So I am working on building up my Genesis cart collection. I just bought Streets of Rage 2 (I never played it....I know, I know) but other than that, what are the Top 5 Genesis "must have" games?
Just 5?
I really can't, sorry. Gonna have to go with 10 like someone else said (even
that is hard):
1) Shining Force II
2) Phantasy Star IV
3) Shinobi III
4) Beyond Oasis
5) Ristar
6) Gunstar Heroes
7) Castlevania: Bloodlines
8) Vectorman
9) Sonic 3 + Knuckles
10) Wonder Boy in Monster World (aka Wonder Boy 5 aka Monster World 3)
Those are my favourite Genny games anyway. And that's leaving out Alien Soldier, Landstalker, Streets of Rage 2, Comix Zone, Contra: Hard Corps, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Sonic 2, Castle of Illusion, Rocket Knight Adventures, Alisia Dragoon, James Pond 2, Thunder Force III and IV, and many more...