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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


This has to be the laziest wrestling shirt ever.



Punk being "stuck" in that feud while the company crashes around him relating DIRECTLY to the very promo he cut 2 years ago concerning the "doofus son in law" is so frustrating. I understand it's HHH's Randy Orton Vince's Cena's comeback Daniel Bryan's angle, but come on. They can effectively weave in and out of the Heyman/Punk stuff along with the bigger picture NeoCorp. angle so that Punk fights a war on 2 fronts.

Punk is not some crusader out to right the various wrongs of the McMahons. That Summer of Punk promo and the entire subsequent angle was about him getting his. He lamented his lack of status, his wasted potential, his squandered talent. The only times he brought others up was to underscore how screwed he was being at the time. How it wasn't his fault because look at all these guys, it's the system designed to keep him down. Punk's character is that of a self-centered stubborn jackass who actually has as much talent as he claims. He gets you to identify with him. He's the cult of personality. He's never been out for anyone but himself and his lack of involvement in the angle is all about him having gotten his already. He's been there, done that, sold the t-shirts, moved on. I can see him coming into the angle, but in spite of some kickass promos, I think the longterm story will reinforce what I've written here. Endgame? The only hill left for Punk to climb is to main event Mania. If it comes up, I have no doubt that with that he'd sell Bryan/the principle out in a heartbeat.


Of course they open the doors 15 minutes late.

Who my 5th row seat for s actually third row behind the announcers. I'll try and do HHH shovel dance on camera if I get the chance.


I'm in 117. Good view of the ring, but the stage and titantron is blocked by the sheets they have up. Gotta try and sneak to a better seat in a bit.



WCW Monday Nitro 10/19/98

We're in the home stretch for Halloween Havoc. Last week featured Chucky, the Blade Runners reuniting for the first time since 1985, Bischoff being arrested, and probably other stuff. The Horsemen are on their way and Bischoff is in the building.

Saturn vs Kenny Kaos

Kaos has a first name again. OUTTA NOWHERE. Saturn hits a swinging neckbreaker and springboard crossbody. Kaos dumps him to the floor in response. It heads back in the ring where Kaos controls the match with boring shit until Saturn hits a superkick and belly to belly. Falcon Arrow and a DVD for the win.


EARLIER TODAY. Tenay talked with MARKS. I'm almost positive one of them was a young Shawn Daivari. It was in Minneapolis, looked just like him, and he would have been around 14ish at the time of this how, which adds up enough to me.

TO THE MEAN GENE. The Cat is his guest. Cat will knock Gene out if he came out here to embarrass him. Gene has enough of this shit and leaves the interview. This is Cat's building and no one can beat him. Another fan jumps the rail and is tackled by security. It's actually CHUCK PALUMBO! Security let's him in the ring at the behest of Cat. He promptly gets kicked in the head. New stars debuting all over the place tonight.


Scott Steiner video airs. This is followed by an awful segue into Chucky. The announcers are talking about Chucky like it is a real being and might get involved in the Steiner matches.

Hypnosis/Hector Garza/El Dandy/Damian vs Chavo Guerrero Jr./La Parka/Ciclope/Lizmark Jr.

Here are the gifs. The gif. There wasn't much to this as La Parka SWERVED his partners to join the LWO.


Bret/Sting hype video. This seems like a bigger dream match than Bret vs Hogan. Who didn't want Bret vs Sting all through out the 90s?

Kanyon vs Scott Putski

Kanyon sure had a weird trajectory this year. Started out as Mortis, tried to join the Flock, Raven put him out for months. He comes back super serious and in disguises to attack Raven whenever possible. He stays dark and grumpy for months, then one day is besties with Raven and is the goofy Kanyon we all know and love. He does a face buster from the top, then does a snake eyes off the steps to the apron. Weird face buster and Flatliner for the win.


