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Sega Soccer Slam appreciation thread


Seriously. The game is two years old, and the graphics are still some of the best this generation. The controls are perfect, the arcadey gameplay is intense, and every single character had his or her own little theme song whenever they geared up for one of those Killer Kicks.




I love you, Sega Soccer Slam, even though nobody bought you.
I had this game, loved it. Well, except for the goal-keeping - it was a little tight. I'd aim for the furthest point away from the keeper and he'd still block it.

Did the Xbox version really get extra teams? I heard it did, but didn't see anything about it on the box.


I have the Xbox version and really enjoyed it for about a week or so. I don't think it has the best gfx or whatever, but the characters are ace, of course ! It also had some fun minigames, like a Battle Brawl and Hot Potato, which I fondly remember :)
I does deserve appreciaton, but I guess it WAS a bit shallow in hindsight..


Sega Soccer Slam's not really that shallow... If you only played one-on-one or by yourself against the cpu, you didn't really experience the best of the game.

Especially if you get the basics down with the tutorial, then launch into the co-op and start working out strategies for post-up plays, have one teammate be the thug and knock the opposition out of the way while another is the "point guard" who shoots, coordinate spotlight kicks, powerup kicks, and one-timer passes, etc.

Playing the Quest Mode co-op with a friend or two was some of the funnest gaming this generation for me. Lots of hours of gaming unlocking the stat-boosting costume accessories for each player as we won the championship with every team in the game. And that was with the original GameCube version, which only had six teams.

It's also one of the best "buddy games" ever. I think we sank nearly a dozen cases of beer during that one!


Teddman said:
It's also one of the best "buddy games" ever. I think we sank nearly a dozen cases of beer during that one!

Well, I did love the game when it first came out (wrote a review in Dutch about it even), but I also did play through most of the game in single player mode. Once I had unlocked pretty much everything (which took me a couple of long nights), I put the game aside and seldomly played it again. I've played some Versus multiplayer matches against relatives and my girlfriend though, but I'm usually way too good at the game for them to experience any joy from it :) I suppose I should've considered playing it in co-op with them, and I especially like the Beer Idea ;)


I liked it because it was a good 3 person game (good for when you can't find a fourth person to play games) and it let 3 people play on the same team against the CPU. Not being able to have 3 people on the same team is my biggest complaint against some sports games (NBA Street Vol 2, Blitz).


bune duggy said:
In the games defense, you are a soccer fanatic Mr. I-Love-Winning-Eleven. ;) of course this game isn't going to be that good for you.
Actually, I love arcade soccer. When done right.

It doesn't suck whatsoever. That was just unnecessary hyperbole to express my disappointment.


"El Diablo Scare You! RAR!"

Brilliance...definitely a big multiplayer hit. Although it's one of those games where I can't really play it, as I destroy people.

I STILL think they'd work great in a wrestling title. Especially El Diablo.


Memles said:
Although it's one of those games where I can't really play it, as I destroy people.

Same here. That happens to me quite often... I need new friends, or I need to spend less time playing videogames. Probably the latter. :(


I have the GC version and while I had fun with it, it looked way too blurry and hurt my eyes.

Is the Xbox version more crisp?

There was a bit of depth to it...it's not that shallow actually.


US Sega Soccer Slam sales for the curious...

PlayStation 2 (45,290) September 2002
GameCube (42,838) March 2002
XBox (30,065) August 2002


Sucks at viral marketing
I saw this game once, shortly after its release, and bought it out of compulsion. I did not like it. Damn, internet hype! There wasn't much seperating one team from another and the AI was insanely predictible. Worse, everybody I play video games with didn't like the game and so they wouldn't play it with me. :( It was a waste of money for me.

However, if anyone here is willing to trade me for it, I'm more than willing.


Ristamar said:
Same here. That happens to me quite often... I need new friends, or I need to spend less time playing videogames. Probably the latter. :(

It's really a combination of a few things...but, either way, Black Box has been responsible for my two major 3 on 3 Multiplayer titles (NHL Hitz 20-03 and Soccer Slam) and I was impressed with the game...so impressed I played through it twice with pretty well all teams.

Well, that was because my father cut the power to the room in the middle of a save, but I digress. Bought it full price, loved it, still play multiplayer every now and then...will likely play more at University.

jarrod said:
US Sega Soccer Slam sales for the curious...

PlayStation 2 (45,290) September 2002
GameCube (42,838) March 2002
XBox (30,065) August 2002

Merci, jarrod. About what I'd expect...the game was pretty well born pure out of impulse buying and internet hype, and there was little of that even. Still, it's a multiplayer gem for people who can get into it.


I reviewed this title for a site when it came out. Multi is fun, but the singleplayer gets old after a while. I wish there was a big roster of characters and you could make your own team or something, and combine the different abilities, etc. Cool concept, but it wasn't very ambitious at all.


miyuru said:
I wish there was a big roster of characters and you could make your own team or something, and combine the different abilities, etc.
That feature was added for the Xbox & PS2 versions.


This game is a blast. One day I played the kiosk outside Gamestop for like an hour and a half... never been able to find the GC version for super cheap though (have the most controllers for it) so I've still never bought a copy of my own.
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