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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business



Yes. The 3 hour Nitros started at the start of January. The few episodes during the NBA Playoffs when they could only do 1 or 2 hour shows were much better. There's so much filler or just letting dudes ramble for 15-20 minutes to fill for time. You might get 7 matches that are all under 4 minutes some weeks. It's so weird. I swear I remembered the first hour of 3 hour Nitro being pretty much devoted to cruisers, but that hasn't been the case. While these are SIGNIFICANTLY better than 2000, they're still a bit of a chore. Especially now in the middle of summer when things have fallen off a cliff.

If memory serves me right this is also the time WWF took control of the rating wars and never looked back.

I'm actually curious if there's a way to know, which Nitros ran against live or pre-taped Raws and see how the content was different/timed

Also seems WWE Shop is running buy 1 get 1 free on DVDs, sans boxsets and Best of MSG
Going to look into this in the morning


If memory serves me right this is also the time WWF took control of the rating wars and never looked back.

I'm actually curious if there's a way to know, which Nitros ran against live or pre-taped Raws and see how the content was different/timed

Also seems WWE Shop is running buy 1 get 1 free on DVDs, sans boxsets and Best of MSG
Going to look into this in the morning

WWF took over for good on 1/4/99, which was the Finger Poke Of Doom vs Foley winning the title.


Oh man looking through their DVDs, I do love this WM 8 cover because the opening bout was the focal point of the show...



CJ might even be worse than Bo. I can at least now tolerate Bo's ironic promos, even if his in ring stuff is still terrible. CJ Parker is just bad all around. There is nothing enjoyable about him. He's currently the biggest misstep in NXT, including Bo Dallas.


WWF took over for good on 1/4/99, which was the Finger Poke Of Doom vs Foley winning the title.

Speaking of that Raw, I hope they include the entire thing on that 20th Anniversary Raw box set. Probably my favorite Raw of all time. Great show from top to bottom, and of course the ending with Foley winning the title is probably one of the most iconic moments in Raw history.

What are some other great Raws that deserve to be included with that set? I can't really think of any. No way they're putting the Jericho/****** vs. HHH/Austin Raw, unfortunately. Maybe that crazy Raw from 99 that managed to get a fucking 8.1 rating?


So not worth it

Because a King is only outranked by a higher King. Three time the H's, three time the kingly power.

Why by a B+, or even an A, when you can be a H?


WCW Monday Nitro 8/3/98

Thunder was again not aired last week. Giant/Hall will defend against Sting/Luger. Hennig vs Konnan. Jericho vs Rey Jr. All tonight. Brain is with us at the start of the show. Larry was pulled into a meeting with Time Warner execs that is still going on.

History was made when Jay Leno announced he would wrestle at Road Wild.

Hogan and Bischoff took over the actual tonight show. DDP attacked Hulk. Jay hit a Boma Ye on Bischoff and police escorted the heels away. DDP suggests they have a tag match. I'm pretty sure the Tonight Show audience was bigger than the Impact Zone. Jay agreed to the match. It was HISTORIC.


TO THE MEAN GENE. He brings out DDP. Mind you, the PPV is 5 days away and Hogan/Bischoff vs DDP/Leno is one of two matches announced for the show. The other match is the nWo battle royal. Nothing else has been announced or really even hinted. Maybe Bret vs Sting if Sting wasn't in the battle royal. More SCUM talk. He even got SCUM on the Tonight Show. He claims that there isn't a person in the country who doesn't want to see Leno smack Bischoff around. I am a person in the country and I don't want to see that.

Barbarian vs DDP

DDP was half way in the crowd when Jimmy Hart called Page out. What if DDP made it to the back and didn't hear Jimmy? DDP isn't wearing his rib tape. Page tries to fight off Barb, but Barb is too strong. Jimmy gets decked. It takes 4 tries for the Kanyon Cutter to finally land, including the last one, which was really awkward.


TO THE TONIGHT SHOW. Jay brought out dwarf Hulk on a kiddie bike.

When we come back from break, Larry is at the table. He was reprimanded for leaving the set. Larry says he only does such things when people come to the set. So they've come to an agreement that he won't leave the set and they won't allow wrestlers to come to the set anymore.

Recap of Crush's promo, Goldberg's promo, and Crush getting squashed by Goldberg. Then of the DDP/Hogan stuff from last week.

