Except for Fox, I don't think there were many, at least here, who minded the idea of Reigns as the top face, so much as they resented the timing and implementation - even as the Brock/Reigns match ended up being fucking awesome, despite the legendarily bad buildup. I'm actually pretty into Reigns at the moment, when he's not talking, for the reason stro gave in his Night of Champions review - he's really good at thinking of different, creative ways to set up his signature spots so that they're always variety somewhere with him. He also got more interesting when he started stiffing people a little bit, because he LOOKS like someone who should be hitting hard and often, not someone who should be doing bad strength spots with Kane and/or Big Show.
As for the merch, given WWE's history of slyly making and marketing merch at levels asynchronous with consumer demand, based on whose profile they want to raise or lower at a given moment, I don't totally trust that the #2 spot is as meaningful as it might seem on the surface, though obviously it shows that Reigns IS taking with the core audience to at least some extent, which is great news.