and to think, some people play Lightening with the overclock mod to kill slowdown, haha
I genuinely think the cutscenes, soundtrack, and general weirdness of the entire game makes it an entertaining experience.
Im weird like that.
Don't know how many of y'all care about The Completionist, but I figured that some of y'all might be interested in The Completionist's Top 10 Genesis games.
Don't know how many of y'all care about The Completionist, but I figured that some of y'all might be interested in The Completionist's Top 10 Genesis games.
Don't know how many of y'all care about The Completionist, but I figured that some of y'all might be interested in The Completionist's Top 10 Genesis games.
Anyway, seeing Spinball on the list made me realize something: Why didn't they just use the Sonic 2 engine for the game instead of the weird floaty engine they made for the game?
It was probably quicker to just make something new, seeing as no-one on the Spinball team had prior experience with the engine and everyone that did was knee-deep in Sonic 3 at the time (aside from Mark Cerny who had left by then, I think).
Spinball was conceived as a stopgap game after Sonic 3 was delayed, basically--they needed a Sonic game to put on the shelves that Xmas, so they knocked out Spinball in a hurry and that was that.
Sonic Spinball is probably the hardest Sonic game (if we're counting any game with Sonic in it). Took me about a year on and off to complete it. The problem is just the randomness of it and the lack of continues or passwords.
For shits 'n giggles here's my top 20 list for Genesis. I was fortunate to have a NES, SNES and Genesis growing up but I don't like RPG's and prefer action games. And for the most part Genesis definitely had the better action games.
Gunstar Heroes
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Sonic and Knuckles 3
YuYu Hakusho Makyo Toitsusen
Splatterhouse 3
Comix Zone
Streets Of Rage 3
Castlevania Bloodlines
Contra: Hard Corps
Earthworm Jim
Elemental Master
Golden Axe
Rocket Knight Adventures
Adventures of Batman and Robin
Alien Soldier
The Haunting: Starring Polterguy
Shinobi 3
Ren & Stimpy: Stimpys Invention
Alien Storm
Roughly half of these games I discovered much, much later while I was almost in my twenties.
Just grabbed a pal copy of Demolition Man which is pretty rare, for an absolute bargain price. Really happy as I sold my first copy and always regretted it
The Completionist is more a SNES guy. His channel is decent.
I've been watching a lot of Game Sack of late. Someone put me on to it here. Famtastic channel.
Where do you grab a PAL copy at around 8:30AM?(Unless it was online.)
Anyway, congrats on the pickup.
Game sack is great, aside from the random skits lol, but the good faaaaar outweighs the rest.
not sure, but congrats Peagles! running through that one has been on my list for a bit, the time i've spent with it has been fantastic.
Someone needs to kickstart a production run of megadrive replacement game cases!
Got a few MD games over the last few weeks and the case have come in a variety of conditions, ever so slight creases on the plastic cover, broken cart tabs, and the one that pisses me off the most the hang tag missing...why would people rip these off there no way they would fall off themselves
the one that pisses me off the most the hang tag missing...why would people rip these off there no way they would fall off themselves
I don't put my games on display hooks, ready to be bought.
Why would you keep it on, it's so ugly and can be annoying on a shelf.
Most of my JP Mega Drive games don't have hangtags by design. And they're official Sega.
How's battletoads on genesis? Found it at goodwill and never played a 16 bit version I believe.
Looks good, controls are loose, some hitboxes are off or changed, some enemy AI is different.
I cut all hang tabs off.
This reminds me, I have a few that still need trimming, like Shining Force and Lightening Force that I received recently.
The controls have always been loose in Battletoads games. Also, they give you much more lives in the Genesis version.
Is this turning into a circumcision thread?
I did it! I beat ghouls n ghosts on normal. I beat Loki and saved the princess
His swooping attack is a bitch to avoid.Woop woop!
Always thought Beelzebub was the real final boss. He is so fucking crazy hard.
It's got a few decent games but the screen is a goddamned abomination and mods for it are expensive =/