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Sega Updates Release Schedule

MassiveAttack said:
Reunite Team Andromeda (all of the members are still employed in the games industry) and get working on Panzer Dragoon Saga 2 for XBOX 2.

In the hardcore community, no other game would restore respect to Sega faster.

TheGreenGiant said:
SEGA needs new direction, especially now they have amalgamated with SAMMY but this is just rubbish and will probably continue to be. THey have tons of franchises they can update and make cool like Team Ninja with Ninja Gaiden's xbox debut. Instead. They make ho hum titles.


Well they do have a slightly new direction which is that arcade ports are going to be a rare thing unless they're something like VF.

That lineup though looks like alot of quality though with the possible exception of Amazing Island and Matrix Online. Everything else looks like it'll turn out to be good. People expect way too much from Sega. If they had PDS2 and NiGHTS2 on that list they'd still get bashed for not making games that'd appeal to the mainstream.


Exactly...or they'd get bashed cause it's only one one console instead of two, or two instead of three. Or if Daytona 3 was being put out, they'd wonder why that and OutRun 2 was coming out in the same time period. A lot of times Sega can't win with people regardless, so whatever.

That such a seemingly medicore list still got over 50 responses is telling though. I'm just not sure what.

Why Sega would (or should) bother with a new Panzer, Nights, Shenmue, Daytona or anything else like that before the next generation like some others keep suggesting/wanting is beyond me. I've said for almost a year now that they're best to just sit on their most potent franchises for now, and throw it out within the first two years of the launches of XBox 2, PS3 and Cube 2. Throwing it out now in the last days of the current systems and when Sega's brand recognition is at it's lowest since 1998 makes zero sense. Releasing such potentially hot software at or near the new system's launches on the other hand would give them a possible leg up on the competition in terms of both software cache and critical acclaim.

You look at how Namco were able to establish themselves early on with the PSX with Tekken and Ridge Racer, how Acclaim was able to estalbish themselves on N64 with Turok, WWF Warzone and QB Club, or how EA was able to REALLY estalish themselves on PS2 with Madden and SSX. That's the sort of thing Sega's gotta be thinking of now...looking to re-establish themselves as a premier publisher, at the start of a new generation when choices are lean and everyone is watching. No more splitting twenty or thirty exclusives among three consoles, unless said manufacturer is paying a fortune for the game (which aside from VF probably isn't likely). Have a developing force big enough that they can make even the biggest of games on a minimum of two machines, and preferably three. Remember, they're not gonna be playing catch up on the new systems this time around (something that's clearly hurt them)...they're in on the ground floor from the jump. Why not take full advantage of that?

Fuck the current generation, it's over for them anyway...release a few low cost bones, gimme my OutRun 2 and Spikeout (thank you), and save the big guns for a time where they'll actually make an impact. Which sure as fuck wasn't gonna be this year.


MightyHedgehog said:

Why anybody would want Sega to suffer more bombs by releasing stuff on the Xbox is beyond me. At least the Playstation or Nintendo crowd would give some love to the PD series.
NWO said:
Why anybody would want Sega to suffer more bombs by releasing stuff on the Xbox is beyond me. At least the Playstation or Nintendo crowd would give some love to the PD series.

we don't Know if a Panzer Dragoon game would sell that well on Ps2 or Nintendo Gamecube, Especially in America. It is a niche game in America, and very arcadey, and the franhise came from the saturn, a system alot of Americans know nothing about, hardcore gamers like the on this board are differnt. So far the main games that sell for Sega in large numbers are the Virtua Fighter Franchise, Sonic Franchise, and to some extent Monkey ball. Also, all those Franchises have declined in sales too if you have to go by the sale charts. If thier was one system that a Panzer Dragoon game should have been put on it was the ps2 for the japanse audience, then again it might still not have sold. I also have a feeling that the graphics wouldn't have been as good, since alot of Sega's Ps2 games , while fun to play, haven't been the prettiest compared to some other companies like konami's ps2 game.