TO THE TONIGHT SHOW. Hogan and Bischoff stormed the set. Even better is that LENO's band played entrance music for them.

Fuck me. This shit is making me want to be dead. More than usual. These things are driving me to drink for the 4th night in a row. After an awful monologue, which was 100% Monica Lewinsky/blowjob jokes and jokes about Jay's chin, he brings Hulk out as the guest. They show more clips of Leno making fun of Hogan, and then the nWo take over of the Tonight Show. Hulk claimed that Jay crossed the line and then shoved him when Jay made a bald joke. You're telling me that HULK HOGAN can push Leno around and Leno barely even budges? The band still played music going to a break even though Kevin and Jay had been run off the set. This went on again for 15 minutes and was completely miserable. They promised more tonight.


Hypnosis vs Tokyo Magnum

Disco came out and wanted to bring out the best partner you could imagine. Alex Wright's music hits, but Tokyo Magnum came out. As soon as the bell rings, Scott Norton hits the ring and lays them both out with powerbombs. Of course they'd stop a match right away after 30 minutes of talking. Norton calls anyone out.


Scott Norton vs Hugh Morrus

Hugh walks in and gets powerbombed right away. Powerbombs for everyone.

Recap of Bret on Nitro last week.

Goldberg is the guest. Gene says he's never announced a champion like this. Except for last week. They wisely didn't do the full Goldberg entrance just for a promo again. He's decided to throw his hat in the ring for the nWo battle royal so he can fucking Giant up. Sting comes to the ring. Then a bunch of leaflets fall from the ceiling and nWo shows up on the ramp. Goldberg goes through them and chases Giant to the back. Bret Hart casually walks around it to talk to Sting, who walks away from him.

TO THE BACK. Sting walks through the curtains and sees Lex Luger down on the ground. He just walks away as security goes to check on him.

Brian Adams vs Jim Duggan

No way. Not watching this. Crush wins with his shitty piledriver.

TO THE BACK. Gene is in front of Sting's locker room, which is labeled under WCW. Bret Hart shows up feels bad about what happened to Lex. Bret offers himself to be Sting's tag partner tonight.

They're giving away a bike at Road Wild, and Gene is sitting on it, claiming he rode it 350 miles.

A hype video on Raven.

Sick Boy vs Kanyon

This doesn't take place. Raven comes out and says that Kanyon has been swallowed up by the darkness. He implies that Kanyon has either joined the Flock or is in an alley doing heroin. For Saturn's sake, hopefully Kanyon didn't join the Flock or the triple threat match will be a handicap match. Lodi then grabs the mic to shit talk Saturn. Raven slaps him and breaks his fingers. Saturn comes out and Raven backs off. He helps Lodi up. Lodi shoves him away, so Saturn grabs his broken fingers and hits the DVD.


TO THE BACK. Gene is still at Sting's locker room. He knows that Sting isn't in there. He sees Bret and Hall talking at the end of the hall. He goes after them, but the mic cable isn't long enough and they enter separate doors.

TO THE MEAN GENE. He is with JoJo and brings Dean Malenko out. He accepts his loss to Jericho and will admit that Jericho is the better man. Jericho comes out and brags. JoJo plays into Jericho's ego, particularly about being out of control and too much for the refs to handle. A rule shows that WCW has the right to name a special referee for a wrestler who has shown a history of being out of control. And that special referee is...DEAN MALENKO! Jericho might be on to something when he talks about the C-O-Nspiracy.

Eddie Guerrero vs Juventud Guerrera

Eddie smacks that ugly woman in the face. They do some fast paced, smooth as fuck lucha action that ends in a tiltawhirl back breaker. Juvi comes back with a top rope wheel kick. Eddie bails and gets hit with a head butt suicide dive. Back in the ring, Eddie does a hot shot in the corner, which clearly shows Juvi's face no where near the turn buckle. They then do maybe the best powerbomb to DDT reversal ever. Eddie hits a brutal shoulder breaker. He then hits the frog splash for the win.




Lizmark Jr. vs Stevie Ray WCW TV Championship

Gene stops Stevie before the match. The documents are officially notarized and Stevie is the official TV Champ. Stevie dominates. Chavo comes out with Harlem Heat gloves on. He reveals that he's the notary that signed the documents. Stevie chases him to the back. Lizmark Jr. wins!

Konnan vs Curt Hennig

Rude interferes and Perfect hits the Perfex Plex. Nash comes out after the match to stop any beat downs.

