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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World


I really dislike the Super Smash Brothers. I don't like that they're on every PWG card in prominent spots. I don't think they're very good or entertaining. Future Shock can suck it, too. There is room for only one MMA styled pro wrestler, and his name is J-E-Double F J-A-Double R-E-Double T. That's Jeff Jarrett.


I really dislike the Super Smash Brothers. I don't like that they're on every PWG card in prominent spots. I don't think they're very good or entertaining. Future Shock can suck it, too. There is room for only one MMA styled pro wrestler, and his name is J-E-Double F J-A-Double R-E-Double T. That's Jeff Jarrett.

I dunno, SSB have improved from what I have seen of them lately. I'm looking forward to that tag team ladder match. Also Future Shock was much better as a team than as singles competitors.


more money than God
I've counted 8 so far.
8 souls lost. Sheds tear.

I came home drunk as fuck on Friday night and at like 2 am that Scott Hall special report on ESPN was on, and you'd think it would have sobered me up but it just made me want to drink even more.


I came home drunk as fuck on Friday night and at like 2 am that Scott Hall special report on ESPN was on, and you'd think it would have sobered me up but it just made me want to drink even more.

was there new Scott Hall news that i missed? or just a replay of the doc from last year?


I'd much rather see Punk troll the shit out of Bret and Montreal than Shawn and Bret. They had their moment when Bret came back. It can't be topped. That story is finally over. Bret should make sure to wear this:


just in case.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
reposting since i posted it right before TNA PPV
WWE 13 NEwz,

-Smackdown 06 arena is in(big fist arena)
-interview specifically cites Ryback but doesn't confirm him
-Create-A-Arena has different sizes, so you can recreate something like Hammerstein
-'quick','normal', or 'epic' modes for matches. The idea here seems to be setting the scales so you can have a squash match, a 'tv mathc' or a 'big ppv match' time length so your guys isn't winded after 5 minutes, and you're more likely to kick out of finishers.
-WWE 13 has over 80 wrestlers on the disc, over 100 with planned dlc, so at least 20ish dlc characters
WWE '13 seems like it has the extras right, but the game mechanics make it no fun to actually play. It's like the same fucking game from a decade ago, even down to the awkward animation and graphics.
I really dislike the Super Smash Brothers. I don't like that they're on every PWG card in prominent spots. I don't think they're very good or entertaining. Future Shock can suck it, too.

Well, PWG have only really been pushing the SSB heavily these past few months, so I wouldn't say they're on every card in prominent spots...just the ones since March. Also, I can't help but disagree with you overall - the SSB are a ton of fun. Both the DDT4 finals and the match against the Bucks at Death to all But Metal are two of my favourite tag matches in any promotion this year. Pretty much the only thing I don't really like about the SSB is that Dos/Stupefied can't make his mind up as to what he should be called, and he doesn't wear the mask any more.

strobogo said:
There is room for only one MMA styled pro wrestler, and his name is J-E-Double F J-A-Double R-E-Double T. That's Jeff Jarrett.

Broke a thousand guitars...ah, you know the rest.

Jamie OD

WWE '13 seems like it has the extras right, but the game mechanics make it no fun to actually play. It's like the same fucking game from a decade ago, even down to the awkward animation and graphics.

Agreed. All of the content means nothing to me until they fix the damn engine. For every one thing I like in the games there are at least two things that I hate whether it is limitations, inaccuracies, bugs or just bad design.

Broke a thousand guitars...ah, you know the rest.

Watching his WCW run it was almost depressing seeing how much they tried to put over the guitar shots only for the fan rection to be luke warm at best.


Well, PWG have only really been pushing the SSB heavily these past few months, so I wouldn't say they're on every card in prominent spots...just the ones since March. Also, I can't help but disagree with you overall - the SSB are a ton of fun. Both the DDT4 finals and the match against the Bucks at Death to all But Metal are two of my favourite tag matches in any promotion this year. Pretty much the only thing I don't really like about the SSB is that Dos/Stupefied can't make his mind up as to what he should be called, and he doesn't wear the mask any more.

Broke a thousand guitars...ah, you know the rest.

I just don't like them. I've seen the shows and matches with the Young Bucks (who I similarly didn't care for until they turned heel) and I just don't get it. I watch PWG shows with a pretty open mind since they use a lot of unknown local talent that end up being pretty awesome. SSB just do nothing for me.

Watching his WCW run it was almost depressing seeing how much they tried to put over the guitar shots only for the fan rection to be luke warm at best.