Scott Steiner vs Rick Steiner

Scotty talks about feeling pussy heat, fucking 3 bitches on a jet, and other such things. He calls out anyone, including nWo members or Vikings. Rick comes out and puts him in his place. He basically calls Scotty a pussy. This convinces Scott to have the match now, but only a fair fight. Rick says hell no and decks him with a mic. Scott is bleeding from the side of his head already. Low blow. A second low blow. He then gets a chair and hits Rick in the back of the leg. Buff runs out and grabs the chair. He swings it at Scott. Scott bails and WE'RE OUTTA TIME...for this segment.

Fit Finlay vs British Bulldog

UK EXPLODES! Hogan will face Whoreass tonight to prove something to Warrior. Bulldog is so bloated. His serious back injury happened a month ago, yet he's still wrestling and is actually on TV more in the last month than he had been in the prior 4. Finlay is a real asshole. It is lovely. The ref gets bumped. Alex Wright comes out to wake the ref up right as Finlay did the worst tombstone ever. Finlay wins and then lays Alex Wright out.

. Jericho and Ralphus are guests. Jericho is 3-0 against Greenberg. Goldberg isn't there tonight. On the go home show of Halloween Havoc? He starts shit talking DDP instead. "Get that fat old man away from me." DDP really has an issue with Ralphus. DDP challenges Jericho to a match tonight. "Get yourself some teeth."


TO THE BAR. Hall is at a bar in his full wrestling gear.

Tokyo Magnum vs Wrath

Wrath decimates this poor stripper.


Dancing Fools vs Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko

This was originally to be Silver King/Super Calo, but they gave their spots to the Horsemen. Bischoff came to the announce booth to get bitchy. He says the Horsemen and "those Mexicans" are working for free. Dean and Alex start. I think this feud is sponsored by Waffle House. Bischoff can't go two sentences without mentioning the place. This is Benoit's first match in many months. Snot rockets to Disco. Iron Crossface on Disco for the easy win.

TO THE BAR. Hall is talking with some ladies and stumbling around.

Chris Jericho vs DDP WCW Unified Television Championship

This was actually the very first match of the year on WCW TV. Jericho gets nailed with a lariatoo. Pancake Norton. Jericho gets back into it with a triangle dropkick. I think Jericho literally tried to face fuck DDP. It was too short to notice, but it sure looked like he thrust his dick right in DDP's face. Lionsault. DDP goes for the Kanyon Cutter. It is reversed into a back slide, then another, then a low blow. DDP hits a titlawhirl slam. Godlberg runs in the ring and spears Jericho. He goes for the jackhammer, but DDP stops it and Kanyon Cuts Jericho. BANG! Security and officials hit the ring to keep DDP and Goldberg apart.


. Hall is still drinking and telling stories at the bar.

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Rey came back and was apparently injured right away, since he was back for a few shows and then gone for months. He definitely doesn't deserve a title shot. They have a stand off. Pretty even match until Rey hits a rana. Kidman does a slingshot head scissors back into the ring. Rey tries to slide through Kidman's legs, gets caught, reverses a reverse suplex, and gets drilled with a dropkick. Rey hits a huge top rope crossbody. Wheelbarrow bulldog is countered into a suplex. Kidman gets dumped to the floor and appears to injure his knee. Back in the ring, he hits a Batista Bomb. Kidman goes for another powerbomb, but is dumped to the floor. Rey does a flip to the floor. They fight on the top. Kidman gets knocked on to the top. Rey hits a leg drop. They get into a strike battle. Kidman wins it. He misses a Superfly Splash. Rey goes back up. Flying teabag. Rey does his inverted Fameasser thing. BK Bomb. Tornado bulldog. SSP is blocked by crotching. Super rana. Kidman kicks out. Unprettier from Rey only gets 2. Rey goes up one time too many and gets caught with a dropkick. The bell rings. Time limit draw.


