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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business



Is this from those swamp monsters shows?
I much prefer wrestling cameras to stay on one shot for long periods of time. I hate wobbly cameras and excessive cutting. Both of which happen constantly for indie wrestling. Why doesn't an indy promotion set up a hard cam that is eye level?

Well, for most indies they don't have a scaffold to set up anything, so they'll just legit go with a tripod set up on a table (this is what we do when there's no time/space).

When they do have a scaffold, it just makes sense to have it go higher.

Wobbly cameras and such go to inexperience with ring cameramen (they're usually students or a/v guys who think they know more than they do), in terms of stability in grip. I had this issue at first, but I use a stabilizer rig that keeps it steady, even when I don't have any hands on the camera. It's kind of like a third arm.

Excessive cutting is because why not, I guess. I find ROH doesn't really do this, nor do SMV, but for different reasons. CZW did it because it fit the chaotic nature of the promotion. The rest? Meh
Watching random old videos.

1 - Sunny was damn fine.

2 - Bret Hart was really boring.

3 - No wonder nitro was kicking WWF's ass in the late mid 90's. A lot of WWF feels like its still stuck in the 80's


without talking about spoilers, Is the Road To Destruction a good PPV?

The second half was better than the first. I thought the Devitt match played out like a really good lumberjack match, so mission accomplished IMO.

This was my first NJPW PPV, so I don't have a point of reference, but I thought this PPV was great, and I would rather watch these than what the WWE is offering, so I'm onboard for the long haul.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The second half was better than the first. I thought the Devitt match played out like a really good lumberjack match, so mission accomplished IMO.

This was my first NJPW PPV, so I don't have a point of reference, but I thought this PPV was great, and I would rather watch these than what the WWE is offering, so I'm onboard for the long haul.

My man. Welcome to the promised land.
So they finally announced a WWE house show in Spokane, WA (90 miles north of here), for December; but they also announced that they're taping Raw the next day in Seattle (six-hour drive west of here).

Son and I have been to two house shows before, but never a live taping. Decisions, decisions ...



WCW SuperBrawl 2/21/99

The opening promo is really weird with Flair, Hogan, Dusty, Nash, Luger, and Goldberg having their heads spinning in front of a black back drop.

We are shown a recap of the tag team tournament. Kidman and Chavo broke up. The freshly reunited Faces of Fear broke up. The Horsemen will have to defeat Barry Windham and Curt Hennig twice tonight to win the titles.

Disco Inferno vs Booker T.

Don't stop the Disco Train. Booker wins the opening exchange with a hip toss. Disco ducks a lariatoo and hits a swinging neck breaker to a big pop. Disco for president! We could have boogie oogied into the new millennium. Arm drag! Disco is out smarting Booker. Too bad he walks right into a lariatoo. Big back body drop. Flying forearm. He telegraphs another back drop and Disco slaps on a sleeper. Lariatoo sends Book to the floor. Disco is OVER. Second rope elbow. Spin kick from Booker. Ax kick. Spinewalkslambuster. Booker takes a Fatu bump for a Western Lariatooooo. Disco went for a superplex. He was shoved off. Harlem Hangover for the win. The Disco Train has been derailed.



Chris Jericho vs Saturn

Jericho shit talks Saturn before the match, trying to make him angry. "You are a cross eyed, cross dressing freak!" He actually wants Saturn to take the dress off. Saturn declines and wallops Jericho. It goes to the floor and then into the crowd. Scott Dickinson is the ref. How does that make any sense? Back in the ring, a t-bone. A slingshot sends Jericho back out. Pescado by a man in a dress. Ralphus gets rolled into the ring. Saturn rips his dress off. Poor guy. This opens Saturn up for Jericho to make a come back. COME ON BABY! Jericho does a dropkick/karate kick to the floor. Jericho does a stupid twisting splash that he missed. Superfly Splash from Saturn. Jericho rolls Saturn up and has his feet on the ropes, but still can't get the win. Liontamer is countered into a roll up. Jericho gets out of a powerbomb and hits a German suplex. Super cross body is countered into the Rings of Saturn. Jericho got to the ropes. Falcon Arrow. Saturn misses a Lionsault. Jericho hits one. DVD! Instead of making the pin, he DVDs Scott Dickinson. He walks away. I'm going to assume this is a DQ and not a count out. It actually is a count out. That doesn't make sense.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Standard cruiserweight opening moments with arm drags and dropkicks. Chavo bails. He gets back in the ring only to bail again seconds later. Kidman follows him out and Chavo begs off. They fight on the apron. Chavo pulls Kidman into the guardrail. Brainbustaah. Big hilo from Chavo. Kidman comes back with a crossbody. Chavo ends the run with a tiltawhirl back breaker. Chavo goes up top for a frog splash, but is caught with a dropkick. Tornado bulldog is more like a tornado body block. Super rana from Chavo. BK Bomb. Chavo does a hanging DDT in the corner. Didn't look good, though. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! SSP for the win. It was okay.


Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs Barry Windham/Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Championships

This is potentially 2 matches in one. The Horsemen have to win two matches in a row. The heels only have to win once. Dean and Barry start out. Barry tries to out smart and out quick Dean, but he can't. Tags are made. Benoit gets the better of the exchange. He and Perfect get into a slap fight and it breaks down into a brawl. Big chop from Benoit sends Perfect to the floor. Barry can't fight off the chops, either. Dean gets confused on if the heels made a tag or not and ends up getting caught in a suplex. Double lariatoo. Perfect takes a delayed bump on an Irish whip in the corner. Diving headbutt on Perfect. Barry breaks the pin. He then keeps the ref distracted for what could have been a win for the Horsemen. Dean dropkicks Curt off the ropes and throws him to the floor. The ref clearly sees a low blow. Gutwrench suplex from Barry. Snot rockets from Benoit. Lariatoo. Curt tried to make a tag in the wrong corner. Superplex from Barry. Dean breaks the hold. Kind of. I think he actually missed Barry, but Barry sold it anyway. Dean gets the hot tag and puts Barry in the Cloverleaf. Hennig breaks it up. He goes right back to it. Barry taps out! We will now have a 30 second rest period between falls. As the second fall started, Dean went right back to the Cloverleaf, but Barry had taken his belt off and wrapped it around Dean's neck. Dean goes down and Barry pins him with the belt still around Dean's neck. New champions!



The Outsiders vs Rey Mysterio Jr./Konnan Luchas de Apuestas

Hall replaced Luger, who tore his bicep in the attack from Rey on Thunder. Hall and Rey start out. Hall easily out powers Rey, but Rey comes back with ARM DRAGS. Because lucha, BITCH! Springboard fameasser. Then a seated senton. Fall away slam. All I can think about is Konnan saying Nash or Lex going after Rey was like robbing a bank and then shooting the tell who was in a wheelchair. Talk about burying a guy. Nash comes in and tosses Rey around like a baby. Konnan gets a hot tag. Konnan makes my mouth sweat like I'm about to throw up. Rey actually had Nash pinned for a good 10 seconds, but Liz had the ref distracted. Outsider's Edge. A down and out Nash is pulled on top of Rey. Rey must now unmask. He unmasks to reveal a 10 year old boy.



Scott Steiner vs DDP WCW TV Championship

Steiner brings a woman from the crowd into the ring. It's not his fault that Kim digs him. DDP chases Scott to the floor and starts unloading. Scott comes back with a SHOOT double leg take down. More brawling. Eye rake from Scott. Flying lariatoo from DDP. Neck breaker. Buff comes out to check on his buddy. He actually gets in the ring and DDP fights them both off. More brawling until it settles down to Steiner dominating. Spinning belly to belly. Buff distracts the ref, allowing for a chair shot to the back. Buff then begins removing turnbuckle pads. The ref catches him and throws him out. Scott gets dumped to the floor. Pescado from DDP. DDP goes hard into the steps. Scott chases the ref around the ring only to get caught by a lariatooo. Super Frankensteiner! DDP kicks out. Diamond Dream (diving DDT). DDP goes for the Kanyon Cutter, but is shoved into the exposed turnbuckle. Then his head is rammed into it. Repeated Oklahoma stampedes into the exposed buckle. DDP passes out to the Steiner Recliner. DDP is taken out on a stretcher.



Scott Hall vs Roddy Piper WCW US Championship

Hall takes forever to come out. At least the Konnan match had Rey and Nash bumping around for him. This would be better if Hall was still drunk. This is terrible. New champion. Using Piper as a transitional champion was pretty stupid. It should have been a guy like Booker getting an upset win over Bret and then getting cheated out of the title at the PPV. Instead, they use a 45 year old Piper who moved like a 60 year old. And not only that, it took Disco, Nash, and a roll up to beat him.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Goldberg

Goldberg's big challenge Friday on the Tonight Show wasn't mentioned. They lock up. Stalemate, but Bam Bam uses the ref to give a cheap shot. A shoulder block takes Goldberg down. He comes back with a walking powerslam. Flying shoulder block. Deadlift fireman carry into an arm bar. Standing dropkick. Bam Bam uses the apron to injure Goldberg's leg/dick. He spends the next few minutes working over Goldberg's left leg. Goldberg finally comes back with a belly to back suplex. I'm not sure fans really wanted to see Goldberg being put in knee bars and chin locks for 6 minutes straight. Diving headbutt. He goes for the moonsault. Goldberg throws him off the ropes. Bam Bam narrowly doges a spear. He couldn't avoid the second one. Instead of doing the jackhammer, he does another spear. Jackhammer for the win. This was weird since a probably 70% of the match was Bam Bam holding a submission on Goldberg.



