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Secretly recorded Republican congress meeting reveals concern on repeal of Obamacare

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Meanwhile everyone who was getting subsidies will get a much larger price tag on their premiums with a promise of making it up at tax time, making it a lot harder to sell as being cheaper than the "absolute disaster" of obamacare.

The unspoken thing is that if you were getting subsidies you're poor, so you deserve to get fucked.




not like democrats will vote in the midterms anyway.

it will be 2010 all over again

But the situation is not like 2010 at all. Obama was in office and Dems had house and senate majorities. I'd imagine a good amount of complacency led to the terrible turn out.

2018, there is a piece of shit in the oval office and Dems don't have the house or senate... and so far, people are motivated to fight. I'm thinking that the turnout has to be better.


they've never been able to come up with a replacement because the ACA is a republican-created plan that already has the barest minimum concern for human life and health. anything further right would be obviously sociopathic and nobody would ever believe that it's better for anyone other than the wealthy.


they've never been able to come up with a replacement because the ACA is a republican-created plan that already has the barest minimum concern for human life and health. anything further right would be obviously sociopathic and nobody would ever believe that it's better for anyone other than the wealthy.

Ding ding ding. It can't get anymore Republican than this and they know it.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I vaguely recall a piece years ago about a religious family in the south who did the whole "have as many children for god as possible" thing. They struggled with money because duh they have too many kids. Under the ACA they were eligible for great subsidies and better health care and they were angry about it.

Even as they sat there enjoying the coverage, they vocally objected to the form it took because subsidies advertised to their community that they were low class and poor.

I assume if those people today suffer from ACA being repealed, they will simultaneously shriek about being unable to care for their dozen quiver babies while praising Trump for restoring dignity and christian values to America.


Kind of insane, they can either fix the damage they've done to it and prove Obama right, or burn it all down and watch the ensuing chaos and prove Obama even more right. They're fucked either way and they have to own either outcome.


As much as I'd like to see Republicans have to deal with the political fallout of getting rid of the ACA, too many people would suffer as a result. I don't care if they just rename it and take credit for it as long as it sticks around and the people who need it can get their coverage.


Ding ding ding. It can't get anymore Republican than this and they know it.

it can easily get more republican. bigger corporate handouts, less regulation, and smaller subsidies for poor people.

their problem is that they've shit on the ACA for so long people will be expecting something that's actually better and they can't deliver. they'll just say it's better and will live or die based on whether their base swallows the marketing.
ACA is as republican a bill as it gets with healthcare, they are now realizing they done fucked up trying to repeal and REPLACE something that is something more republican in nature than the ACA already is without completely dismantling it

Yeah didn't NIxon outline a similar style healthcare plan at some point?


To be fair, they had one idea but they disavowed it when Democrats beat them to implementing it

Not really. Romney's actual plan for health care had nothing to do with what was eventually passed in Massachusetts or the ACA,


Everything about the law that actually had to do with expanding care, lowering costs, and reigning in insurance industry abuses was passed by veto proof Democratic majorities in the MA legislature. Obamacare /= Romneycare or any "Republican" plan for healthcare, not even close and it's painful to see how many otherwise well informed people continue to perpetuate this myth.


That was the expectation all those years ago. People get on the ACA they aren't coming off without a fight. It stops being "handouts" if you you're the one on it.


Not really. Romney's actual plan for health care had nothing to do with what was eventually passed in Massachusetts or the ACA,


Everything about the law that actually had to do with expanding care, lowering costs, and reigning in insurance industry abuses was passed by veto proof Democratic majorities in the MA legislature. Romneycare /= Obamacare or any "Republican" plan for healthcare, not even close and it's painful to see how many otherwise well informed people continue to perpetuate this myth.

the part that's best at expanding care is the individual mandate and it has to exist for any market-based solution that aims to cover everyone to not immediately collapse.

the democrat ideas like subsidies for the poor and capping insurance administrative spending are just lube, but we're still getting buttfucked. the core of the ACA is capitalist and right-wing as anything, and in a space like healthcare that's untenable unless you simply don't care about people.
It really sounds like ACA (OBAMACARE) is actually Obama's final trap card

It's the absolute least that could be done to materially help Americans get healthcare as it was the only thing that could pass the republican held legislative branches at the time.

To remove it to try and appease health insurance companies, leaves no options for actually helping Americans with health insurance problems.

There's nowhere for them to go but more progressive


I mean, yeah.

Welcome to politics.

Now comes the real test- Will they put these objections into action, or just roll over for the administration?

the administration has to have a plan for congress to roll over.

trump's cadre of supervillains seem to have specific things they want to accomplish but i haven't got the sense that healthcare is on that list. he campaigned against the ACA because it was super unpopular but it seems like his solution is to have congress come up with something else.


the administration has to have a plan for congress to roll over.

trump's cadre of supervillains seem to have specific things they want to accomplish but i haven't got the sense that healthcare is on that list. he campaigned against the ACA because it was super unpopular but it seems like his solution is to have congress come up with something else.

While you're correct, I'm sure that Price will draft something that the Trump team will try to ram down their throats.

It will probably be terrible, but we have to see what they do. They're clearly concerned about their political capital, but don't seem as if they're ready to obstruct him just yet.


It really sounds like ACA (OBAMACARE) is actually Obama's final trap card

It's the absolute least that could be done to materially help Americans get healthcare as it was the only thing that could pass the republican held legislative branches at the time.

