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Sega Dreamcast - Appreciation and Emulation Thread

The Naomi original was built around analog controls, but the DC port still feels like it's digital movement, even with the stick. Nicely done, though!

Is it? maybe I'm getting things mixed up? in any case, much jerkier and more unreliable with dpad for me.

It's a shame that the Xbox Spikeout isn't very good. I ended up picking it up when I recently bought an Xbox and I was disappointed at how bad it was and not fun to play. I love beat 'em ups so I was hoping it would be one of those last hurrahs for 3D beat 'em ups but I was wrong.

I've read this a lot and I wonder what the big difference is with the Xbox version. The original game is/was stupidly popular in Japan. Xbox game always seemed very obtuse and difficult to me.

playing Slashout made Spikeout seem fair and balanced by comparison though!
So I'm currently building a retro setup in my gaming room and picked up a 36in Triniton.
Found a local shop selling the dreamcast for only $30 complete preowned. They even have a brand new sealed box for $80.

Anyway, my first dreamcast, what should I be looking for?

Some good ones aside from the more well known stuff:

Cannon Spike
Dino Crisis
Wacky Racers
Sword of the Berserk
Dynamite Cop
Mars Matrix
Maken X
Gunbird 2
Plasma Sword
Bust a Move 4

Just off the top of my head.


My Toro finally came from Turkey!







I got my GDEmu and I'm not having a lot of luck so far. Tried 3 different SD cards and I'm running into a lot of issues. :/


ok, whew! Turns out it was my Dreamcast at fault, I was having some PSU issues. Removed and reseated the power board and things are good again.

What a finicky little console!


ok, whew! Turns out it was my Dreamcast at fault, I was having some PSU issues. Removed and reseated the power board and things are good again.

What a finicky little console!

I'd like a full impression, if you don't mind. I've been coy about buying one due to no returns allowed and I've had amazingly bad luck with mods and flash cart tech before.


I was pretty impulsive when I bought it and as a result was a bit caught off-guard at the nature of the thing. Being strictly a GD-ROM emulator, there's no real menu or anything, just a silent little board that switches games when you press a physical button you need to open your Dreamcast's lid to reach.

That said, some third-party software alleviates this and makes things more Everdrive-y: GDMenu seems to do a good job at providing an actual menu on the Dreamcast that runs by default when you turn the console on, and GDEmu_SD is a nice Windows tool for general SD card management for this thing. So far I've only tried one game (Power Stone) and it runs greaaaaat with seemingly snappier loading, but I'll update later after trying more.


Is there a boot disc solution to force the Dreamcast into 480p? I've been doing some reading on the upcoming/in progress Dreamcast HDMI mod. From what little there is to read, it appears the mod can't trick games to run in 480p and will line double 480i instead, which is extremely undesirable.


After more GDEmu use, I'm really impressed. Load times seem faster all over the place, my Dreamcast is nice and quiet, and GDMenu works excellently (you even return to it when soft resetting). Easy installation, too. Would have been a five minute thing if it weren't for that PSU issue I had.


After more GDEmu use, I'm really impressed. Load times seem faster all over the place, my Dreamcast is nice and quiet, and GDMenu works excellently (you even return to it when soft resetting). Easy installation, too. Would have been a five minute thing if it weren't for that PSU issue I had.

I heard you can use the music player to see iso data. Maybe I'm misremembering, but that would come in handy to be able to check what iso you've switched to before you launch.


ok, whew! Turns out it was my Dreamcast at fault, I was having some PSU issues. Removed and reseated the power board and things are good again.

What a finicky little console!

it really is, i feel ive had more issues with the DC & reading discs with even slight damage than most other disc-based systems, turboduo aside

That translucent green controller looks so cool

yeah, ive a blue but that's a great color!


Thought my Toro was defective... turns out my luminosity switch was in the wrong spot. Didn't even know that was a feature of the device. Always remember to thoroughly read your manuals, kids!


There's a fan-made Neo Geo CD emulator for Dreamcast. Is there any chance it's that? I think you can use your original NCD games too.
Yeah I did that back in the day. Neo4All. Cheapest way to legitimately own and play many SNK games, like Sam Sho 1 and 2.


Yeah I did that back in the day. Neo4All. Cheapest way to legitimately own and play many SNK games, like Sam Sho 1 and 2.

Yeah the pic said Neo4All. I guess that's what it is. I was going to go through the the trouble of region modding my Saturn and finding the SNK RAM cart to play MS, but if I can get it running on DC and still output 240p, I think that might be a better option.

Hmm... Never mind. It still seems to suffer from slow down.


Yeah Neo4all wasn't much good at MS. It ran KOF94, SamSho 1 and 2 well, and at the time I wanted a 'complete set'. I had KOF 95 onward on Saturn/DC, and SamSho 3/4 on Saturn.


My Toro finally showed up this weekend! I really want to try the RGB mode, but don't have a cable for that yet.
Will need to be careful with that, as everything that I'm using with the Framemeister is JP-21.

It's time to wake up my old Franken-Dreamcast again. It had been resting in its box for a few years now.

