I remember seeing import copies of European Shenmue II, with discs to play import games on, for sale in EB here in the US... but yeah, Sega seems to have stopped making DC games almost entirely basically the moment the GC and Xbox came out. They released stuff up until Bomberman Online in October, but their November and December titles? We didn't get a one, not Shenmue II, not Rez, not and Headhunter, even though all three released in Europe by January '02. Missing out on Japan-only releases like Space Channel 5 Part 2, okay, but games that were in English, and during the DC's life, not releasing in the region where the DC had done best? No wonder that the DC sold so poorly in December '01, after having a pretty decent year up to that point. Sega wanted people to get a GC and Monkey Ball, I guess... or wait for VF4 on PS2 and their Xbox lineup. Seriously though, if there's enough demand for EB to be importing European games, you've got to say that Sega made a mistake by not releasing them here.