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Senate approves bill requiring women to register for Selective Service

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By the time we ever have to use the draft again, they'll probably just draft our private drones instead of soldiers.


Then what is the purpose of the bill? Just to waste time or...?

"equality" Extra emphasis on the quotation marks when it comes to conservatives. The draft should be there in kind of a last ditch thing doomsday scenario type case, but I doubt we'll ever need it again.


The draft is so unpopular that I never registered for it at 18, didnt know I was supposed to, and only found out due to this news story, practically a decade later.


Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas and the father of two young daughters

Stating the obvious, but what a selfish prick. You got destroyed by a crazy man, you should just shut the fuck up.
Even without being in the draft women played huge roles in previous major war efforts

Are we going to continue to deny their contributions to society

They are every bit equals and deserve to be treated as such


...who cares? If it came down to it and if had to be enacted it's done so as a last measure cause. I have no doubt in my mind one day the US will institute it again.

I feel like if we get into a war like that it'd be between nuclear powers and we'd be in a nuclear winter shortly before a draft could be called.


Why is Ted Cruz calling an 18 year old, a girl? These are women. Just like 18 year boys are men.

These are legal adults.

I'm sure that Cruz has some astonishingly good ideas about why we need to keep these "girls" from fighting.



Sure, why not?

If we ever actually need the draft, we are in full-on "holy FUCK we are going to DIE" mode anyway, so we'd probably need as many people in combat as possible.

Fun fact: we've actually never needed the draft. There were so many signups during WW2 that we actually had to ban people from voluntarily signing up. The draft was more or less used to actually constrain the influx of new soldiers to train.

It's no surprise that the war that killed off the draft (Vietnam) was the one were the draft was forcing most of the population to serve in the military in an unpopular war.

The draft is so unpopular that I never registered for it at 18, didnt know I was supposed to, and only found out due to this news story, practically a decade later.

unfortunately if you do this it disqualifies you from certain federal programs


So this won't force those over 18 to have to now register as well?

Only for those who turn 18 in 2018 and beyond.


IMO, I don't see what's wrong with having them registering with SS. The US military lifted the ban in 2013 that did not allow women to serve in combat. This is another push to give equality for all of those that want to serve their country.


What exactly would be the punishment for one who refuses conscription, assuming it were to ever go into effect again?

President of the United states.

It should be noted that a Republican Congress is forcing this 611 billion dollar bill ahead even though the pentagon has asked for less money. Military bases will continue to be open due to possible lost votes.

This is just one facet of the bill. Our money, everyone. No money for healthcare. Schools. Roads. Wellfare. Homeless. Mental health care. Parks. You name it.

Plenty for war though, and all politicians that are bought by the arms dealers.

Look into it everyone.

Why on earth is our super advanced military, with all its technological advances, including drones and black projects, gping to be so desperate that we need a all hands on deck for a ground war with russia? Or china? In a nuclear world.

Such bullshit.


The reality of an egalitarian society where equality is championed. It was inevitable. If all men and women are equal in all aspects of life and the law in the US then they should also have the same requirements. Women should be required to register for selective service as well. This doesn't mean that tomorrow daughters go off to war but that should it ever come time, they will be required for service just like every man was required for Vietnam etc.
You think if we didn't have a draft, the Civil War would go differently?

Yes. Definitely.

The north was having massive problems recruiting soldiers in the middle of the war. The only reason Lincoln won reelection was a few key victories, which could have easily gone the other way with a few less soldiers.


If it fully passes then that's good, I guess. I am on the fence as far as whether I support having anyone register for a draft or not but if there is ever going to be another draft, I don't see a reason why women should not be on the list. I fully supported opening combat positions to women that they had previously been kept out of; if someone is going to have a gun thrust into their hands and pointed in a direction to march, it can just as easily be a woman as a man. If there was a future draft, them taking my daughter isn't going to hurt more than them taking my son.
Hopefully we never require a draft again though.



Although at this point it's meaningless because the U.S. will never be involved in another big war, nor will any other major western country.
Yes. Definitely.

The north was having massive problems recruiting soldiers in the middle of the war. The only reason Lincoln won reelection was a few key victories, which could have easily gone the other way with a few less soldiers.


In reality, few facing the draft ever had to serve. Extended families would pool money to buy out whatever member was drafted. Jumping allowed one man essentially take the place of many. It was observed that the draft was better at raising money then raising men. Of the more than 750,000 drafted in 1863 and 1864, only roughly 46,000 ever saw the battlefield.

In the end, the draft during the Civil War produced much more acrimony than men, effectively functioning as a tax more than as a way to raise armies.

The South had the same problems with their draft as well.

The Confederacy had actually instituted a draft a year earlier in 1862. They faced a critical manpower shortage in the face of the Union’s huge population advantage. But they had many of the same problems and complaints, with men who owned more than 20 slaves exempted. Considering the South seceded ostensibly due to government tyranny, the draft was seen as deeply ironic.

NH Apache

The draft is so unpopular that I never registered for it at 18, didnt know I was supposed to, and only found out due to this news story, practically a decade later.

Usually for many applications, including jobs, they ask if you've entered for selective service. You've never seen this?


This is strictly symbolic to further prove Men and women are equal and Congress can pat themselves on the back for being progressive. There will never be a draft.
The patriarchal patronization is just dripping from that Cruz quite.

The only time this would really be used are in really, really dire straits right?

I can't think of single realistic scenario in which the United States Military would ever again need to call upon the draft to reach full combat readiness, no.

I mean, even if you jump to the extreme possibility of a mainland invasion, the idea of having the time to call able bodies, organize, and then train kind of goes out the window at that point.

EDIT: People bringing up Trump: While I certainly would call Trump an interventionalist, I don't think he's too enamored with the idea of prolonged engagements (see his criticism of Iraq). He would be much more likely to bomb the shit out of a place (including nonconventional and nuclear) than call upon the draft.


That may be bad for future prospects.
Unless I get a government job, unlikely. Like I said, it has literally never come up once in a decade. Never at any interviews, nothing. I mean heck, for all I know I am signed up and dont remember. Nobody really cares.

Edit: looked into it. Since im over 26, too late to register, so if I ever apply for a govt job, I just have to fill out a few forms and thats it.


I'd rather see the draft removed completely instead of roping women in too, but it's not like there's a real chance it will even be needed in our lifetime (and if it was needed, they'd just make it a thing again)


No problem with this - because we'll never have a draft again anyway.

Drafts = political suicide.

Ha, man, I hope you right.

To say "never" ignores all of human history of conflict and war.

That said, the way wars are fought now are quite different than anywhere else in human history.

Lets put it this way, if the draft was ever initiated in a real way in the United States, it will be World War III and the death toll in the world would be absolutely mind-boggling.


Ok, just looked it up, apparently I am registered after all. Guess it goes to show how useful selective service is that even I forgot about it.


I'd rather see the draft removed completely instead of roping women in too, but it's not like there's a real chance it will even be needed in our lifetime (and if it was needed, they'd just make it a thing again)

That's part of the point of this change.

Shy Fingers

The draft is so unpopular that I never registered for it at 18, didnt know I was supposed to, and only found out due to this news story, practically a decade later.

Don't you have to be registered to the draft to vote?

Edit: You kinda already answered my question
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