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Sept 20th is close....time for some Def Jam:Fight for NY hype!!(56k...no)


Why isn't this game getting any hype here?? Is it because it's no longer a "wrasslin" game?? I think I like the new added fighting styles, it adds some variation to combat. Also, the player models are pretty accurate to their perspective artists, which is always a good thing. Another point to make out is that, unlike last year's title, the players move with more fluidity and the animations are less robotic. Interactive enviroments are also a plus. Time for some screenies...






Movies page:http://www.eagames.com/official/defjam/fightforny/us/videos.jsp

PS: All downplaying of this game's awesomeness just for the simple fact that you hate "rap" does not apply. Please get a new hobby, the rap card has been played enough already.
well, basically, it's no longer a wrestling game and how good of a fighting game can it really be?

on par with UFC Tapout maybe? it probably doesn't even come close to bloody roar...

i'm only interested because elephant man is in... i hope he has some nice taunts or something... pon di river!


The Faceless Master said:
well, basically, it's no longer a wrestling game and how good of a fighting game can it really be?

on par with UFC Tapout maybe? it probably doesn't even come close to bloody roar...

i'm only interested because elephant man is in... i hope he has some nice taunts or something... pon di river!

LMAO@the bloody roar comment. Go get a copy of the demo from OPM, then come back and edit your post.


I wouldn't say this game hasn't gotten any hype here...

There's been some concerns about the gameplay, and a laugh or two about a really buff Snoop, but otherwise the game is being received pretty positively here. :)


Well, maybe it has. Pretty hard to sift through the "omg!! senketsu boktai hyper mega boogaloo :2 famitsu scans here!!" type posts....


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The Faceless Master said:
well, basically, it's no longer a wrestling game and how good of a fighting game can it really be?

on par with UFC Tapout maybe? it probably doesn't even come close to bloody roar...

i'm only interested because elephant man is in... i hope he has some nice taunts or something... pon di river!

...you haven't played the demo have you?

I know there's all this it's not really a wrestling game stuff going around... but the reality from what I've seen, read and experience in the demo is that the core mechanics of a wrestling game(strikes and blows, grapples, moves), are still there. Each style has strikes be the focus on punches or kicks, and also has grapple moves. The focus on pinning is gone with KO'ing being the focus now.

Even EA is calling it a fighting game... but from what I've seen it still lives very much in the wrestling world.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DaCocoBrova said:
Aki had no hand in development this time?

AKI still did the development on this one, it's using a new version of their tried and true wrestling game engine.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
So they just handle the game mechanics, and EA BIG handles the art, rendering and sound?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DaCocoBrova said:
So they just handle the game mechanics, and EA BIG handles the art, rendering and sound?

I don't know for certain but that seems like a fairly solid guesstimate of the division of labor.


Worships the porcelain goddess
DarienA said:
...you haven't played the demo have you?

I know there's all this it's not really a wrestling game stuff going around... but the reality from what I've seen, read and experience in the demo is that the core mechanics of a wrestling game(strikes and blows, grapples, moves), are still there. Each style has strikes be the focus on punches or kicks, and also has grapple moves. The focus on pinning is gone with KO'ing being the focus now.

Even EA is calling it a fighting game... but from what I've seen it still lives very much in the wrestling world.

*raises hand* I call BS sir!

I've played the "demo" (if it can be called that, a 1 minute fight in story mode, and a vs. mode...) and this is a dumbed down version of the LAST edition of the game in terms of gameplay and dynamics. DJV's hype in the FIRST PLACE came from the fact that is was "from the creators of No Mercy." Throw in some rap dudes, and dumb down No Mercy play, and bam. There you have it. DJV was only a decent game at best btw, like all first editions of a series.

Going from the demo, this game will sell much more, and offer much less. It's a jack of all trades, master of none type game, and it's not even good at what it does. There's kick, punch, grapple, and strong grapple. There's a sort of counter move where you might get lucky catching a player running at you to perform this move. That's all there, yadda yadda. The play has shifted over from grapple based, to more punch/kick/combo based fighting. The inclusion of various styles comes into play, with submission and kickboxing, etc. But uh, the only real different between any of them is submission (where strategy is concerned). It really lacks any real depth to be honest. The Storyline segment was much, much too quick to gouge how good that will be. So, only good indicator is the Vs. The whole thing is to punch/kick as much as possible so your Blazin meter lights up and throw 2-3 of those in a match, and it's over (and those blazin's will get old, really, really fast)

The graphics were very, very nice though. Voice overs were pretty cool, and animations were nice. It's going to be a very slick game presentation wise, that's for sure. Multiplayer, it'll be fun to throw down every once in awhile for kicks. The Hip Hop thing will get quite old though (just like in DJV), unless you're into that type of thing. No clue on CAW mode, but not worth talking bout anyways since the gameplay is really shallow.

The reason DJV got hype and was looked forward to was because Aki was behind it. We would get a brand new Aki engine brand of wrestling, with familiar hip hop faces thrown in. With This new DJ, any of that is washed away, and you're left with an engine that lacks any real depth. This is a mid tier "fighting" game, if that really.

However, it'll sell assloads, which more power to them really. And no doubt, I'll give it a rent to see if I can eat my words with a giant, fat spoon and for some multiplayer action. If I can eat my words upon playing the full game, awesome! If not, oh well.

All IMO based on the demo and previous play with DJV.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Frankly, I was excited as anyone for this title but the demo left me feeling pretty underwhelmed. For one, the game is just too fast. All the intricacies of the Aki engine are difficult to appreciate when the computer is just man-handling you. Secondly, the whole hold L to do strong moves thing is awkward. What was wrong with holding the button down longer for more powerful moves? Lastly, some of the camera angles are awful. The spaces you fight in are confined and I noticed multiple instances where I couldn't counter because I couldn't see my character.

