I'm having a weird video issue with my Genesis (model 2 NTSC) and I was wondering if anyone knew what was going on. I normally play my retro consoles on a Trinitron CRT, but as I think I've mentioned, I had to put it in storage for now until I get a bigger place. Anyway, been playing my Genesis on my 50" HD TV in the meanwhile, and for most games I get this strange colored border around the game, and the game is always off center, with more of the border visible on the right. You can see what I mean in this picture (sorry for the shit quality):
As you see, there is a light blue border which is wider on the right. This happens both with the RF adapter and a composite cable, don't have any better way of hooking up to this TV right now.
It doesn't happen with every game (or some use a black border and I don't notice it), is this something normal or does anyone know what is going on? It doesn't bother me too much, but I do wish it was an even border on the right and left, that can get distracting. I don't recall ever noticing this on my CRT but who knows, its been a while.