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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World


F4Wonline.com reported early this morning that former WWE Champion John Bradshaw Layfield had been contacted by WWE and they reached an agreement for him to work commentary for Night of Champions and tomorrow's RAW.


I will watch raw again after two weeks :(
damn you WWE and your real charismatic superstars.


So not worth it
JBL on commentary will be great.

Probably a better choice then cock teasing with JR on commentary for one night only again.

You know, I believe JR himself is as much to "blame" forhim notbeing on commentary as anyone. I get the feeling he doesn't want to do fulltime commentary anymore. Could be me, but I don't believe it's all about Vince being a dick and not wanting his paralysed face on TV. Might be a part of it, but te whole story? Don't believe it.



d'awwwwwwwwwww shit


Hopefully heel Cole is gone for good now. It's been pretty phased out lately, but has his moments.

He hasn't done his heel stuff in ages. In fact, he's been dropping truth bombs on all of Lawler's crap.

In fact, this will sound crazy but...

Cole has been awesome lately.

You heard me.


So not worth it
He hasn't done his heel stuff in ages. In fact, he's been dropping truth bombs on all of Lawler's crap.

In fact, this will sound crazy but...

Cole has been awesome lately.

You heard me.

I agree actually. Esp. On Smackdown and the two Raw's where Lawler was off due to his feud with Punk.

Lawler needs to stay away. He's too old and doesn't enjoy it nearly as much. Stay home, have sex with the 23-year old he married and occasionally do a segment on Raw like the Roddy Pipers of the WWE Universe. That's his role now.
Also, make awesome comics for Image or something.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
JBL on Raw omg

Wasn't it JBL on Raw when Cena introduced the spinner belt?



Cena debuted the Spinner the Smackdown after WM21. It came down from the sky. JBL took possession of the old Unified title belt and called himself champion. I believe JBL still has it. (storyline wise)

It's all fair since JBL blew up the US title spinner belt


So not worth it
Cena was awesome on Raw last Monday. Take your overly negativity elsewhere Hertog, we're in a happy place.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I'm telling you

guest commentary would be great for the rest of the year (through Wrestlemania)

Every week someone new shows up

You could have Cole call matches with:

Mark Madden
Joey Styles
Roddy Piper
Tony Schiavone
Scott Hudson
Mike Adamle
Ric Flair
Charlie Sheen
Vince McMahon
Trish Stratus
That guy from Limp Bizkit



So not worth it
Would you want to see Cena win?

We've had 9 months of Punk as champion. If the feud continues and Cena stays in serious mode until Punk defeats him next month or at Survivor Series. Yeah, I wouldn't hate it.

I only hate smiling "I don't even give a shit" Cena. Serious Cena is actually quite entertaining.


So not worth it
Cena did a classic cena promo where he rambles about noething. Just cuz he screamed loud does not mean it was great

Not true. He had some great points, like saying that the only time in the past year Punk made the most noise was when they silenced his mic and the only change Punk made was to launch himself into the main event after which everything remained the same.

That was good stuff, and true as well. I can't hate that just because "Cena sucks lol."


Not true. He had some great points, like saying that the only time in the past year Punk made the most noise was when they silenced his mic and the only change Punk made was to launch himself into the main event after which everything remained the same.

That was good stuff, and true as well. I can't hate that just because "Cena sucks lol."


Cena sucks lol but he had a good promo last week.


Cena was awesome on Raw last Monday. Take your overly negativity elsewhere Hertog, we're in a happy place.

more like normal, more like a little bit tolerable
Punk dumbed down (like the Rock and wrist notes), and Cena looked somewhat good.
He still makes wrestling predictable and dumb.

His moves always look, like he tries NOT to hurt his opponent, his music is horrible, his gimmick is non-existent and bland (Cena wins lol). He's popular because he never gives up and doesn't take shortcuts.

And he got it all handed on a silver platter because Vince loved his "look"

He can't act, he can't rap, he can't wrestle. He should be put in a purple dinosaur outfit because the only thing he does right is entertain children.

"kiss my ass, this guy sucks"

sorry for the stupid rant.....
Ok so I've been away from wrestling since that shitty Summerslam PPV.. And now I see that Sheamus's "Brogue Kick" is banned.. Talk about a retarded angle, how did that come about?

And what matchups are there on today's PPV other than Cena/Punk?

And yeah Hertog you're pretty much right, but I still like when Cena had Freddie Foxx in his "Chain Gang", that was pretty cool as was the "Bad Man" video.


Ok so I've been away from wrestling since that shitty Summerslam PPV.. And now I see that Sheamus's "Brogue Kick" is banned.. Talk about a retarded angle, how did that come about?

And what matchups are there on today's PPV other than Cena/Punk?

Because he needs a submission finisher like Cena


And he all got it handed on a silver platter because Vince loved his "look"

Saying Cena was handed the top spot on a silver platter is ridiculous. He cuts a better promo than 95% of the roster, he works harder than anyone else, is no where nearas bad in the ring as people make him out to be and got himself over. The company only got really behind him after he started getting over big with the fans.


Well Brock leaving helped Cena out immensely, but the whole Thuganomics gimmick got him over big time. It was actually fresh and unique and entertaining.

Then when he got big as a Marine face, he got staaaaaaale. :(
Despite being told the shirt was indeed a real thing only now am I accepting that "Rise Above Cancer" is an actual thing, cool I guess? seems like a cheap pop but oh well.
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