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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


As of this post, the word "business" has been used 330 times in this thread. The phrase "best for business" has been used 72 times.

I can't believe it wasn't higher than that.



WCW Thunder 2/18/99

The go home show for Superbrawl. Until one of the most awful Nitros of all time, WCW had been doing a pretty decent job of building up for Superbrawl. Then on the real go home show, they ignored all but two matches and made me not want to see the show at all. Last week's Thunder just replayed all the backstage skits from Nitro. This a go home show, but it is also Thunder. There is a cage above the ring tonight. The Horsemen will face Horace/Crush with the winner going on to the finals of the tag tournament against Hennig/Windham. We're told Goldberg will be on the Tonight Show tomorrow night and will make a challenge that will set the world on fire.

TO THE BACK. Stevie tries to recruit Booker into the B Team. Book tells Stevie that Hogan doesn't give a shit about the black and white. Disco walks in and is excited that Harlem Heat is reforming, because that opens up a spot for him in the black and white. He's in the Wolfpac, why would he want on the B Team? "What, is this a brother thing?" Wrong thing to say to Booker.

TO THE TORRIE. The Deadite gives Torrie Scott Hall's stun gun. She says she's very experienced with such things. Giant black dick shaped things? How suggestive.

Part one of Raven's Day Off. I can't believe they're going to reair all of those again.

Disco comes out with a mic. He brings out his idol, someone he grew up watching: The Rowdy Scott. It's Scott Hall, you see. SWERVE. Instead of talking about Piper, he hypes up Disco vs Booker. Booker has been in WCW for 6 years climbing the ladder, and he's still on the first rung. You can't stop the Disco train! Hall then makes fun of Piper and takes his kilt off to prove he's a real man. Hall is cut off by the Wolfpac music before he could say anything else. This is for real the first build for Disco/Booker since it was announced 3 weeks ago.

Part two of Raven's Day Off.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Lash LeRoux

The match goes on for about a minute and a half before...

The Wolfpac limo arrives. Rey attacked Lex as he was getting out. THUG LIFE! BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?

Actually, this was revealed to have taken place earlier today. So they cut into the match to show an earlier today segment? If WCW doesn't care about the match, then I don't care about the match. Chavo gets disqualified when he puts Lash in a tree of woe and refused to stop attacking. Lash was hanging on the outside of the ring. Kidman ran out to stop Chavo, but ended up getting thrown into Lash and took a tornado DDT off the steps on the floor.

Part three of Raven's Day Off.

Recap of Flair's beat down. Even all of the segments condensed into a few minutes, it still felt like an hour long.

Scott Steiner arrives in his limo, but makes sure DDP isn't there before he'll get out. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?

Part four of Raven's Day Off.

TO THE BACK. Horace and Crush deliver a short promo about having the hardest road in the tournament and they're ready to go to the finals tonight.

Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Chris Jericho comes out and makes fun of how poorly Saturn wears a dress. So he brings out Ralphus in a grandma dress to show what a real man in a dress looks like. Saturn vs Jericho hasn't actually been announced for Superbrawl. Makes sense that it would happen, but it hasn't been announced. We go to a break after about 25 seconds. Ralphus almost gives Juvi a kiss. Juvi punches him and down goes Ralphus. Juvi does a few ranas, but is caught in the Liontamer in a very short match.


Buff comes to the ring. He'll be returning to wrestling soon. He announces Scott Steiner. Without the TV Championship, of course. He knows he's in DDP country because of WHITE TRASH. WHITE TRASH. WHITE TRASH. WHITE TRAAAAAAAAASH. He'll only agree to the match with DDP if he gets Kim for 30 days when he wins. Too bad the match has been announced for weeks. He wants to fight anyone tonight.

Scott Steiner vs Bobby Blaze

Bobby's mullet gives Jerry Flynn's a run for its money. Scott mauls poor Bobby. Bobby is put on a stretcher by the worst EMTs who do no kind of stabilization. Scott throws him off and beats his ass some more.


Konnnan/Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Silver King/Hector Garza

Fucking Konnan.

TO THE BACK. Dean and Benoit deliver a short promo about the tag tournament.

