Agreed, it may as well be the best music in the game.Oh, and The Poets I is totally better than The Poets II.
So on the whole are PAL releases of games said to be more desirable than the NTSC releases? Im looking at my collection now and the Red spine's of the Genesis games are annoying me!. I may have to swap them out for the PAL versions......this could be expensive
Many are the same thing with different artwork, especially in the early years. lists the ROM variations of games, but even a game marked as (Europe) may work in your American console. Ultimately you'll have to test it in an emulator and fiddling with the various region settings to know if a European edition is worth owning. Some region-locks can be bypassed by flicking the switch at the right time.
I'm using an Everdrive in a region-modded Megadrive to check which edition of a game I really want, that's how I understood I'd have to get the American edition of Aladdin and the Story of Thor. Everything else I get the European edition because it's cheaper for me, or the Japanese edition when there is no language barrier in game.
Finally beat Adventures of Batman and Robin.
Obligatory link to the game's amazing Acid House OST:
One of the best 16 bit game soundtracks that's for sure. Aesthetically it reminded me a lot of Treasure, particularly Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier and also Konami's Contra Hard Corps. The gameplay is great, it's a Run 'N Gun not too dissimilar to Batman Return of the Joker on NES. Only problem I have with it is that it feels like all of your weapons are too weak even if you've powered them up to max. You also have a jump kick (which acts as a double jump) and a melee attack when you're close but even those don't seem to do enough damage.
Still, truly epic stages and boss fights. The boss fight with Mad Hater was absolutely insane.
I can't even beat Harley.
Yes, that's the first boss at the end of the first area of the first level. I'm that bad at the game!
They're optimized for 60Hz. The PAL versions are optimized for 50Hz.Whats different about the US versions of Aladdin and Story of thor?
Really, go with green Batarangs? I thought red would be okay, since it eventually evolves into a spread gun. At least I figured out blue ones weren't terribly worthwhile...
They're optimized for 60Hz. The PAL versions are optimized for 50Hz.
I wouldn't call Batman: Return of the Joker a run n' gun...
Also, weak weapons?! Did you figure out how power-ups work and that blue is absolute garbage? Do you stop shooting to let your initial shot charge up when there's nothing to kill? When I play through I usually have to stop shooting mad hatter so that I can let him live long enough to give a 1-up from the white rabbit.
Melee attacks were sufficient for me since I mainly used them for the push back on charging enemies or to land decent damage while my shot meter recharges.
Congrats on the finish. One of my favorites on the system.
Really, go with green Batarangs? I thought red would be okay, since it eventually evolves into a spread gun. At least I figured out blue ones weren't terribly worthwhile...
Regarding BK3, the 360 Collection does not have English text options for the Japanese version.
Finally beat Adventures of Batman and Robin.
Obligatory link to the game's amazing Acid House OST:
One of the best 16 bit game soundtracks that's for sure. Aesthetically it reminded me a lot of Treasure, particularly Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier and also Konami's Contra Hard Corps. The gameplay is great, it's a Run 'N Gun not too dissimilar to Batman Return of the Joker on NES. Only problem I have with it is that it feels like all of your weapons are too weak even if you've powered them up to max. You also have a jump kick (which acts as a double jump) and a melee attack when you're close but even those don't seem to do enough damage.
Still, truly epic stages and boss fights. The boss fight with Mad Hater was absolutely insane.
wait Batman & Robin is the same difficulty range as Gunstar Heroes for you?
are we playing the same versions
I don't know why people claim that Batman & Robin is so insanely difficult. I find the game to be much more forgiving than Gunstar Heroes which it obviously takes a great deal of inspiration, yet B&R recieves the disproportionate amount of difficulty comments.
Thoughts on Chakan? It's next in my backlog!
Thoughts on Chakan? It's next in my backlog!
Yeah, clearly not a Run 'N Gun because... Reasons. Right? I mean, just because a character has a gun killing enemies and is jumping on platforms and there's even Shmup levels doesn't automatically make a game a Run 'N Gun, right?
