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SEGA SuperStars - Eurogamer review



But then we always want more. The truth is that even without these things SEGA SuperStars is still well worth your money - particularly at £29.99. It does face some potentially stiff competition from Sony's EyeToy: Play 2 next month, but judging by the steps Sonic Team has taken here, it could well prove to be a photo finish. Easily our favourite EyeToy game to date.



"GAF's biggest wanker"
Nice. Eyetoy scene starting to pick up again. Looking forward to this and Eyetoy:Antigrav, from Harmonix.

Have you seen any previews of Play 2? I have no idea what's in the package...


Gold Member
Cool! Can't wait for this one. There's a bunch of other EyeToy game I'm anticipating:

EyeToy:play 2
EyeToy: Antigrav
EyeToy: Sports
Saru EyeToy

I'm still waiting for a real game, as opposed to a collection of minigames. Looks like Antigrav could be the first one.
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