Booker T. vs Jerry Flynn

Disco comes out to cheer Flynn off. Jerry kicks him. What a jerk. Booker gets his head trapped in the ropes on an Irish whip. He comes back with the flying forearm and spinewalkbusterslam. Disco low bridges him and hits the Chart Buster on the floor. Flynn hits a spin kick for the win! Flynn is on a roll, having defeated Saturn and Booker.


Remember that popcorn commercial that implied a 10 year old was about to have a 3 some with two grown women because his popcorn was so good?

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. President Ric Flair makes his first appearance since his beat down on Nitro. He comes out with sunglasses and bandages on his face. Serious bidness Flair tonight. Not screaming. He resents anyone who thinks Hogan and the nWo are cool. Hogan spent 20 years being given props and hanging out with Johnny Carson and Dolly Parton while he spent 20 years being the best. He is bound by his parents, wife, and kids to kill Hogan at Superbrawl. Gene is truly ashamed to be associated with pro wrestling after Monday night. Me too.

TO THE TORRIE. She's still talking to the Deadite. The camera has a hand and gives Torrie tickets to Superbrawl. These are so stupid.

Horace/Brian Adams vs Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko Steel Cage Match

The winning team will be in the finals of the tournament and will have to defeat Windham/Hennig twice at Superbrawl to win the titles. I don't think this really needs to be a cage match. The rational was because the nWo has been trying to prevent this tournament from happening, but they haven't done that for weeks and there is an nWo team not only in the tournament, but in THIS match. The cage has the garter for a roof, but doesn't actually have a roof. VINCE came out. Ref bump. Of course. In a cage match. Benoit is thrown out of the cage and a chair is slid in. Benoit climbs back in and does a diving headbutt from the top of the cage to Crush. Malenko makes the pin and they are in the finals.


DQ Count: 1 out of 5.

Announced card for Superbrawl

Hollywood Hogan vs Ric Flair WCW Championship
Lex Luger/Kevin Nash vs Rey Mysterio Jr./Konnan Luchas de Apuestas
Scott Hall vs Roddy Piper WCW US Championship
Goldberg vs Bam Bam Big Yellow
Barry Windham/Curt Hennig vs Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko WCW Tag Team Championships
Scott Steiner vs DDP WCW TV Championship
Booker T. vs Disco Inferno

Here are all the teams that were in the tag tournament up to the finals to the best of my knowledge:

Super Calo/Lizmark Jr. (1 loss)
Fit Finlay/Dave Taylor (2 losses)
Faces of Fear (2 losses)
Bobby Duncum Jr./Mike Enos (3 losses)
Brian Adams/Horace (2 losses)
Chavo Guerrero Jr./Kidman (2 losses)
The Outsiders (0 losses)
Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko (1 loss)
Barry Windham/Curt Hennig (0 losses)
Kaz Hayashi/Van Hammer (1 loss)
Mike Enos/Scotty Riggs (1 loss)

In addition, Mike Enos actually wrestled 6 times in this tournament. Two DQs with FoF, 3 losses with Duncum, and 1 loss with Riggs.
Went to PROGRESS Chapter 9 today, awesome show, as per usual, with one of the greatest moments in the promotion's short history. Danny Garnell had slipped a disc, so he was out of the 6-man tag match, while Jimmy Havoc suffered a knee injury and wouldn't be wrestling Mastiff. Danny's replacement was a surprise (an AWESOME surprise), but Jimmy's replacement was announced an hour before the show; Tommy fucking End. The opening match was The Bastard Dave Mastiff vs Tommy End, fantastic, hard-hitting contest. Tommy's kicks are absolutely brutal and he scored the win with a huge double-stomp from the top. Next match was the 2nd semi-final of the Natural Progression tournament, with The Pride of Wales Eddie Dennis taking on Paul Robinson, big size difference in this one, but Paul hit his beautiful SSP to go onto the finals against Mark Andrews. The last match before intermission was a big one, with Mark Haskins vs Zack Sabre Jr. vs Ricochet. This was a real fun match, Ricochet is amazing to see in person, he makes everything look so effortless. Haskins got a ton of heat for spoiling what would have been an excellent singles encounter between Zack & Ricochet, but it was a good match all the same. Weakest match of the day kicked off the 2nd half, as Screw Indy Wrestling's Nathan Cruz took on Stixx. Good promo from Cruz before the bell, trying to convince Stixx to join his group, but once the match started they soon brawled over to the bar and I lost sight of them for a good five minutes. They returned to the ring and Stixx was bleeding, so Cruz worked him over for a while and it wasn't all that interesting, but things picked up when Stixx made his comeback and the finishing stretch was good, Stixx forcing Cruz to give in with some sort of half-crab submission. The penultimate match was the 6-man tag, out first were Project Ego of Kris Travis & Martin Kirby, plus their partner T-Bone, who was making his PROGRESS debut. Next, The Bhangra Knights of RJ Singh & Darrell Allen came to the ring and waited for their mystery tag partner, who turned out to be none-other than GRADO! It's Yerself!