I still like the graphics and the style but I think the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually but, after playing the demo, I'm no longer hyped to get it on release day.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
How is what I said BS?

Kintaro said:
It's a jack of all trades, master of none type game, and it's not even good at what it does. There's kick, punch, grapple, and strong grapple. There's a sort of counter move where you might get lucky catching a player running at you to perform this move. That's all there, yadda yadda. The play has shifted over from grapple based, to more punch/kick/combo based fighting.
You know I honestly didn't grapple(depending on the characterI used) in DJV, if you recall the easiest way to build your Blazing meter in first title DJV was to do punch, kick combo combinations... that were unique and the general ones that each character had. So it was already headed in this direction. You can also counter punches, kicks and grapple attempts but from what I've read it's more of a rock, paper, scissors style counter system.

It really lacks any real depth to be honest. The Storyline segment was much, much too quick to gouge how good that will be. So, only good indicator is the Vs. The whole thing is to punch/kick as much as possible so your Blazin meter lights up and throw 2-3 of those in a match, and it's over (and those blazin's will get old, really, really fast)
Lets see 4 different blazing modes, the ability to modify your move set by putting together more than one fighting style.... and it'll get old fast? Ok. As for the lacks real depth comment... well what AKI wrestling title has real depth? Each game has expanded the number of moves you can perform for sure, and added more fluidity but I don't think ANYONE would call the US released AKI wrestling titles deep. And since DJV was already a lite version of the AKI titles in the first place, is it any surprise that DJV2 continues to be Aki-wrestling Lite?

None of the rest of your post is worth commenting on because it's personal opinion... I'm honestly not concerned whether the game itself appealed to you. DJV was very popular, DJV2 will be popular. Does that make it good? Guess that's up to each individual person to decide.

You guys do know there are different arenas including an actual ring right?


Worships the porcelain goddess
DarienA said:
How is what I said BS?

Sorry, habit. Meant as a joke in a game, but I did play the demo. =P

You know I honestly didn't grapple(depending on the characterI used) in DJV, if you recall the easiest way to build your Blazing meter in first title DJV was to do punch, kick combo combinations... that were unique and the general ones that each character had. So it was already headed in this direction. You can also counter punches, kicks and grapple attempts but from what I've read it's more of a rock, paper, scissors style counter system.

Grappling was much, much easier in the first DJV since the action was still mostly wrestling based and inside a ring. The gameplay was slower as well, which made grappling a factor. Was much funner than button mashing punch/kick BS too.

Lets see 4 different blazing modes, the ability to modify your move set by putting together more than one fighting style.... and it'll get old fast? Ok. As for the lacks real depth comment... well what AKI wrestling title has real depth? Each game has expanded the number of moves you can perform for sure, and added more fluidity but I don't think ANYONE would call the US released AKI wrestling titles deep. And since DJV was already a lite version of the AKI titles in the first place, is it any surprise that DJV2 continues to be Aki-wrestling Lite?

Hey, these are impressions based on the DEMO. Same demo you throw in people's faces for not playing. I've stated the full game will have much more, but will the gameplay changes THAT drastically from the demo? I doubt it. If so, awesome! Also, you're opening a nice cane of worms with the older aKi wrestling games comment. =P Don't go there. But let's use your argument. We got No Mercy (Aki engine) --> DJV (Aki engine-lite), and now DJ:FFNY (Aki engine lite-lite). This is a good thing? If original Aki engines had no real depth to begin with, why is this new engine any better since it's stripped down and too fast?

None of the rest of your post is worth commenting on because it's personal opinion... I'm honestly not concerned whether the game itself appealed to you. DJV was very popular, DJV2 will be popular. Does that make it good? Guess that's up to each individual person to decide.

You guys do know there are different arenas including an actual ring right?

What exactly are you concerned with then? And yes, different arenas, etc. I'd sure hope so. >.>


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kintaro said:
Grappling was much, much easier in the first DJV since the action was still mostly wrestling based and inside a ring. The gameplay was slower as well, which made grappling a factor. Was much funner than button mashing punch/kick BS too.
Hmmm I'll have to fire up my copy of DJV again. You didn't comment about my comment about building your blazing meter.

But let's use your argument. We got No Mercy (Aki engine) --> DJV (Aki engine-lite), and now DJ:FFNY (Aki engine lite-lite). This is a good thing? If original Aki engines had no real depth to begin with, why is this new engine any better since it's stripped down and too fast?

No. I don't claim the FFNY is lite-lite, but is moving further away from a straight grappler. That might make it lite-lite for someone looking for a straight wrestling title though. FFNY does continue to move away from a straight grappler(subtration), but IMO the arena interactivity and the creation of different styles, etc... is an addition.

So yeah... if you're looking for a straight wrestler... this ain't it all together. However you can still create a wrestler style character if you choose to.


Worships the porcelain goddess
DarienA said:
Hmmm I'll have to fire up my copy of DJV again. You didn't comment about my comment about building your blazing meter.

No. I don't claim the FFNY is lite-lite, but is moving further away from a straight grappler. That might make it lite-lite for someone looking for a straight wrestling title though. FFNY does continue to move away from a straight grappler(subtration), but IMO the arena interactivity and the creation of different styles, etc... is an addition.

So yeah... if you're looking for a straight wrestler... this ain't it all together. However you can still create a wrestler style character if you choose to.

Yeah, like I said, I'll definitely give it a rent. It's a gorgeous looking game, and who knows, it might really impress me for what it is. I'm not honestly looking for a wrestling game since KOCII is coming to my hands. =D

Hopefully, it's good.
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