Who said that?
I don't really get it. Dude is big, does some really good power moves (which a lot of top guys use like Cena, Hogan, Warrior, etc.), and can cut a good promo. He may not be on top of the mountain but he could be booked to be like...not a jobber. He's a better big-black-dude than guys in the past like Ahmed Johnson for example, which got an even bigger push than Titus has ever gotten.A Titus push is well needed in the wwe but.........sighs :/
Is this 3MB 2.0?
Jesse Jackson here to see the brothas take Ls
Jesse Jackson?!
Bring in Sharpton and make it a triple team match playa.
No!Damnit that means Titus is getting FE'd in a few months...
And look at all my women of color (Namibia, Campbell, Alicia) at the bottom of that list.
Oh how people don't realize that black is beautiful.
Has anything interesting happened this RAW?
Please tell me where I used anything approaching an ad hominem. I said you were pulling stuff out of thin air, and you thought I was calling you a conspiracy theorist...
Which didn't help your argument at all. So I pointed it out. Sorry if I didn't go put my gloves on first.
I think Alicia and Cameron are beautiful women, but AJ Mendez isn't exactly Caucasian.
what the hell was this
If you want to read into the joke as an attack on gay men and be upset about it, that is okay. Even though that wasn't an attack on gay men.
I don't really get it. Dude is big, does some really good power moves (which a lot of top guys use like Cena, Hogan, Warrior, etc.), and can cut a good promo. He may not be on top of the mountain but he could be booked to be like...not a jobber. He's a better big-black-dude than guys in the past like Ahmed Johnson for example, which got an even bigger push than Titus has ever gotten.
What the living shit am I watching.
That's not what you said. You said I was "Scribbling in thin air," which is decidedly different. It brought to my mind the visual of someone "putting the pieces together" on an imaginary chalkboard, which is clearly a shot at my sanity. Still, I wasn't sure, hence me asking if that's what you meant. If that wasn't your implication, all you needed to do was clarify.
I swear I'm open to disagreement and discussion, but I take umbrage with people trying to talk down to someone else.
I think soIs the Bunny more over than Adam Rose, friends?
Of course it is.Is the Bunny more over than Adam Rose, friends?
They have Jessie Jackson ringside and they can't give the brother a win... fuck this company.
Ambrose gave away merchandise Don West style and called HHH stooges "cruiserweights".
So far not a bad raw.
Oh yeah Seth got slimed.
WWE hates fun, that bunny should be used as the personification of evil, like Doink the clown.
why do they have to stick cena in every decent feud?
I have no idea what that means.