57 percent of the time it is either unnecessary or excessive;

SPD officers escalate situations, and use unnecessary or excessive force, when arresting individuals for minor offenses. This trend is pronounced in encounters with persons with mental illnesses or those under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This is problematic because SPD estimates that 70 percent of use of force encounters involve these populations.

The Justice Department also found that a number of long-standing and entrenched deficiencies have caused or contributed to these patterns or practices of unlawful or troubling conduct, including the following:

Deficiencies in oversight, policies and training with regard to when and how to (1) use force, (2) report uses of force and (3) use many impact weapons (such as batons and flashlights);

Failure of supervisors to provide oversight of the use of force by individual officers, including appropriate investigation and review of uses of force (notably, among the approximately 1,230 use of force reports from January 2009 to April 2011, only five were referred for “further review” at any level within SPD);

Ineffective systems of complaint investigation and adjudication;

An ineffective early intervention system and disciplinary system;

Inadequate policies and training with regard to pedestrian stops and biased policing; and
A failure to collect adequate data to assess biased policing allegations.

and these assholes were fighting the reforms from that ruling.

this just happened recently there:



This will get a ton of eyeballs. Owners are probably fine with it.

Not like angry rednecks are going to stop watching football over this.

Pretty much. Let them get pissed as they just expose themselves as the season goes on and they look like the assholes they are.

This is the sort of mainstream invading protest that gets me kinda excited.
Pretty much. Let them get pissed as they just expose themselves as the season goes on and they look like the assholes they are.

This is the sort of mainstream invading protest that gets me kinda excited.

Same here! If these protests remain even somewhat consistent through the NFL season and then the NBA continues it, that's really going to keep the conversation going and feels like a pivotal moment for BLM.


Same here! If these protests remain even somewhat consistent through the NFL season and then the NBA continues it, that's really going to keep the conversation going and feels like a pivotal moment for BLM.

It would be.

The cynic in me does sort of understand the waffling though just from an optics perspective.

I wouldn't be upset or disappointed if they don't do a full on sitting on the 9/11game, and instead do something else this one time, but it would be a simple powerful gesture teams could do with a united front to send a powerful message.

Then again they could do something else to pay their respects and then go on with it. I do think from an optics perspective they need to do something to publicly acknowledge 9/11.


Fuck Kaepernick for making me like the Seahawks!

But seriously this is great and I hope they follow through. Hope this catches fire and whole sidelines are sitting. Goodell's wig would melt off.
And fuck Kaepernick for making me like Kaepernick. I'm a Seahawk fan but I'm dammed close to buying his jersey for starting this all. Mad respect for him.

And I will buy Seahawks tickets from anybody that chooses to boycott the games if they do not stand. At a discount mind you.
They don't (usually) show the national anthem for regular season games anyways.

With all the hullabaloo surrounding Kaepernick, plus Sunday being the 15th anniversary of 9/11, you can be sure that almost every NFL game on TV this week will show at least part of the national anthem just waiting for some player to do something for attention.

Past a certain point with all this, is it really adding up to any conversation on race though? Most of the chatter I'm reading online from major outlets or on TV news is about the actual act of the athletes kneeling or not standing for the anthem and how disrespectful that is perceived but almost nothing about why they're doing it beyond a general statement about racial inequality. Having the whole team kneel or something just sounds like its turning into one big dare among athletes to see who can one up the other in terms of getting attention.


Would be cool to see this grow into something bigger. Break into other sports, entertainment celebrities, etc.


With all the hullabaloo surrounding Kaepernick, plus Sunday being the 15th anniversary of 9/11, you can be sure that almost every NFL game on TV this week will show at least part of the national anthem just waiting for some player to do something for attention.

Past a certain point with all this, is it really adding up to any conversation on race though? Most of the chatter I'm reading online from major outlets or on TV news is about the actual act of the athletes kneeling or not standing for the anthem and how disrespectful that is perceived but almost nothing about why they're doing it beyond a general statement about racial inequality.

IDK, I turned on ESPN randomly at like 10:30 one night and their black host went into a really awesome rant about what Kaep is doing and why and in support of the idea of peacefully protesting and why black people have grievances. The white co-host was like nodding his head like, yeah, you make some good points, probably commercial time though.

My girlfriend and I were like "whoa...Nice!"

I know that is anecdotal but Kaep definitely brought attention to sectors of the media and in person that I don't normally hear talking about this sort of stuff. Sure, a lot of the early stuff hasn't gotten too deep into the underlying reasons but eventually that will be unavoidable and I think thats what I like about this.

Makes you think.



Makes you think.

The opposite could also become true though.

How many instant sales of Keap jerseys and Seahawks jersey will there be? I would imagine a decent bit...Not just in support but from dumb assholes that want to burn them too lol.

But yeah, I think the costs would likely outweigh the benefits if it spurs some mass protests. But hey, the beauty of this protest is that those sort of actions over the longterm just make that side look worse and worse as they no doubt will do tons of dumb shit while all these players are doing is peacefully kneeling or sitting.
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