A highly enjoyable 6-man tag ensued, lots of comedy spots from Project Ego and GRADO was well over with the London crowd. T-Bone seemed like a pretty generic big man, but it was fun seeing him get pissed off, screaming "STOP WITH THAT COMEDY SHITE!", before laying a beating on GRADO. The pin-fall came when Travis rolled up GRADO with a handfull of tights. Post-match, however, two masked men in hoodies hit the ring and started beating the crap out of everyone, hitting a huge double-powerbomb on GRADO and destroying Travis with an assisted spear out of mid-air (seriously, amazing move). The crowd were well aware who the men were by this point, The London Riots, who were no longer employed by PROGRESS due to their extremely violent behaviour. They turned their attentions to PROGRESS co-owner Jim Smallman, but Jimmy Havoc, easily the most over face of the promotion, ran down to make the save, only to brutally beat Smallman with a chair. The London Riots kept the locker room at bay, while Havoc cut a great promo running down PROGRESS management, then getting huge heat by insulting Smallman's terminally ill mother. That was such a great turn, literally no one in the crowd expected it to happen. 350 people in utter shock, so awesome. Finally, the main event saw Screw Indy Wrestling's Rampage Brown defend the PROGRESS Nazi Staff against Doug Williams! Some excellent technical wrestling to start things off, then Doug went on to control the majority of the match. He hit the Chaos Theory, but Rampage kicked out at the very last moment and then, due to some interference from Mark Haskins, Rampage hit his huge sit-out piledriver for the win. Excellent main event, but the crowd were a bit deflated from the previous angle. Amazing show, overall. PROGRESS keep out-doing themselves, can't wait for the next show in November when they kick off a tournament to crown the first tag champions.

Now, to watch that New Japan iPPV :)
What's this I hear about Nakamura vs Marufuji?

Marufuji came down after Nakamura's defence against Benjamin and asked the crowd;

"Long time no see, NJPW. I want to ask you guys if you want to see Nakamura and Marufuji for the Intercontinental Title?"

The crowd cheered and Nakamura replied;

"I'm pretty tired, so would you leave that for later... just kidding! You make me seethe! The answer is...YeaOH!!"

Before swagging off into the night.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Stro when do you think Superbrawl Review will be up? Got a busy night and a crazy morning so I want to know when I should look for it.
WCW 1999 wasn't such a good year for the U.S. Title.

Roddy Piper won the title from Bret Hart thanks to help from...Will Sasso.

Scott Hall then won the title from Piper a week later at the PPV. He immediately disappears after winning the title because a limo tire ran over and crushed his foot.

Scott Steiner then wins a tournament for the vacant title. He also immediately disappears after winning the title because of a major back injury that almost forced him to retire.

Then...David Flair is just given the title randomly by President Ric Flair with no match or buildup then manages to beat Chris Benoit in a title match, which sends the Internet into an absolute frenzy, causing probably the most hilariously angry edition of the WCW Live! radio show ever.
Boots how did Travis look? He's been in hospital and lost a good stone or so, his selling is amazing, I have to admit to being a bit of a Kirby mark as well he was heel in GPW on Friday but always face in PCW

T Bone is a PCW mainstay and he legit scares me, guy looks like he's just waiting to fuck you up, he was at GPW on Friday but not competing (he makes wrestling rings so a lot of companies hire his so he's there just to set up etc) we were talking to the girl he was with as my mate had met her at infinite in Liverpool and I could feel his steely glare all the time!

