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Sega Dreamcast - Appreciation and Emulation Thread

I am seriously impressed by Spawn I can't believe how much fun I'm having with that game. Helps when you have zero expectations going in I guess. I would suggest that anyone yet to play it, add that one to your collection. Still can be had on the cheap.

Really? I thought Spawn was like a $30 game.


My dreamcast should be coming in the mail this week. I'm ready!

I got 3 of sega's 2k1 sports games brand new for $6 shipped. (total) Those should be fun since I'm pretty nostalgic about NBA2K1.

I also just won an auction for a disc only copy of Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage for $8 shipped.
Thrift store visit while doing stuff today: Snagged Space Channel 5, but I havent popped it in yet. Any opinions? Never had the chance to play it back in the day.

Gameplay isn't great (I mean, it's basically Simon) but makes up for it with style in spades. As a game it doesn't really hold up but the awesome music and charm are still absolutely intact.

So yeah, it's a super memorable game and it's short, so totally worth a play.

edit: oh and the sick holo cover already makes it worth the asking price soooooo


Teknos if you don't end up liking it, i'll double your investment man! haha...for real im looking to replace a bunch've CIB DC games i lost, at some point this year anyway. gonna keep checking buy/sell and wholesale lot auctions!


Really? I thought Spawn was like a $30 game.
I guess cheap is a realitive term. I paid 28 shipped for it I found that to be reasonable. Then again I just bought JoJos and Power Stone 2 and Illbleed so it's been one of the least strains on my wallet recently.

On a side note, damn JoJos for not working over vga that game would look so good in progressive. I even tried running a boot disc prior to 'force' it into vga and it does work but it only displays at roughly 25 percent of the size its supposed to. Same thing goes for Bangai-O


Thrift store visit while doing stuff today: Snagged Space Channel 5, but I havent popped it in yet. Any opinions? Never had the chance to play it back in the day.
Speaking of which, can anyone speak on the PS2 'special edition' port that came out? Pros and cons? I was unaware of this release until just today.

And to answer your question I really like the game, its essentially a rhythm game with some great music and unique ideas that haven't really been fully replicated. Part 2 can be found on the xbox 360 dreamcast disc that came out a few years back. I don't think that one saw an NA release.
Speaking of which, can anyone speak on the PS2 'special edition' port that came out? Pros and cons? I was unaware of this release until just today.

I think the PlayStation 2 version of the first game fixes some timing issues that existed in the Dreamcast original. Space Channel 5 Special Edition also includes Part 2.

There's nothing wrong with the PlayStation 2 version, as far as I know. I don't have it, though. I kept meaning to buy it for Part 2, but I ended up getting Part 2 on the Xbox 360 via the Dreamcast Collection disc.

Part 2 is a lot better than the first game. I love both a lot, though..even if I could never beat the last level in the first game.
Now is MJ in both of them or just the second one? I haven't progressed far enough in either to find out.

You can save Space Michael in the last level of the first game, but he has no effect on the game besides being a hostage to rescue. He plays a big role in Part 2, though, and will follow you around for the second half of the game.


I really enjoyed the DC. I didn't ever own one but would go to my best friend's house and play it. Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio, and Skies of Arcadia are the ones I remember the most.

I played Skies of Arcadia so much that I tracked down a copy for Gamecube. Loading times and textures seem a little better.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Skies of Arcadia has grown on me a bit. Not sure why it didn't click the first time around but I'm enjoying my playthrough now. Maybe I just wasn't in an RPG kind of mood.

Coming straight off of Shining the Holy Ark does underscore a flaw of this era of typical JRPGs, though: random encounters + load times suck. One strength dungeon crawlers have is that there's no separate map to load for a battle; you switch game modes immediately and with no delay. Not so in this case. It's not dragging down the pace enough to be too irritating, though.


yeah, my next skies play will be on GC for sure, i hear the encounter rate is kinder (but the disc drive doesn't warn you, haha).

i totally get your point on battle transitioning though - i hated going from stuff like chrono trigger to FF VII making something like a 10 second delay before each fight begins, really wrecks the pacing.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I actually, genuinely don't understand people who ostensibly enjoy JRPGs but dislike random encounters. If you don't like the battles, the main part of the game that's actually strategic and tactical, then why even play at all?