His less than 2 year WCW run was somehow worse than his 4 year reign of terror in TNA. And his reign of terror was for sure worse than HHH's. But his 2007 through the end of last year was the best thing he's ever done. Southern Gentleman Babyface Double J? Awesome. Bischoff and Hogan making Double J be a janitor and short order cook? Awesome. Double M-A Double J? Awesome. Father of the Year Double J? Awesome. King of Mexico Double J? Awesome. I miss Double J now. He was so fun for the past 5 years after 7 or 8 of being one of the most annoying wrestlers on the planet.
I've seen the shows and matches with the Young Bucks (who I similarly didn't care for until they turned heel) and I just don't get it.

A good spotfest can be a lot of fun, and both the Bucks & SSB are excellent at delivering fast-paced, high-action spotfests. If that style's not for you, fair enough, but given the audience and PWG's propensity to lean toward more spotty indy wrestling, the SSB are a pretty good fit, imo.


Missed the PPV. Wanted to see the Aries and Gallows (?) match at the least. Guess I'll have to see later this week.

WWE '13 seems like it has the extras right, but the game mechanics make it no fun to actually play. It's like the same fucking game from a decade ago, even down to the awkward animation and graphics.
Yeah, the features and modes seem pretty cool. Maybe they'll lay the heck out of the pre-determined matches in RtWM stuff this go-round. But the core gameplay still lacks for the most part. They continue rewarding players who do the same punches, or same groggy grapples, or same run maneuvers, or same strikes over and over. Until that's fixed and they look at a proper stamina tune, it won't change much. And they need to put manual targeting in again. It's awful in anything above two people online.
Yeah, the features and modes seem pretty cool. Maybe they'll lay the heck out of the pre-determined matches in RtWM stuff this go-round. But the core gameplay still lacks for the most part. They continue rewarding players who do the same punches, or same groggy grapples, or same run maneuvers, or same strikes over and over. Until that's fixed and they look at a proper stamina tune, it won't change much. And they need to put manual targeting in again. It's awful in anything above two people online.

I must quickly express my rage at this, it wasn't until like 2010 that they made the counter for running grapples an actual move that could hurt your opponent, running grapples were hideously overpowered and I had a friend that would spam the hell out of them.
Of course it doesn't help that the process of pulling off the better grapple moves on human opponents is elaborate enough that there are multiple chances to counter and unlike WWF No Mercy the timing is complete piss to the point that one of the games (either 2010 or 2011) would let you just spam the counter button to great success.
SD/WWE series hasn't been truly good for versus multiplayer since like HCTP, I think that actually bothers me more than the shoddy gameplay.


A good spotfest can be a lot of fun, and both the Bucks & SSB are excellent at delivering fast-paced, high-action spotfests. If that style's not for you, fair enough, but given the audience and PWG's propensity to lean toward more spotty indy wrestling, the SSB are a pretty good fit, imo.

It's not that I don't enjoy a good spot fest, but the YB were having the same spot fest every show. The first few times I saw it, I was "holy shit" the whole time just like the crowd. But after 6 months of the same match, I stopped being interested in them. Then the crowd got sick of it, so they went heel and made everything better. They're way better as douchey fuck heads than neo-Hardys. They still over rely on certain spots (and superkicks, they do the multiple superkick spot multiple times per match), but I enjoy them much more as heels than face.
They're way better as douchey fuck heads than neo-Hardys. They still over rely on certain spots (and superkicks, they do the multiple superkick spot multiple times per match), but I enjoy them much more as heels than face.

Definitely, they make for great heels simply by virtue of how arrogant and douchy they look, but the superkick shit is too much for me. It's even worse than their over-choreographed spots, imo, especially in any match with Steen, because they just try and kick his damn head off and still don't get the 3-count.


So not worth it
Extremely forgettable PPV. Hardly anything of IMPACT (oh, dat pun!) happened, aside from Hardy winning BFG. No title changes, we're no further in the A&8's storyline, hardly any story progression.

And suddenly Zema Ion is around again, can't remember how long he's been on TV.

Roode vs. Storm is still a thing, I guess that was the most noticable thing aside from Hardy.


Extremely forgettable PPV. Hardly anything of IMPACT (oh, dat pun!) happened, aside from Hardy winning BFG. No title changes, we're no further in the A&8's storyline, hardly any story progression.

And suddenly Zema Ion is around again, can't remember how long he's been on TV.

Roode vs. Storm is still a thing, I guess that was the most noticable thing aside from Hardy.

While it may be forgettable, it was still an entertaining show. No match was unwatchable IMO. The PPV was always about the BFG finals anyway, everything else was secondary.
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