TO THE MEAN GENE. He brings out Mayor Belton. I can't tell if they're booing her or cheering her. I'm a little surprised that Minneapolis had a black woman as mayor. I guess I think of Minneapolis as super, super white. She brings out Kirby Puckett and another sports guy I don't know. She then introduces Ric Flair. It's now Ric Flair day. Bischoff comes out. The mayor gives him shit. The sports guys get in his face. Head of security says that Bischoff will be arrested again if he touches anyone in the arena, and that he also has active warrants in the area. We follow Bischoff all the way outside. His car is being towed.

Scott Norton/Stevie Ray/Scott Hall vs Kevin Nash/Lex Luger/Konnan

Hall is stumbling drunk. His partners are not pleased. Norton is wearing the IWGP Championship. Nash doesn't come out. We go TO THE BACK where we see Nash apparently drunk and stumbling himself. Wolfpack members are pissed at him when he finally makes it out. Neither team will let the drunk folks in the ring. So what happens is a terrible tag match. Hall and Nash then get in the ring and share their drinks. As it turns out, Nash's cup was empty. It was a SWERVE! He's stone cold sober! The match gets thrown out for some reason. No one was on the floor long enough to get counted out, there were no weapons, but the ref threw it out anyway. Tony didn't know why, either.


Hollywood Hogan vs Horace

Hulk won't let Horace get the Buffer treatment. I thought it was weird we didn't have a Hogan promo yet. "Shoot with this thing and tell the world what your real name is." They're blood. Blood. Blood. BLOOOOOOOODDDDDD. He wants the nWo to come out. He offers the shirt off of his back to Horace and won't give the WCW fans the sacrifice they wanted. Then he attacks Horace. Even the other nWo members think it is in bad taste. Chair shot. He then throws Horace off the stretcher as he's being taken out. Warrior runs out with what looks to be a foam baseball bat. He gets rid of the nWo as Hogan bails to the floor. Warrior decided to wear his wrestling gear for this, but not for his actual match last week. Chokeslam! Warrior gets spray painted. 2 leg drops. Crowd is not reacting to this at all. It's weird.

Bret Hart comes to the ring and calls Sting out. Bret wants to say hi to his one little fan out there: Smokey, his cat. Sting is the stupidist there ever was, the stupidist there ever is, and the stupidist there ever will be. Sting comes out, now with facial hair to go with his terrible red face paint.

Bret Hart vs Sting

This is an official match. 10 count punch in the corner from Sting. Sting dominates for a few minutes until he tries a Vader Bomb. Bret gets his knees up. Sting locks on the Deathlock and refuses to let go. I guess he's disqualified. The whole ref staff comes out to pull him off. The nWo eventually does it. Bret hobbles to the back. Well, this definitely didn't make me excited for their real match. I don't know what happened to the crowd, but they completely died after the mayor segment.

I think it is kind of weird they ran two of their PPV matches on the real go home show, even though they had non-finishes. It felt like they had told all the stories they had for these feuds, so this was just a holding pattern of a go home show.

My plan for the night is to watch Breaking Bad, skim through Thunder, and then do Halloween Havoc with a bottle of Crown Black.


There better be at least one WrassleGaf sign in the crowd tonight or your names are getting blued out in the hall of shame next month.


Was Hall stumbling around the bar a shoot?

I remember asking myself that when i watched it live.

I doubt it. I believe Hall has said he was never actually drunk on screen. Even WCW wouldn't have the guy actually get drunk and then get sent out to wrestle. It's not TNA we're talking about.
I doubt it. I believe Hall has said he was never actually drunk on screen. Even WCW wouldn't have the guy actually get drunk and then get sent out to wrestle. It's not TNA we're talking about.


I envy you going back and watching this slice of heaven. I hope that when future civilization visit us that they could one day sit and watch WCW 1995-1998, to know when man hit his peak in existence.


Yep, if Haven still keeps going and he needs to promote it. I enjoy Haven.
Did he get a bigger role on Haven? I watched Season 1 and 2 and really enjoyed it but never got around to Season 3. I caught a few episodes but wanted to wait till it was out on dvd/blu-ray.
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