I feel at this point they are ultimately going to go with the "just do nothing' approach. Especially with mid terms coming up. If they keep ACA defunded and just let it be they can keep with their tactic of sabotaging ACA themselves but not being called out on it. They probably believe they can get away with still blaming ACA and the dems for the state of healthcare even though they are completely in charge. To them it may be the only move they have left.
If they do nothing, they will get blamed for it by the public. There have been polls that have repeatedly said the GOP owns Healthcare going forward.
Nope, they're going to pass this shitshow, just wait.
Not putting a whole lot of faith in polls. Especially in the American public with the memory of a goldfish.
I actually hope they do. We have to accept the hard truth that no matter what people are going to be fucked with Healthcare. At least if the GOP passes their shitty bill they will not have the Dems or the ACA to hide behind, it will 100% be theirs to own.
So how about the Democrats create their own bill fixing some of the things republicans hate about ACA while continuing coverage and help for all those millions of Americans? I mean, have something both parties can work with.
Using the American people as hostages just so they get a vote or two is just disgusting.
So how about the Democrats create their own bill fixing some of the things republicans hate about ACA while continuing coverage and help for all those millions of Americans? I mean, have something both parties can work with.
Using the American people as hostages just so they get a vote or two is just disgusting.
LSo how about the Democrats create their own bill fixing some of the things republicans hate about ACA while continuing coverage and help for all those millions of Americans? I mean, have something both parties can work with.
Using the American people as hostages just so they get a vote or two is just disgusting.
so is this like a repeat of when the Dems passed their bill and it was over 1000 pages and nobody read that either?
so is this like a repeat of when the Dems passed their bill and it was over 1000 pages and nobody read that either?
so is this like a repeat of when the Dems passed their bill and it was over 1000 pages and nobody read that either?
So how about the Democrats create their own bill fixing some of the things republicans hate about ACA while continuing coverage and help for all those millions of Americans? I mean, have something both parties can work with.
Using the American people as hostages just so they get a vote or two is just disgusting.
The GOP, ladies and gentlemen. The worst threat to democracy in this country.
A bigger threat than ISIS.
So how about the Democrats create their own bill fixing some of the things republicans hate about ACA while continuing coverage and help for all those millions of Americans? I mean, have something both parties can work with.
Using the American people as hostages just so they get a vote or two is just disgusting.
So how about the Democrats create their own bill fixing some of the things republicans hate about ACA while continuing coverage and help for all those millions of Americans? I mean, have something both parties can work with.
Using the American people as hostages just so they get a vote or two is just disgusting.
Lets repeal & replace Republicans in congress. Democrats need to take back control ASAP.
So how about the Democrats create their own bill fixing some of the things republicans hate about ACA while continuing coverage and help for all those millions of Americans? I mean, have something both parties can work with.
Using the American people as hostages just so they get a vote or two is just disgusting.
The whole reason why we had to settle for ACA was because Republicans were being difficult bastards about anything better.So how about the Democrats create their own bill fixing some of the things republicans hate about ACA while continuing coverage and help for all those millions of Americans? I mean, have something both parties can work with.
Using the American people as hostages just so they get a vote or two is just disgusting.
Gotta get the dems in power to fix it. Republicans want far more taken away than the mandate.
I get that, but goddamn. I'm just tired of the whole argument of who gets what out.
Just fix ACA. I'm sure they can work it so they can all get a piece of that pie.
Right, but it'd be nice to at least see the Dems produce something so they can say "hey, we tried". the whole just let the other side hang and wait until it's out so we can pounce on it got pretty old already.
Right, but it'd be nice to at least see the Dems produce something so they can say "hey, we tried". the whole just let the other side hang and wait until it's out so we can pounce on it got pretty old already.
Right, but it'd be nice to at least see the Dems produce something so they can say "hey, we tried". the whole just let the other side hang and wait until it's out so we can pounce on it got pretty old already.
Both sides propaganda. What compels people?
This sort of nonsense is how Republicans can do what they do.
They do think that. And they're right.That's the thing. Republicans never cared about "fixing" the ACA. They want tax cuts for the wealthy and this is the fastest way to do it. If they cared about healthcare, they wouldn't be trying to pass something like the ACHA.
At the same time, I really don't know how they'll spin the loss of insurance among their constituents. Maybe they think their base is too stupid or too stubborn to vote against them regardless.