It bothers me when the transitions are done in such a way that the game moves at a snail's pace, but that's not a problem with the concept itself. PSIV is my favorite JRPG in no small part due to the fact that "battle start" -> "macro A" takes all of 2 seconds.


eh, i get your mentality, but as a fan of both horror and JRPGs, even though combat might be the bulk of what your'e doing, it's not the meat of why you're there, it's usually an ends to it. few RPGs have had a combat system i actually enjoyed; the majority of the finer ones simply weren't a hamper to the experience (like say Xenosaga II). even if i do think the engine's alright at first, the way encounters are used to pad length, it becomes numbing eventually, or at worst, cumbersome. FF XII was great for me in this regard, as i actively sought fights since i dug the engine once it clicked.

and yeah, i wish all of them moved like PSIV's macros.


I'm gradually rebuilding my old dreamcast collection...
Just won an auction for 7 dreamcast games including a complete copy of Shenmue for $20 shipped!!

-mtv Skateboarding
-House Of The Dead 2
-Hidden & Dangerous
-Virtua Fighter 3tb
-tomb raider - the last revalation
-ECW: Hardcore Revolution

I don't know if I'll particularly care for all of these, but It was worth it for half of them alone.

Nyoro SF

I actually, genuinely don't understand people who ostensibly enjoy JRPGs but dislike random encounters. If you don't like the battles, the main part of the game that's actually strategic and tactical, then why even play at all?

It bothers me when the transitions are done in such a way that the game moves at a snail's pace, but that's not a problem with the concept itself. PSIV is my favorite JRPG in no small part due to the fact that "battle start" -> "macro A" takes all of 2 seconds.

I love JRPG battles (from the good JRPGs, of course) but I like to control when I battle most of the time, like Chrono Cross and Persona 4.

Entering, avoiding and exiting battles should be something that is completely under the player's control. I don't like having control wrested from me because of a random number generator while I'm just trying to walk or run somewhere, forced to fight when there is no need.
I often wonder.. What if Grand Theft Auto had originally come out for the Dreamcast, as was the plan. Would it have made a difference?

I know GTA2 did come out on DC but was 3 slated for it as well? I think there would be real issues with the size of the game and how everything streamed off the disc when GD-ROMs only store 1GB of data.


I often wonder.. What if Grand Theft Auto had originally come out for the Dreamcast, as was the plan. Would it have made a difference?

The team developing GTA3 had Dreamcast devkits to "explore" on, but they never had real intentions to come out on the Dreamcast, and the timeline/scope for GTA3 meant it was never really viable as a Dreamcast game. It was never really a Dreamcast game, just a platform to test rendering models etc from what I remember.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Since DC PC emulation is just... never going to be up to snuff, since the Android one seems to be going for more accuracy over Null, I guess I need to suck it up and get a VGA box.

Confusing as all hell though since some of the post-official ones are crap and some are good apparently? I'm in the UK and need to start finding some hard links and good names. Also need to go the roundabout VGA to HDMI route as well due to inputs, and then apparently a lot of the VGA - HDMI boxes do weird black screen brown screen dark shit or something? Looking to drop hopefully less than £40 on this whole shibang. Any directions appreciated.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So last night I made a CDI image of each of my Skies of Arcadia discs to see how that one runs on NullDC. Seemed to run okay, a few minor graphics and sound glitches in the opening, the sound stuttered a few times which kind of annoyed me. Made me want to hook the DC up to the TV instead, heh. Maybe if I play around with some of the settings it might smooth out, not sure.