To remove it to try and appease health insurance companies, leaves no options for actually helping Americans with health insurance problems.

There's nowhere for them to go but more progressive

the ACA passed with 0 republican votes. it is entirely a democratic plan, it's the least that could be done because contrary to republican propaganda the democratic party is actually center-right and does not want to do anything progressive.

edit: also 34 house democrats voted against it because it wasn't conservative enough.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
The real news here, to me, is just how willing people are to leak shit about Trump. Now, I think this was a strategic leak by the republicans to get their hesitation on record, but still.
It's the absolute least that could be done to materially help Americans get healthcare as it was the only thing that could pass the republican held legislative branches at the time

Democrats held both houses of Congress at the time. They watered down the law to obtain bipartisan support. EDIT: Beaten.
The real news here, to me, is just how willing people are to leak shit about Trump. Now, I think this was a strategic leak by the republicans to get their hesitation on record, but still.

Trump has made enemies within Congress, within the IC, has no friends on the other side of the isle, and isn't even on the same page as some of his own cabinet nominees. Yeah, there's a lot of people who are out get this guy, one way or another, I'm sure. It's the biggest drawback, for sure, to coming into office with literally just your own posse.
the ACA passed with 0 republican votes. it is entirely a democratic plan, it's the least that could be done because contrary to republican propaganda the democratic party is actually center-right and does not want to do anything progressive.

edit: also 34 house democrats voted against it because it wasn't conservative enough.

The House passed a bill with a public option attached. You need to go back and read some more about what was going on during the year long period healthcare reform was being debated.
I just read the OP.. I've always believed that if the republicans truly have something better planned for americas healthcare... it would have happened by now.


It really sounds like ACA (OBAMACARE) is actually Obama's final trap card

It's the absolute least that could be done to materially help Americans get healthcare as it was the only thing that could pass the republican held legislative branches at the time.

To remove it to try and appease health insurance companies, leaves no options for actually helping Americans with health insurance problems.

There's nowhere for them to go but more progressive
It was always meant as a first step towards severing the employment-based system health insurance in the US to something set up like Car insurance.
Why do republicans want a refundable tax credit so much anyway? It's almost like they just want it because it's different from Obamacare subsidies.

Because lots of people, especially people without means, fail to get their refunds/rebates due to the extra work and understanding required to do so. Also, those with less income and tax burden won't get anything back anyway. A refund for health insurance is essentially a regressive tax on the poor.


The real news here, to me, is just how willing people are to leak shit about Trump. Now, I think this was a strategic leak by the republicans to get their hesitation on record, but still.
All of the White House leaks over the past week since he took office have shown that most of his aides and advisors hate Trump's guts and that they have just about as much respect for him and his ability to lead as the rest of us.
Man we all knew they'd do this. It's a nice piece of rhetoric to get elected but actually following through and having all that fallout be slapped on you.

That's not something they'd ever be willing to do.
The ACA was about as shitty a thing you could pass and call "reform" without making people die laughing.

So the GOP is in a tough spot: they can't do what's really necessary and proven (medicare for all), and any further cut to the ACA would bite them in the ass when personal health outcomes are catastrophic. My guess is they "repeal" Obamacare, and pass something that is virtually identical.


the ACA passed with 0 republican votes. it is entirely a democratic plan, it's the least that could be done because contrary to republican propaganda the democratic party is actually center-right and does not want to do anything progressive.

edit: also 34 house democrats voted against it because it wasn't conservative enough.

Bolded isn't remotely true. Democrats kept watering the bill down to get Republicans on board and when it was time to vote, the R's gave them the middle finger.

Hard to argue with the rest of your post though.


The ACA was about as shitty a thing you could pass and call "reform" without making people die laughing.

So the GOP is in a tough spot: they can't do what's really necessary and proven (medicare for all), and any further cut to the ACA would bite them in the ass when personal health outcomes are catastrophic. My guess is they "repeal" Obamacare, and pass something that is virtually identical.

ACA was sabotaged by the GOP and insurance companies so I'm not sure that the program itself is bad or just rotted from the inside about by those entrusted to run it.
Bolded isn't remotely true. Democrats kept watering the bill down to get Republicans on board and when it was time to vote, the R's gave them the middle finger.

Hard to argue with the rest of your post though.

Yeah, I'm not sure why people forget this. Huge efforts were made to turn this into something palatable to the GOP, but they were 100% behind fighting everything and anything Obama did.

Now they've convinced a lot of people that the ACA is the worst possible solution, to the point where people want it repealed without even knowing what's going to replace it.

That belief is 100% their own fault. The hilarious thing is, that the GOP criticized Obama care for it's premium costs. So now they've got to bring those down, without killing people. Which... good luck.
the ACA passed with 0 republican votes. it is entirely a democratic plan, it's the least that could be done because contrary to republican propaganda the democratic party is actually center-right and does not want to do anything progressive.

edit: also 34 house democrats voted against it because it wasn't conservative enough.

I consciously know how far right the democratic party really is on average but I often don't realize it on a day to day basis.

Democrats held both houses of Congress at the time. They watered down the law to obtain bipartisan support. EDIT: Beaten.

My mistake. Liberalism in the US really is a joke it seems

It was always meant as a first step towards severing the employment-based system health insurance in the US to something set up like Car insurance.

Which is ironic because the car insurance market isn't that great for consumers either and we can't even achieve that in the US for health car :(
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