I will say, Sega most be getting some money from the X-box if they are contining to support the x-box. Sega made thier choice to suport the x-box and it is thier choice, no need to cry about it. They would have probaly been better off this generation if they had made thier games for one machine when they went 3rd party, but they didn't. Konami has done very well with the idea of going with the one system for all thier games, except for a few ports. All we can so is just watch them ride out the rest of this Generation, and hope they decide to do better next generation.
Shinobi said:
Exactly...or they'd get bashed cause it's only one one console instead of two, or two instead of three. Or if Daytona 3 was being put out, they'd wonder why that and OutRun 2 was coming out in the same time period. A lot of times Sega can't win with people regardless, so whatever.

That such a seemingly medicore list still got over 50 responses is telling though. I'm just not sure what.

Why Sega would (or should) bother with a new Panzer, Nights, Shenmue, Daytona or anything else like that before the next generation like some others keep suggesting/wanting is beyond me. I've said for almost a year now that they're best to just sit on their most potent franchises for now, and throw it out within the first two years of the launches of XBox 2, PS3 and Cube 2. Throwing it out now in the last days of the current systems and when Sega's brand recognition is at it's lowest since 1998 makes zero sense. Releasing such potentially hot software at or near the new system's launches on the other hand would give them a possible leg up on the competition in terms of both software cache and critical acclaim.

You look at how Namco were able to establish themselves early on with the PSX with Tekken and Ridge Racer, how Acclaim was able to estalbish themselves on N64 with Turok, WWF Warzone and QB Club, or how EA was able to REALLY estalish themselves on PS2 with Madden and SSX. That's the sort of thing Sega's gotta be thinking of now...looking to re-establish themselves as a premier publisher, at the start of a new generation when choices are lean and everyone is watching. No more splitting twenty or thirty exclusives among three consoles, unless said manufacturer is paying a fortune for the game (which aside from VF probably isn't likely). Have a developing force big enough that they can make even the biggest of games on a minimum of two machines, and preferably three. Remember, they're not gonna be playing catch up on the new systems this time around (something that's clearly hurt them)...they're in on the ground floor from the jump. Why not take full advantage of that?

Fuck the current generation, it's over for them anyway...release a few low cost bones, gimme my OutRun 2 and Spikeout (thank you), and save the big guns for a time where they'll actually make an impact. Which sure as fuck wasn't gonna be this year.

I agree, but I have to admit, I am happy to be geting a new Shining Force for ps2 and Alterd Beast. Overall, I agree with your statement, you have always been one of the few forum memebers on gaming-age and Hardcore gaming forum that have made sense in your discussions.


Shinobi said:
Throwing it out now in the last days of the current systems and when Sega's brand recognition is at it's lowest since 1998 makes zero sense.

I swear, I still can't believe that people are saying the Xbox and GameCube are in their "last days" when they aren't even three years old (in North America) yet. That's so utterly surreal.
Soul4ger said:
I swear, I still can't believe that people are saying the Xbox and GameCube are in their "last days" when they aren't even three years old (in North America) yet. That's so utterly surreal.

I myself would rather this generation continue, and the systems may not be in it's "last days" but thier seems to be a push for this generation to end by analyst and game makers. It seem they all want the next Generation of systems, even if the players would rather keep Playing the older machines. This is the feeling I get, maybe the x-box and Gamecube won't be in their "last days" but you never can tell these days.


Soul4ger said:
I swear, I still can't believe that people are saying the Xbox and GameCube are in their "last days" when they aren't even three years old (in North America) yet. That's so utterly surreal.

it is surreal, yes. but they just havent made the impact they were expected to, the PS2 pretty much owns the market, and the other consoles really have no chance to take that away. thats why even though they are only 3 years old, their days are sort of winding up. its not like they are gonna all of a sudden sell 10s of millions of hardware and boost game sells in the process.
"Exactly...or they'd get bashed cause it's only one one console instead of two, or two instead of three. Or if Daytona 3 was being put out, they'd wonder why that and OutRun 2 was coming out in the same time period. A lot of times Sega can't win with people regardless, so whatever."