It's kind of a pain hooking up the DC to my PC to image game discs, so I really don't want to waste the time imaging games that won't run anyway. Plus they take up a fair amount of HD space too. Is there a comprehensive compatibility list somewhere for NullDC v1.04? I've searched a bit over lunch today but was surprised to not be able to find such a list.


I built a really nice dream cast collection but decided I am hoarding them rather then enjoy them. Rather it be used by someone. Going to post everything in the buy sell thread soon, lots of great games and vga box.


So question for you all.

I tracked down a Dreamcast a few months back and got a few games. I played them over my HDTV with S-video, but stopped because they just looked pretty bad.

I heard Dreamcast over VGA looks quite nice, hitting 480p enhanced definition in just about every major game.

But the VGA boxes are super expensive now so I went with this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/VGA-High-De...NTSC-for-SEGA-Dreamcast-Console-/131024285218

I was excited when it arrived but then when I connected it to my Emerson HDTV (it's a 39 inch 1080p LCD)...."no signal"

Does my TV just not support 640x480? Is that the issue?

I suppose I should try it with my PC monitor....

EDIT: And also, was my mistake getting that $17 cable? Is there some reason you NEED the VGA box if you want 480p? Just curious why people don't just buy these types of cables instead of the more expensive boxes.
I don't have one, but I believe the VGA boxes should all include S-Video and composite video and audio out ports along with a switch to switch between VGA and composite for games that don't support VGA. So...convenience. All you have to do is flip a switch instead of switch out cables every time if a game doesn't support VGA.

There might be other things, too, but that's all I'm aware of.


anyone playing nomad soul? it's not the greatest game, but man, the atmosphere, soundtrack, and world created is very cool.

very atmospheric if you like a 80's inspired style, deus ex-meets-blade runner kind of theme.


You need a VGA box, because it converts the signal. Those cables are useless garbage.

Ya I was scared of that, and maybe its true. But before buying it I saw numerous forum posts of people saying the cables work fine. It'd be crazy if they made them, specifically for the Dreamcast, and they don't work at all. I think it is just my TV not supporting 640x480p. Once I get the chance I'll hook it up to my monitor to see and report back with the results.


the more i read about it, the more i really have to look into a hazaro (sp?) and whatever else to get my DC into my XRGB direct, as this VGA box > HDMI converter apparently isn't as good a signal. when i sort that out ill have a setup for sale/trade.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I've just plonked for a VGA box on ebay, so excited for that to get here. Then I just need to decide what the best VGA to HDMI box I should get for £20 considering I'll also need a couple extra leads (VGA + audio cable, ANOTHER HDMI). So many seem to have big problems, so if anyone has links and solid recommendations I'm all ears.

Saw this white one on amazon by Winpoon (NO LAUGHING AT THE BACK), which like an OCD maniac I guess I'm favouring since white console and all that but I've heard tons of horror stories and dropping £40 on an old console already feels extravagant enough without a stinker box in the mix.


anyone playing nomad soul? it's not the greatest game, but man, the atmosphere, soundtrack, and world created is very cool.

very atmospheric if you like a 80's inspired style, deus ex-meets-blade runner kind of theme.
Hmm I'll have to check this one out. Ah yes now I remember, this is that Quantic Dream David Cage game. If I loved Heavy Rain will I like this?


How has Skies of Arcadia held up over the years? I kinda want to try an RPG on Dreamcast and that is one that is expensive, but still attainable ($40 at my local games shop).

But if it hasn't aged well, then that wouldn't be worth it to me.


How has Skies of Arcadia held up over the years? I kinda want to try an RPG on Dreamcast and that is one that is expensive, but still attainable ($40 at my local games shop).

But if it hasn't aged well, then that wouldn't be worth it to me.

i played it for the first time not too long ago and I loved it. I don't really mind random battles at all though. I'd play Skies over just about any rpg made in the last decade to be honest.


i played it for the first time not too long ago and I loved it. I don't really mind random battles at all though. I'd play Skies over just about any rpg made in the last decade to be honest.