Hollywood Hogan vs Ric Flair WCW Championship

I'm sure this is going to be every Hogan/Flair match where Hogan dominates and makes Ric look like a shithead. This would be even worse than usual after the last month of Flair being repeatedly embarrassed by Hogan and Bischoff. Flair is bleeding a few minutes in and is getting his ass kicked. All of Flair's come backs are cut off by a single punch which kills Flair. The weight belt comes off. Torrie Wilson (known as the Lady in the Red Dress) came out and slapped Flair. Hogan's giant kick out causes a ref bump. Hogan then elbow drops the already down and out ref. Hulk misses the leg drop. A masked man saunters out. This guy uses the stun gun on Ric while he has the figure four on. Hogan makes the pin. The masked man was revealed to be David Flair. SWERVE! Hogan retains. WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO?!?!? I don't know, Tony. I just don't know. The David Flair reveal was ruined by him immediately kissing Torrie, so you could see half of his face. This was every Flair/Hogan match, but with more punching.


DQ Count: 0 out of 9 matches.

This was a pretty meh PPV. Nothing was particularly offensive besides Piper, but nothing was that good, either. The tag title match was for sure match of the night. David SWERVING his dad is stupid. Piper being used as a transitional champion instead of a young guy who could get the rub from beating Bret is stupid. Rey losing his mask is stupid, but at least Nash bumped around for him and basically was knocked out by him for the last minute of the match.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Any gifs of this moment stro, or was it a different event? Still my favorite Nash pic.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Still better looking than Juvi, if only just.

He is so lucky he was Wrestling as Jr. at this time; could have completely ruined his career in Mexico by this if he didn't have the name change to fall back on.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They don't have an interesting WCW match until the first "red fluid" match that isn't actually called on first blood.

Interesting mind, not good. Hogan and Flair only have one good match I can think of and it's not in WCW.


They don't have an interesting WCW match until the first "red fluid" match that isn't actually called on first blood.

Interesting mind, not good. Hogan and Flair only have one good match I can think of and it's not in WCW.

I know. AJ/Flair vs Abyss/Hogan was an all time classic.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
First up, thanks for that Stro! I know a huge Nash fan and he's in love with it.

Second, Juvi was goddamned beautiful unmasked. Phenomenally good looking guy. I envy that. Same goes for Psicosis, he's incredible looking.

Rey on the other hand is a baby.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Does anyone remember some instances where a title changed hands due to one of the wrestlers losing conciousness and was not a Last Man Standing match? Any promotion or era.

The second half was better than the first. I thought the Devitt match played out like a really good lumberjack match, so mission accomplished IMO.

This was my first NJPW PPV, so I don't have a point of reference, but I thought this PPV was great, and I would rather watch these than what the WWE is offering, so I'm onboard for the long haul.

Glad to welcome another to the wonderful world of NJPW. If you haven't already seen it, there is a basic introduction from back in August as a bit of a catch up. http://youtu.be/ps8iBBLG24Y


First up, thanks for that Stro! I know a huge Nash fan and he's in love with it.

Second, Juvi was goddamned beautiful unmasked. Phenomenally good looking guy. I envy that. Same goes for Psicosis, he's incredible looking.

Rey on the other hand is a baby.

Juvy looked like an average Mexican woman. Psychosis looked a chupacabra.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Does anyone remember some instances where a title changed hands due to one of the wrestlers losing conciousness and was not a Last Man Standing match? Any promotion or era.

Hmm, I wonder if Mick Foley won any via the Mandible Claw, that would sort of work as most people don't tap to that.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Guys, I think I'm dying. My allergies may get the best of me. I would appreciate If the next thread was a memorial thread in my honor. Maybe you can get Bo Dallas and Heath Slater to say some kind words about me. Thanks, I knew you wouldn't let me down!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Guys, I think I'm dying. My allergies may get the best of me. I would appreciate If the next thread was a memorial thread in my honor. Maybe you can get Bo Dallas and Heath Slater to say some kind words about me. Thanks, I knew you wouldn't let me down!

"Spider From Mars died of diarrhea dehydration and blames it on allergies, Bo Dallas to speak in gif form"


Nobody cares about your Mexican man fetish, Sunflower.

No I don't Dragon. Don't be slandering me buddy boy.
While you guys talk about diarrhea and Psicosis and other gross things, I'll just stare at this

Is that like a female brony? I'd say she's weird but she looks 12 years old.

Also, Nobody will remember you Spider, nobody will indeed remember you.

"He was that guy with the penguin avatar, and he liked Bo Dallas too"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So I watched Smackdown on Friday because I wanted to see the Giant Swing and the Chikara match (both were quite good by the way) when something hit me; Cole and JBL are markedly improved without King there. They're still inane half the time but more of the match gets called and it was actually tolerable.
Look who came crawling back.

Whatchu talmbout? I never left. I'm just lurking in the shadows because I have nothing of importance to say
as if that stopped me before

Plus like I said, GTAV is a "life ruining" status game, despite its issues.

Gotta go watch the end of Breaking Bad now.
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