I've stopped mentioning it, but they show Leno clips after coming back from every break as long as there isn't a match going on.

Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Jericho drop kicks Rey as soon as he hits the ring. Rey comes back with a pop up rana. Jericho bails and Rey hits a flying tea bag. 123 Kid styled leg drop as we go to break. After the break, Jericho catches a spring board cross body and does a press slam into a TTD/shoulder breaker. Rey rolls to the floor and Jericho hits a missile drop kick to the floor. Rey reverses a suplex back in the ring. He hits a standing moonsault, but Jericho gets up and hits a lariatoooo. Jericho does the old banana split. Or the spladle, depending on where you're from. Rey comes back with a head scissors and then hits a pretty sweet springboard split leg moonsault. Jericho comes back with an over head release German suplex. Jericho misses his triangle dropkick and falls to the floor. Rey does a roll up spinning rana that went all the way around and back to the ring. Jericho then hit an underhook backbreaker, but Rey came back with an X-Factor. Jericho pulls the ref in the way of the West Coast Pop. Rey tries a spring board rana, but it is countered into a powerbomb. He goes for the Liontamer, but Rey rolls into a pin. Dean Malenko runs in and counts the pin. It counted, since the bell rang Jericho will face Juvi at the PPV. This was good. Better than their matches earlier in the year. Jericho has definitely been a highlight over the otherwise dull Summer months.




Scott Steiner comes to the ring. He got a phone call from his mom after last week. His mom let him know that he wasn't better than anyone in this world and that his blood was red just like everyone else in the world. He takes his nWo shirt off. He's quitting the nWo. He calls Rick to come out so he can apologize. Buff comes out dressed as Rick. Lol. Buff and Scott together are pretty great with their trolling. Rick can only speak in barks. Buff breaks character the laugh at everyone and begs for Scotty to fake cry again. Rick comes out and nails Scott with a chair.


The nWo come out during the Nitro girls dancing. They corner Kim in the ring. Bischoff calls her trash and says she owes everything to him. She slaps Eric. Virgil and Beefcake grab her. DDP runs out, but gets caught by Crush and Giant. Well, this is awkward. Bischoff talks about Penthouse and I think calls her a whore. Hearing Bischoff and Hogan talk more is not what I wanted on this show. Hogan goes on to beat on DDP. He wants DDP to tell him who her daddy is. Chokeslam. After the event, Tony worries about Jay Leno getting involved in such things. Brain implores to Leno that Hogan is the one to hurt his neck and he needs to be careful. All 3 are disgusted. LOL this is actually a set up to hype Travis Tritt's CD. Brain steals it.

Recap of the Goldberg/nWo brawl, plus Sting finding Lex down and out.

Scott Hall/The Giant vs Sting/Bret Hart WCW Tag Team Championship

Hall finally has black and white gear instead of black and red. Giant is wearing a Hogan head band, which he was wearing in in the last segment. Sting comes out to his old music and is wearing the black and white face paint. Bret and Hall start out. Bret doesn't half ass with Hall. He works over the arm and tries to make a tag. Sting won't make it, so Bret makes the tag himself. Sting comes in and punches Giant in the face before going after Hall. Giant hits Sting as he's running the ropes Hall hits a lariatooo. I just now thought about Sting getting so mad that Lex was hurt that he washed his red and black face paint off, only to redo it with the black and white paint. What a moody teenager Sting is. nWo begin to dominate. Hall hits the fall away slam. I wonder how many shoulders he destroyed with that move. Hall holds Sting as Bret gets the ball bat. Bret accidentally hits Hall. Sting pins him. New champions! Bret doesn't seem very happy with the result. Giant beats down Sting until Goldberg runs in and hits a spear as WE'RE OUTTA TIME!

I went through a whole bottle of Crown in 3 days. What the fuck. I didn't even drink before January of this year. These Leno/Bischoff segments are killing me.
Catching up on NXT and at the end of one episode Cesaro goes full-on supervillain in a backstage interview, calling himself "the boss of the world" and yells ZAAAAAAAAYYYYYNNNNN! after Sami runs in and attacks him. It was wonderful and I want that to be his permanent character


To this day, Heenan tearing up at his HOF induction when he said he wished Monsoon was there is probably the saddest wrestling moment ever for me. More than any deaths and tribute shows. Never has there been a moment with more feels to me. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it.
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