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semi-annual "What RPGs are you reading/using/playing" post

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OK, I know that there are a few of us who really dig PnP RPGs around here so I thought I'd toss up a post with a few of my recent purchases and some not as recent stuff that I'm revisiting.


HARP is published by Iron Crown. Yes, the same ICE that brought you the joys of Rolemaster and the Middle-Earth RPG. Well, not quite, its actually a new company who purchased the ICE IP and is now dba Iron Crown. The staff is super friendly, and the game is pretty great to boot.

I'd chalk it up as a Rolemaster-lite. If you hated the craziness of RM, give this a shot. It's really easy to learn, combat is relatively gritty, and it's easy to fiddle with rules. It's a skill-based system with professions and levels, but really not like D&D at all for those who aren't big class/level fans.

Spells are also skills, and are scalable with high enough skill levels to increase duration, affect more targets or increase range. All in all it's really cool, and highly recommended. College of Magic will the next book in the line, and it should be available by Origins (which is here in Columbus every year).


The Riddle of Steel is published by Driftwood games, a very small publisher even by RPG standards. It boasts the most realistic RPG combat system available (outside of going all LIGHTNING BOLT~! on your ass.) It's not kidding. Combats are very tactical, very gritty, but fast moving. There are many combat maneuvres that have very real effects on the fight and death is swift to those who tempt it.

Character creation is done Shadowrun-style, with players 'picking' social status, skill points, race and the like. This helps create well balanced characters. There are no levels or classes. All rolls use a d10 dice pool method. Each character has spiritual attributes (wants, desires, devotions) that aid them when something stands in the way of their achievement. Magic is quite powerful, but it can age users much like your old-school arthurian type magic can, and it's usage is also a high pick on the table.

Another highly recommended and uber-cool game for those willing to try it out. It works very well for groups with only 2-3 players and a GM. Try out the quickstart rules for a taste of what the game has to offer. You can download them HERE.



HERO System, 5th Edition is the (gasp) 5th edition of the Champions ruleset. You can literally make anything you want. Creation is point based like Gurps, but infinitely more flexible. Wanna make Superman? Damn, that's easy. Wanna make Galactus? Just as simple. Someone a little more complicated like Ultra Boy or someone with loosely-defined power frameworks like Iceman? Yup, easy as pie. The system is as robust as you want to make it.

Not to mention, it can handle ANY genre you want to throw at it. Of course it can handle the superhero stuff, that's what it was originally designed for, but it can handle Space Opera, Hard SF, Fantasy, Martial Arts, basically whatever you want. The genre books are good even if you never use the Hero System. They've got really good advice on running those types of games, and are pretty intersting reads to boot if you just like RPGs and the tropes that go along with them.

The creation system is effects-based rather than ability based. This means that rather than looking through the book and picking out a 'Fireball' spell or power, you determine WHAT you want your power to do and then build it using the appropriate power in the book. This means that there are often multiple ways to build one power, allowing a great deal of flexibility for players and GMs to make their characters truly unique.

Many folks are scared away by it's complexity (it looks VERY intimidating at first glance) but there's a steep learning curve at first while one familiarizes themselves with the system. After that, it's all fun and games. I'd say it's the Virtua Fighter of the RPG world; a steep learning curve but once you really learn, you might never want to go back to what you had before.


Tome of Horrors II by Necromancer Games. These guys are old school D&Ders at heart, and it shows. Besides, who doesn't need more monsters for their D&D Campaigns, especially very good and imaginative ones?

I'm also waiting on Eberron to be released. I'm not quite sure how much I'll dig of it, especially compared to old stalwarts like Greyhawk and Planescape, but hopefully it'll bring some fresh blood into the hobby. It's really sad when I'm below the average age of PnP gamers at 26. Not because I feel that people get too old to roleplay (they don't) but that means that less new blood comes into the hobby every year, lost to computer games like EQ and the like. Don't misunderstand me, there's nothing wrong with the MMO genre IMO, but if these folks can waste away 8 hours a night camping for items and accomplish next to nothing I think they'd enjoy a good D&D session quite a bit more.



I'm playing Champions for the first time in, oh, at least five years, and having a grand time. Nothing quite like throwing dice and throwing buses all at the same time. Woo!