Sorry, that's just some very questionable logic.
What he said.Dynamite Batman is not a run-and-gun, sorry dude.
Sure, you can charge your weapon to kill enemies a bit quicker but it takes too long to do that when you're getting mobbed. It's very impressive that the game suffers no slowdown (at least on single player) with the amount of enemies and crazy shit on the screen but at times there's just too many enemies.
Outstanding! I will beat this game, it seems doable and every time I pick it up a get a little further. The OST is definitely one of the reasons I keep going back.
Edit: Oh! You used save states? Meh
This has nothing to do with the game, but the guy who owns the Chakan IP is a bit of a nutcase and has made a bunch of terribly amateurish movies based on Chakan and other games, including an unlicensed Wonder Boy movie with a cameo by Uwe Boll.
What the hell region is this 32x game packaging from???...
really? almost kinda wanna see this
I don't know why people claim that Batman & Robin is so insanely difficult. I find the game to be much more forgiving than Gunstar Heroes which it obviously takes a great deal of inspiration, yet B&R recieves the disproportionate amount of difficulty comments.
Batman and Robin is way harder, this is crazy talk. You can die easier, your weapons are more difficult to power up, keep, and regain should you ever lose, and the levels go on FOREVER, deep into hypnotic lull territory.
It's not impossible like some exaggerators claim, but Gunstar on Hard is a walk in the park compared.
I dunno, guys, Dynamite Batman is pretty run and gun... and clunky and weird.
Edit: Oh! You used save states? Meh
What the hell region is this 32x game packaging from???...
Whats different about the US versions of Aladdin and Story of thor?
Valis 3: PC engine CD or Genesis?
I know the Genesis game looks better with all the parallax, the CD soundtrack that much better than the Genesis?
I think the PC Engine also has levels that the Genesis version doesn't?
One thing that the Genesis version has going for it is that it's not terribly expensive right now, even though it's fairly uncommon. If Mike Matei did a video on it it would probably skyrocket like Elemental Master did. -_-
So my PAL copy of Ghouls 'n Ghosts has a thin and somewhat flexible see-through hanger on it, which is something I haven't seen before.
Pictures of boxes I've found don't look like this; they look like regular boxes. Do I have a bootleg box or were some games sold this way?
Sorry, no pic, my camera is a potato.
You mean a hangtab?
Yes. Instead of the hangtab being a part that extends from main black box, it's a semi-translucent piece that I think is glued to the sheet of plastic holding the box art in place.
I tried to get my shitty phone to cooperate so that I can provide a picture, but I just can't.
So its sorta like a clear plastic replacement hang tab? Maybe the previous broke off, or at some point Sega stopped molding cases with the actual tab extension?
I'm discovering this more and more in unexpected retro games.So just got Beyond Oasis, had no idea it was 30 fps (menus and text are 60 though?), so that feels kinda strange. Really good looking game though, kinda strange to hear Streets of Rage style effects in an action RPG, but thats to be expected.
Holy shit, really? Gunstar Heroes is way way way easier for me. Batman & Robin has such long levels and just spams you constantly with enemies. I have trouble even clearing the first stage on my own.I don't know why people claim that Batman & Robin is so insanely difficult. I find the game to be much more forgiving than Gunstar Heroes which it obviously takes a great deal of inspiration, yet B&R recieves the disproportionate amount of difficulty comments.
I think the PC Engine also has levels that the Genesis version doesn't?
One thing that the Genesis version has going for it is that it's not terribly expensive right now, even though it's fairly uncommon. If Mike Matei did a video on it it would probably skyrocket like Elemental Master did. -_-
So, if anyone remembers a few weeks ago I was complaining about a faulty Shining Force I had bought: well, I was able to get it replaced!
Working fine now, and the cart is in better shape! So double win. Time to play Shining in the Darkness first then onto SF.