Damn I want to see Grado live :(
Boots how did Travis look? He's been in hospital and lost a good stone or so, his selling is amazing, I have to admit to being a bit of a Kirby mark as well he was heel in GPW on Friday but always face in PCW

Travis looked pretty lean, but if he's been ill recently he didn't show it, both him and Kirby were well on point today.

Jeff Albertson said:
T Bone is a PCW mainstay and he legit scares me, guy looks like he's just waiting to fuck you up, he was at GPW on Friday but not competing (he makes wrestling rings so a lot of companies hire his so he's there just to set up etc) we were talking to the girl he was with as my mate had met her at infinite in Liverpool and I could feel his steely glare all the time!

Yeah, he's seriously huge, I'd like to see him vs Stixx or Mastiff.

Jeff Albertson said:
Damn I want to see Grado live :(

He's really something else, the crowd absolutely loved him.
T Bone is a bit lumbering but him and dreamer had a fun hardcore match (with dreamer going through a table)

He tags with Rampage Brown managed by Bubblegum (awesome little heel) in PCW, last time out they were against Mastiff and Alex Cyanide and T Bone got busted open by a huuuuuuuge Mastiff Cannonball
Johnny Saint wins a match with the Russ Abbot special;



Jeff Albertson said:
He tags with Rampage Brown managed by Bubblegum (awesome little heel) in PCW, last time out they were against Mastiff and Alex Cyanide and T Bone got busted open by a huuuuuuuge Mastiff Cannonball

I keep hearing Bubblegum's name, will have to look him up sometime. Rampage & T-Bone sounds like a ridiculous tag team. Mastiff didn't get to hit his cannonball today, unfortunately, Tommy End jumped up as Mastiff charged and kicked him right in the damn face!
Bubblegum isn't much as a competitor but is a really annoying cowardly heel and fits the role well, recently he's been used to job to lita and April David's after calling them all the names under the sun, he comes out to he's just a rascal by dizzy but the crowd chant 'he's just a rent boy' over the top, not quite PC but funny

Amazingly though for someone so Mancunian he's a face in Liverpool!

As an aside I took the chance to try out my iphone at GPW on Friday it turns out that slow mo wrestling is fun


I know I know vertical filming sucks
Strobogo said:
That's like cockney translated into a wrestling move.

Lol, I like that.

It's such a ridiculous move, but to me that style of wrestling is so much fun to watch. It makes me sad that there aren't many guys with that sort of knowledge today, unless you count Cabana doing that stuff at half the speed of Saint.

Jeff Albertson said:
As an aside I took the chance to try out my iphone at GPW on Friday it turns out that slow mo wrestling is fun


Nice, slo-mo replays are so awesome.
The Road to Destruction shows were more house show quality than PPV quality, but there was some good stuff there - the first one had two fun 8-man elimination tag matches, while the second one had a great Kojima & Naito vs Okada & Tanaka main event, although reaction to the show seemed pretty lukewarm online.


The Road to Destruction shows were more house show quality than PPV quality, but there was some good stuff there - the first one had two fun 8-man elimination tag matches, while the second one had a great Kojima & Naito vs Okada & Tanaka main event, although reaction to the show seemed pretty lukewarm online.

You saw the show. How was the Devitt match? I read a review on the observer that gave it 2 and 3/4 stars and the match sounded like Russo on drugs booked it. I like Devitt but it sounds like they are slowly killing people taking him seriously when all his matches since he turned heel are booked like the worst of American wrestling with thousand of run ins, ref bumps and outside objects being used.
Wait, are we talking about the Destruction PPV from today, or the Road to Destruction shows from earlier this month? I haven't watched all of Destruction yet, only 2 matches in.