Scary Euro Man
Eh? You're not suggesting for a second that PnP RPGs are inferior to the computerised variety are you, nomoment? If so, you really need to get your crack consumption down.

Currently we are mostly playing Earthdawn. Brilliant game, if a little horribly inconsistent in places. Not that I'm bitter about the complete imbalance in the magic system. I've almost got over the fact that a spell for quickly packing bags is CIRCLE FRICKING THREE and there's NO DECENT HEALING MAGIC FOR MY PRIESTLY CHARACTER UNTIL CIRCLE SIX. Acquiring Boneshatter and Wither Limb makes those concerns seem less serious. :)


we usually have a 3/3.5E campaign going, but havent gotten around to it this year yet. looking to restart it soon though.

has anyone heard any impressions of:
shoplifter said:
I'd chalk it up as a Rolemaster-lite. If you hated the craziness of RM, give this a shot. It's really easy to learn, combat is relatively gritty, and it's easy to fiddle with rules. It's a skill-based system with professions and levels, but really not like D&D at all for those who aren't big class/level fans.
Do they still have those crazy critical hit tables?
I just ordered the basic Dungeons and Dragons game from either 1980 or 1981. It's basically a streamlined version of the D&D rules with the module Keep on the Borderlands. My friends and I haven't played anything in a few years, so this should provide a few nights of fun. :)

If we like this we might break down and find the full Dungeons and Dragons rules (not the advanced rules) on eBay. Has anyone played or still play with the basic rules?


Duck of Death said:
I just ordered the basic Dungeons and Dragons game from either 1980 or 1981. It's basically a streamlined version of the D&D rules with the module Keep on the Borderlands. My friends and I haven't played anything in a few years, so this should provide a few nights of fun. :)

If we like this we might break down and find the full Dungeons and Dragons rules (not the advanced rules) on eBay. Has anyone played or still play with the basic rules?

Go for the D&D Rules Cyclopedia. It's pretty much all you need to play, and a combination of the old box sets. I've heard that it goes for around $20, but I found mine at Half Price Books for $10. If you -did- like the AD%D rules, I'd recommend picking up Hackmaster.

It's a freshly painted AD&D1e and 2e combined into something absolutely great. It's based on the Knights of the Dinner table comics, but Kenzer got the AD&D rights and produced it. Many say its a parody game, but I'd argue that it only is on the surface (since that was part of the license agreement.) It can be played as seriously as you want. They've also taken quite a few old modules and 'hackified' them. Their job on Keep was nothing short of spectacular, and the modules can easily be played by 1e, 2e, or Hackmaster rules.

If nothing more, you'll get a hell of a lot of laughs out of the PHB and GMG.


Banjo Tango said:
Do they still have those crazy critical hit tables?

In Martial Law. They're not quite as crazy as the RM tables, but they do a good job.

Golem: I'm waiting on my copy of Eberron to ship. I've heard good things, but me being an old schooler means that I'm going to hold my breath till I read it myself. I'm really happy with the article WotC posted about the Planes though, they gave me quite a few methods to facilitate the running of Rappan Athuk in Eberron.

Just for the record: I'm currently running a 3.5 FR campaign in the Silver Marches, and I'm using the alternate XP rules from Unearthed Arcana. I'm not the biggest Realms fan, mostly due to previous groups I've played in being total arses about 'book continuity.' Honestly, I feel that's the worst part about the setting other than the 25th level character on every corner. I run my games so that the players will NEVER see one of the iconics. I'd just as soon kill them all off. I actually -like- the iconics in Greyhawk though.


It's awesome. I <3 mine. Their Kalamar screen is pretty damned useful too for 3.5. Both well worth the price. There's a good bit of Kalamar specific stuff (the old schooler in me <3's Kalamar greatly) but there's still a lot of useful stuff on there to justify a purchase.

The inner pages of the GM shields have about 1" of clearance from the table so you can turn the pages over that pile of d6s waiting for the inevitable Fireball to be hurled at the hapless PCs.

Kenzer puts out some really good products.

Also, before someone asks, YES I have used the Pizza Matrix.


Bump as my Eberron shipped yesterday. If it shows up today expect impressions as soon as i can digest a hundred pages or so. Otherwise, Thursday.

It's still $24 shipped at Overstock for anyone interested.


Got my copy of Eberron Friday, and after an out of town trip Saturday I've had time to digest it......the verdict...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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