Cool thanks! Maybe I'll bite the bullet and pick it up for the $40.


the more i read about it, the more i really have to look into a hazaro (sp?) and whatever else to get my DC into my XRGB direct, as this VGA box > HDMI converter apparently isn't as good a signal. when i sort that out ill have a setup for sale/trade.

i think i should've phrased this as a question instead - what are the details of that setup, exactly?


Ya I was scared of that, and maybe its true. But before buying it I saw numerous forum posts of people saying the cables work fine. It'd be crazy if they made them, specifically for the Dreamcast, and they don't work at all. I think it is just my TV not supporting 640x480p. Once I get the chance I'll hook it up to my monitor to see and report back with the results.

I have one of those cheap cables and aside from the hassle of having to switch cables when games do not support 480p, there is no difference I've seen. Games display correctly in 480p over vga on my Panasonic Plasma.


How has Skies of Arcadia held up over the years? I kinda want to try an RPG on Dreamcast and that is one that is expensive, but still attainable ($40 at my local games shop).

But if it hasn't aged well, then that wouldn't be worth it to me.

Still a great game. The battle system is just okay and the amount of random encounters is horrific (GC version has a slightly better encounter rate), but everything else is wonderful. I'd say it's worth the $40, although I'm disappointed that Sega still hasn't released an HD version in the $10 - $20 range. Seems like the kind of game that would sell pretty well on Steam.


I have one of those cheap cables and aside from the hassle of having to switch cables when games do not support 480p, there is no difference I've seen. Games display correctly in 480p over vga on my Panasonic Plasma.

Ya it worked with my PC monitor it turns out, but of course no sound as the audio cables can't connect to anything.

Damn it my LCD apparently does not support 640x480. This sucks.


Still a great game. The battle system is just okay and the amount of random encounters is horrific (GC version has a slightly better encounter rate), but everything else is wonderful. I'd say it's worth the $40, although I'm disappointed that Sega still hasn't released an HD version in the $10 - $20 range. Seems like the kind of game that would sell pretty well on Steam.

Ok that's two people saying it holds up. Hope that game shop still has the copy think I'll try it out.


Ok that's two people saying it holds up. Hope that game shop still has the copy think I'll try it out.
The gamecube version is better but the dreamcast does have some exclusive stuff. I am not sure I would spend 40 on it though when you could get a game like Grandia 2 that plays better then any other version and is cheaper.
I should finish Grandia 2 one of these days, lol.

At this point might as well start over since it has been 10 years since the last time I played it.


Just received a near pristine copy of Shenmue through the post :) (just a tiny bit of wear and tear on the outer box) now I can finally play though this for the first time ever!


^you have glorious times ahead of you, m'man...just bear in mind it's a prologue with deliberate pacing. if you dig it, 2 is tons better & also affordable, plus importing from the EU is easy & gets rid of the dubbing!
Does anyone know where I can get dreamcast replacement jewel cases? I have a pretty respectable collection but my god are the cases scratched up and cracked.


Since the copy of Toukon Retsuden 4 I bought last year was clearly a dud as it wouldn't boot on any console or with any boot disc (DC-X, Utopia etc) I've dropped the cash to get another copy. Hopefully this time it works.

I also ordered Stunt GP and Super Runabout: The Golden State as they were both extremely cheap.

I think I'm close to 70 games now on my Dreamcast, gotta go check that spreadsheet...


I also ordered Stunt GP and Super Runabout: The Golden State as they were both extremely cheap.

I think I'm close to 70 games now on my Dreamcast, gotta go check that spreadsheet...

I'm sitting closer to 160... Sigh.

StuntGP is one of my most played racers on the Dreamcast & I consider it a little gem of a racer along with Demolition Racer No Exit - took their genre & put a twist on the mechanics/design to take it some place new.
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