The Devitt situation is weird, a lot of people really dislike the angle and are getting sick of it already, but Bullet Club are easily the heel faction with the most heat in New Japan currently. It'll run it's course eventually, plus, Devitt's still the Jr. Heavyweight champion - they have to get that division rolling again, but I think they're stalling for time until Taguchi's back from injury.


Wait, are we talking about the Destruction PPV from today, or the Road to Destruction shows from earlier this month? I haven't watched all of Destruction yet, only 2 matches in.

The Devitt situation is weird, a lot of people really dislike the angle and are getting sick of it already, but Bullet Club are easily the heel faction with the most heat in New Japan currently. It'll run it's course eventually, plus, Devitt's still the Jr. Heavyweight champion - they have to get that division rolling again, but I think they're stalling for time until Taguchi's back from injury.

Yeah, the pay per view today from the lumberjack match. The whole Devitt thing is just reminds me of a conversation on Observer about the Summerslam buy rate and why it wasn't bigger. One thing brought up was Punk title reign and did the people take it seriously when as a heel he won by cheating and never cleanly. So when he faced Brock people didn't take him winning seriously because of how he won in the past.

So its most likely different in Japan but Devitt winning matches by screwy finishes is not going to help people take him seriously if doesn't at least win some matches clean without any help.
Yeah, I agree it doesn't do wonders for his credibility, especially considering he's only just started competing as a heavyweight.

Personally, I think the worst thing about this angle is that it's knocked Karl Anderson down a peg.


Yeah, I agree it doesn't do wonders for his credibility, especially considering he's only just started competing as a heavyweight.

Personally, I think the worst thing about this angle is that it's knocked Karl Anderson down a peg.

Yeah, and they are doing that when the WWE has interest in him. I wonder if he would take the risk of leaving New Japan if the WWE offer him anything close to Tensai money.
Johnny Saint wins a match with the Russ Abbot special;



I -hate- this fucking shit.

I'm not a fan of World of Sport at all, then fucking Nigel did it EVERY GODDAMN MATCH

It's not an Artful Dodger if you do it every fucking time

Oh and Karl would probably go to WWE if they asked, since his family is here, + more money. I don't think Devitt cares at all. I think he likes being able to go back to Ireland and...well, not hide, but just be a normal dude.
I -hate- this fucking shit.

I'm not a fan of World of Sport at all, then fucking Nigel did it EVERY GODDAMN MATCH

It's not an Artful Dodger if you do it every fucking time

It works in the context of World of Sport, where it's presented as a contest of pure wrestling skill and athleticism, rather than physicality. Also, yeah, at some point you have to ask why no one just punted Nigel in the skull when he hopped off the bottom rope and made to dive between his opponents legs, but it's like that with a ton of moves. Just another area where you have to suspend your disbelief.
It works in the context of World of Sport, where it's presented as a contest of pure wrestling skill and athleticism, rather than physicality. Also, yeah, at some point you have to ask why no one just punted Nigel in the skull when he hopped off the bottom rope and made to dive between his opponents legs, but it's like that with a ton of moves. Just another area where you have to suspend your disbelief.

I'd definitely agree. It's just amused me that that's the one that Colt/Nigel always fucking pull. Colt at least pretends to change it, but it's just irritating. I can suspend disbelief, but it's literally a full on, what, 30-60 second sequence?

You're just hating as it requires for you to pay attention and move your camera some!

Get back in your hard spot and keep focus, dammit.

Mofucka I've had dudes get powerbombed into plate glass and shower it all over me so much I had to pick glass out of my hair for days. I AM SUPER RING CAMERAMAN

...Also I'd rarely rack focus because it'd cause problems. Oh, and people -really- like to complain when you stay in one spot, so I like to work two sides of the ring, sharing the one opposite hardcam with the other ring cameraman. Only crossing hardcam if necessary.

Oh and workers Irish Whipping people towards me on my blind side are retarded :p

So are workers trying to chase me for some silly reason, then being outrun by me running....backwards

Man I have way too many stories for just being a cameraguy D:


I much prefer wrestling cameras to stay on one shot for long periods of time. I hate wobbly cameras and excessive cutting. Both of which happen constantly for indie wrestling. Why doesn't an indy promotion set up a hard cam that is eye level?
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