Believe it or not, this one started its life as a pink Hello Kitty Dreamcast that I bought while Sega was winding down.
It's modified with an official clear shell! Because of its white bottom half, it ended up looking like a Seaman Dreamcast. Looking at it again makes we wish right away that Sega was still pushing out hardware...


Does Shenmue/2 still have those weird graphical bugs while emulating?

I ran into some issues with my Dreamcast recently, video flicking and whatnot. Not sure if it's the cables or the actual system--but if it's on the way out, I'd still like a way to play my two favorite games of all time. (I've beaten both every year since they came out.)


I got another ASCII optical stick. This one is in great condition and basically fixes all my problems I had with my first, cruddy one. Except one screw being under a rubber foot.


I have an Agetech stick on the way. The official one with the VMU window, and the green buttons/ balltop.

Not sure if I'll keep stick parts in it though. I'm still hoping to get a really nice custom stick made from scratch and all Sanwa parts for several systems.... This may serve as the base, but I'll probably opt for something a bit more heavy duty in the end.

I think I've been bitten by the arcade stick bug :-(

Bye bye money.


I love the green goblin. I got mine back in 2008 or 2009 and it made me wonder how I played fighting games on dreamcast without it.
What shape is the gate on the stick? I sort of bought it on impulse without doing my research because I found it for cheap.


Shape is square. The stick is decent but if it's too old you should buy some springs to replace the original because it will feel mushy. Maybe buy a new lever too if it's rusty. The buttons are a pain in the ass though. They aren't very good to begin with and with time they get squeaky. They are annoying to replace but the main pain is dremeling the holes to widen them from 28mm to 30 so they can fit Sanwa or Seimitsu buttons. I hear Korean buttons are like 27.5mm or sonething like that.


Is Maken X any good? Which is better the Dreamcast or PS2 version?

Not particularly great, no, it's more of an interesting curiosity as it's got some really cool character art (even for the bosses) from the Persona artist. The Dreamcast version is superior. They changed the PS2 version to a third person view from the original's first person, which wouldn't have been a bad idea except they didn't redo anything else so it controls extremely awkwardly.
I got kinda motion sick in the Dreamcast version. PS2 port has a 3rd-person camera but I don't know if it helps since I've never played it.


Shape is square. The stick is decent but if it's too old you should buy some springs to replace the original because it will feel mushy. Maybe buy a new lever too if it's rusty. The buttons are a pain in the ass though. They aren't very good to begin with and with time they get squeaky. They are annoying to replace but the main pain is dremeling the holes to widen them from 28mm to 30 so they can fit Sanwa or Seimitsu buttons. I hear Korean buttons are like 27.5mm or sonething like that.

Seems to be the case with so many older arcade sticks. I love how we now have such high quality arcade sticks on the market even with stock parts.

Oh well. The price was right - 60 bucks with shipping included. I'll probably leave it stock as a nice P2 stick for when friends come over.


Ok so I snagged a Dell M991 CRT Monitor from a local thrift today for $1.50. Gotta find room for it of course, but whats the best option to connect the Dreamcast via VGA again?
i should get off shitty s-video, but i don't wanna dish out for a toro (seems to be the one compatible with the xrgb mini.) are there any good rgb cables out there


I picked up Seaman, without a mic. I heard you can do an easy mod to a VMU to add a microphone. Does anybody know of some quick tutorial or guide on how to do this?


Hmm so this is strange. Testing the monitor with an old laptop and with my current PC. It turns on just fine when not plugged into anything, but when connected to the laptop or PC (or even a DVI converter plug without being plugged into anything else) it immediately goes into sleep mode?

EDIT: Got it to work with the laptop after screwing around with some settings and cold boot. Now it seems like its missing the color red (or its just really weak).


C'mon Post Office...

Ordered Sonic Adventure 1 Not for Resale version, since somehow I dont have Sonic Adventure 1...not sure how that occurred, but now that it was supposed to be delivered...

Looking at the tracking, the item should have been delivered today at 1:42pm in our mailbox, however the package was not in the mailbox when I checked. Hopefully this was just the postal carrier saying that it was delivered, and will still drop it off on the 11th, since they seem to do this every so often these days.


Powerstone rules, so sure! I haven't personally played the PSP version, but I hear it runs at half the framerate. And you want two players, which is obviously going to be more convenient on a console.


Is Powerstone 2 better than Powerstone 1?

They are pretty different in tone. Power Stone 2 has more of a Smash Bros vibe to it, where as Power Stone 1 feels more like a traditional 2-player arcade fighter. The camera is much closer to the action and the stages a lot smaller in the first game. Both are fantastic though.


The biggest difference is in player count, obviously. Like NR1 says, it's a big shift in direction.

If I have two players, I prefer the original. If I have four, I obviously gotta go with the sequel. The sequel is more chaotic (I initially found it hard to keep track of my player, same as in Smash) and the stages transition over time, which is neat, but on the downside they're a bit emptier-feeling and players have slightly less moves at their disposal.
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