Yep this is why I say it's best for Sega to just make what games they want. If they try to make Shenmue 3 they'll piss off the people who think they're wasting their time, if they make Daytona they'll piss me off for not making SR3. :p They should just make whatever they want that's how they got popular in the first place.

"we don't Know if a Panzer Dragoon game would sell that well on Ps2 or Nintendo Gamecube, Especially in America."

One thing we do know though is that it didn't sell on the Xbox. So why not put it on the PS2 or GC to give it another chance?
One thing we do know though is that it didn't sell on the Xbox. So why not put it on the PS2 or GC to give it another chance?[/QUOTE]

I was mainly refering to people , who said that Panzer Dragoon Orta shouldn't have been made for the X-box, at the time Sega didn't know what would sell where. I agree Sega should try a port of Orta for the PS2, or even a Panzer Dragoon saga 2, we know rpsgs sell well on the PS2. I also hope sega port Monkey Ball to PS2 also, so they cna build the franchise across sveral systems, like capcom is doing with Viewtfull Joe.


Soul4ger said:
I swear, I still can't believe that people are saying the Xbox and GameCube are in their "last days" when they aren't even three years old (in North America) yet. That's so utterly surreal.

Hey, I'm not the one that's deciding their fortunes...from all accounts this is going to be the last big year for this generation, so that's what I'm going with. It doesn't make much difference to me. This generation really started at the end of '98 with the DC anyway, so in that sense we're way past due for some radically new tech.


Shinobi said:
Hey, I'm not the one that's deciding their fortunes...from all accounts this is going to be the last big year for this generation, so that's what I'm going with. It doesn't make much difference to me. This generation really started at the end of '98 with the DC anyway, so in that sense we're way past due for some radically new tech.
GameCube actually looks to still have a fairly strong software lineup next year also (not to mention PS2). Really only the XBox platform seems to be coming to a close, and that's mainly because Microsoft's decided to premptively launch Xenon and switched resources over.


Guess that could be the case. Either way my point still stands...if Sega or anyone else is gonna make a big game now, save it for the new tech. In Sega's case a game like Daytona 3 (for argument's sake) would just go to waste on PS2 or whatever.


Shinobi said:
Guess that could be the case. Either way my point still stands...if Sega or anyone else is gonna make a big game now, save it for the new tech. In Sega's case a game like Daytona 3 (for argument's sake) would just go to waste on PS2 or whatever.
I agree with that. Here's to hoping Phantasy Star Universe shows up next gen instead...


actually universe is a good candidate for the ps2, w/ that hugeass user base. but anything like daytona, sega rally, a new sonic game, VF5 etc should probably wait for the next gen, to have a better shot at capturing those markets (ie, racing, fighter, platformer) with the initial userbase.


Nah, if Sonic Team justs wants to capitalize on the huge PS2 installed base then they should just port PSO1&2 (again). I want PSU to actually look like that CG trailer, and on Xenon/PS3/Revolution it could...


yeah i realize that, but an rpg as a launch game? i mean there are crappy rpgs that come out with new systems but usually high profile rpgs wait for the userbase to grow a bit. PSU looks to be epic in scope at least. so sega could wait for the systems to sell a bit, but then the game would be delayed for a while.


Tough call with PSU...I could see the logic with releasing it on the current systems, as well as the argument with holding it off for the next gen. I'd probably go towards the latter myself...I think Sega needs to have as many spare bullets in the chamber for the new wave of consoles as possible. Ideally, a year after the console comes out would probably be the best time for it. But since they've unveiled it already, I doubt they're gonna wait that long (particularly if PS3 has a 2006 launch).
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